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Posts posted by Conodo12

  1. Thanks Jasen -

    I wish they would have solicited a little help from their user base - I know an engineer that could have put the CyberQ II software on an embedded web server. This would have added very little to the size of the unit (if at all) and the software would be a web-based client accessible without jumping through any hoops. A touch more work and WiFi could have been built in too!

    Just the same, I truly wish the best for the BBQGuru guys. They are a great bunch and I enjoy their products -

  2. Yup - that is consistent with what I am finding. A bit of a difference in the early stages of the cook and virtually no difference (literally none) once the KK is heat soaked. Guess I'll have to experiment with the time of the year to figure out how long the KK takes to get heat soaked.... Just one more reason to move to a warmer client - more consistent temps on the KK without the Northeast winter variable! :lol::lol: Thanks FM!

  3. So guys, I heat soaked my KK to 237 degrees for about 5 hours while doing some ribs this past weekend (I know, no pics, but just look in my history there are LOTS of ribs). Anyway, I watched the TelTru on the dome very closely, I watched my DigiQ II very closely, and I watched a thermometer inside the KK very closely. All read 237 degrees and stayed there rock steady after about the 2 1/2 hour mark. There were variations at the beginning of the cook. It is also still chilly here so it took a bit of time to heat soak the KK. However, once it was all dialed in there was no temperature variation between the dome Tel Tru, DigiQ II, or thermometer inside the KK. Does this negate the need to put things on the top rack? The space is rather finite inside the KK. Once the KK is heatsoaked, I don't think it matters where the food is... Thoughts? Thx!

  4. Great pics Robby! I like the stone work on that KK - very original!

    So I get that the first pics were of the ribeyes (may favorite by the by) that you mentioned earlier. Wasn't 100% sure about the next cut of meat but I did notice that there weren't any more pictures of the dogs.... er... you know to each his own and the KK is exotic but... er, just where are the dogs Robby?!?!? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

    Oh, whew - I see where you mentioned that you cooked up some pork tenderloins - dogs must be safe!! :lol::lol::lol:

    Thanks for the pics and welcome aboard again!!!

  5. Gerard - Effectively, pig candy is jerky for those with a huge sweet tooth! That being said I think if you vacuum seal the pig candy, put wax paper between layers to avoid everything becoming one sticky glob, you should be alright. Just to be safe, you may want to consider FedEx overnight. You save on the trouble of keeping it cold, but pay a bit more in shipping...

  6. There is no greater feeling than waiting on a new toy - Especially when that toy is a KK!!

    Congratulations on your decision - It will repay you many times over!

    Now the hard part... the waaaaiiiitttttiiiiinnnngggg.... I have one suggestion that does help to pass the time, start buying your toys, accessories, cover, etc. while you wait. You'll want them all the day your new KK arrives anyway!

  7. I was all set to bet money that the CyberQ II would have an "A" type receptacle. That would accommodate the "A" Type plug that is most commonly used. However, after carefully reading BBQ Bob's reply posted here:

    "We are working with 30-40 ft. USB to Mini USB cables for a wired connection."

    It appears that the connector at the bottom of the CyberQ II will be a mini-usb receptacle. That may make things a bit more challenging when trying to create a wireless connection. :?

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