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Posts posted by Conodo12

  1. What the pimp monkey said!

    I'll only add - I very much enjoy a Tennessee dry rubbed rib too! No sauce at all! Check out BBQ across this great land - there are a lot of different nuances that reflect the area of the country that you are eating. However, none of these great places consider dogs and burgers BBQ! :lol:

  2. Per FM's note - you really should not add the meat until your smoke wood has burned off that initial white puffy smoke. Many will tell you that white smoke leads to a bitter smoke taste on the finished product.

    Light your fire, add your smoke wood and let that smoker slowly get to your desired temp. In about a half hour or so, you should be at 225 - 240 for your low and slow and a blue almost translucent smoke emitting from your smoker. That's what you are looking for! Your meat will have a smoke flavor to it that complements the flavor of the meat as opposed to over-powering the meat.

    Sanny, as for your guy - well, there's one in every crowd.... :lol:

  3. Easy Ses - you have to understand that you have been a welcome member on this forum for 2 1/2 years. I am sure the response you got was one of surprise and just checking to see if you were kidding -

    To answer your question - In a word Yes! As an example both my parents and my wife's parents love to shop at Costco (don't we all! :lol: ) They used to buy pork tenderloins that came in packs of 12 or 16 cut into thick chops. When they cooked these on their gassers, they got dried out as the cuts of meat are so lean. Even in the oven they did not have much luck. So they all decided that it was the meat that was the culprit and gave up on buying them. That's just about the time my wife exclaimed that we buy them all the time and cook them on the KK and they come out juicy and tender! My father-in-law has since tried them from the KK and could not believe it could be the same cut of meat!

    Dennis has created a product that locks in the heat and the moisture. I believe you have a ceramic, correct? Are you finding that the food comes off moist on your cooker?

  4. Hey FM - I know I read where you just use the Grill Floss to "knock off whatever is left from the last cook" - So, how is it that those grates look so good?!?!? My GF is used every time after a cook and I don't get those results!

    As for the videos - Superb job! It really felt like you invited us into your backyard just to have a look at the KK and get familiar with it. Great job on the part of the interviewer and camera work too! :smt023:smt023

  5. Roy, first Congratulations on the new KK!

    Now, go shopping. It is the best way to pass the time while waiting for your KK IMHO. Get some Jammies from John, Rotis, Guru or Stoker, BBQ Gloves - 1 pair for food handling and 1 set of welder's gloves for lighting the KK and handling hot grates. Go get some spice rubs, sauces, thermapen, etc. Buy these things over the next few weeks so that they trickle in and keep you entertained while you wait for your new KK. Of course, rearrange all of your landscaping so that you can showcase your new KK too! :lol:

  6. Keith - this is one for Dennis.

    I can tell you this in hopes that it will help -

    1) Your inducer tube is the right one and the correct length. Snap ring is where it belongs.

    2) I can get my lock ring on my inducer tube about two to three threads down the threaded end.

    3) I think you got a "thicker" KK. (just a guess)

    Again, Dennis will have to take this one. Outside of gently tapping some of the mortar off of the inside the KK to expose more threads, I don't know what to tell you. Of course you could just use silicon to glue the inducer tube into place, but that defeats the purpose of the threaded inducer tube...


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