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Posts posted by Conodo12

  1. Digi-Q for KK

    So I like the guys at BBQ Guru and will help them out on this one...

    First, the best way to contact the folks at the BBQ Guru is to call. Ask for Shotgun Fred or BBQ Bob. I typically deal with Bob. You can contact them here: 1-800-288-GURU (4878)

    The BBQ Guru

    357 Ivyland Road

    Warminster, PA 18974-2205

    Email: [email protected]

    Or, just order what you want. They ship worldwide so that should not be an issue. Here is a link to the inducer tube that will work on your KK:

    http://secure.thebbqguru.com/ProductCar ... roduct=207

    Now, simply order your DigiQ II or whichever powerdraft control that you like best and you will be all set!

  2. I see a lone piece of steak by itself in the pic "After the flip" - Do I detect a chef's taste? :D

    Great looking cook FM! The wife and I did just lobster for Valentine's Day but being from the Northeast, our tails went into the pot for a good steamin'! I haven't had grilled lobster since I was in the Indian Ocean territory about, well, many years ago. You've got me motivated to try it on the KK! Thanks for the pics!

  3. Call me a traditionalist - I like the guru port out just a bit. Also, it can't hurt to have the fan just a bit further away from the fire, right?

    Love the guru hanger! If you don't have a guru, maybe Dennis can manufacture an option that will attach to the hanger and provide a place to hang other tools like the Grill Floss or other BBQ toys/tools??

  4. I'm going to defer to John to tell us what temperature the material (Sunbrella) can handle before damage occurs. For me, I wait until I can touch all surfaces, including the draft door and rear door, before putting on the cover. It may be "hot" to the touch but not so much that it would burn or singe the material.

  5. Hmmmm... Sounds like it may be time for a calibration. However, before doing so, find out which temperature device is closest to being accurate. I grabbed a thermometer from my kitchen drawer that was older but uses good ol' mercury to reflect the temp. I brought a small pot of water (about 5 inches deep) to a rolling boil and proceeded to checking my Tel-Tru and Guru against the mercury thermometer. As we all know, water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit at normal atmospheric pressure. My mercury thermometer read closer to 214 but why split hairs. I know it was close. [*Important* - when checking the temperature of the boiling water, you must use a pan clip or rig something so that the temp probe is in the water but not touching any of the sides or bottom of the pan.] My results showed that my Guru was damn close to spot on. My Tel-Tru was just a bit high but turning the calibration nut got it perfect. To test out my newly calibrated toys, I inserted my Tel-Tru where it belongs on my KK. I then clipped my guru pit probe to the Tel-Tru probe about half-way up the post. There is an indention on the Tel-Tru about 1 3/4" from the tip of the probe. The folks at Tel-Tru tell me that portion of the probe is used to check the temp. So, at the end of my experiment my Tel-Tru and Guru now come in within a few degrees of one another and often times reflect the same temp when reading temps at the same location. The difference between the Main grate temp and the Dome temp is about 7 to 10 degrees give or take. It is not a difference of 50 to 75 degrees as you are finding. Also, I think it is important to note that when I did a comparison of the temps between the grate temp and the dome I did NOT have a heat deflector installed. Also, my temps were rock-solid for at least an hour before I started taking measurements.

    I hope this helps! Just for kicks, I'll take a new measurement this weekend as my last calibration was in November.

    One last note - when I had my Stumps Smoker, which is a large cabinet style indirect smoker, we were advised to bake some rolls on each shelf to get an idea of the difference in temps between the bottom and top shelves. There were 5 shelves in my unit so I baked a-lot of rolls. This little experiment also helped to locate "hot spots" in the cooker. It would be interesting to cook up some rolls on the main grate and on the upper-grill to determine just how much faster the rolls on the top level baked if at all... On the Stumps, the bottom shelf cooked the fastest (closest to the heat) and the top shelf was slower. However, even though there was about 48 inches difference from the bottom to the top, the temp sway was not very much. I suspect the temp difference in the KK would be less due to the close proximity of the two shelves. So go bake some rolls and find out!

  6. I don't see any ingredients that would require that the sauce be kept in the refrigerator - Do you guys keep the sauce in the fridge or just in the cabinet between cooks? Also, have you tried preparing the sauce on the stove top to quicken the dissolving process? If so, does it change the taste? Thanks!

  7. How do you typically prepare your fresh bacon?

    tcoliver - per your question above, Dave answered it for me! (He just didn't realize it) We prepare our fresh bacon (fresh side) just like Dave said. The only thing that compares to the fresh side in the morning with eggs over easy would be some trout fresh from the stream! :D

  8. I like your format Jeff:

    Meat: Turkey Breast

    Brine: Salt, sugar, apple cider vinegar for ~24 hours

    Fuel: KK Extruded Coconut

    Smoke: Applewood Smoke Pellets

    Method: Indirect, Main Grill, with basting

    Rotisserie: No

    Pit Temp: 325

    Final Temp: 160

    Time: About 3 hours

    Draft Control: Stoker

    My only suggestion would be to change "Final Temp" to "Pull Temp" or maybe "Final Cook Temp". Not sure... have to think on it...

    The turkey looked great! And although you might have leftovers, you could always purchase the turkey breast for you and a turkey leg or two for the wife -

  9. tcoliver wrote:

    This is fresh pork bacon not cured so most people don't like it as well.

    My wife's personal favorite for breakfast is uncured bacon. I have to roll out to a farmer's market to get it for her. Too bad you don't live closer, we'd buy from you!!

    However, you gave me a great idea. All that cured bacon would be a bit overkill for my taste but the Bacon Explosion with a lattice of "fresh side" (uncured bacon in our parts) bacon might get me to try this! Thanks!

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