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Posts posted by Conodo12

  1. Jeff - Thanks for providing the link to the thread regarding the Grillfloss. After reading about the positive customer care that DJ and FM received, I decided to seek out a reseller and order one for myself. A little googling later and I found the Grillfloss for $4.98 :D

    Yes, you read that right! A brand new Grillfloss for $4.98! You can get yours here:


    That deal was so good, I had to order one for my brother!

    Get 'em while they last!

  2. Hang in there Roy!

    You'll be welcome in this forum regardless of which cooker you decide to go with. However, take a look at the KK's on special - You might be pleasantly surprised!

    Also, feel free to either PM Dennis or hit him with an email. He may have an unadvertised special for you. I think you'll find the customer service to be top rate!

    Take care,


  3. Hi Larry - That brisket does look good!

    Perhaps someone else can chime in here but I thought that the "point" of the brisket usually came up to temp faster than the "flat". Going on, I thought the point was removed and typically chopped before serving. Many people seem to use the bark from the point in baked beans. With the point removed, the flat comes up to temp and is then sliced for serving. Is this correct?


  4. Hi Dennis - Just saw your post regarding the roti mod so I assume you are back home safe and sound? How was the trip back? Also, how did Isla enjoy the trip? Does she travel well? Those long flights are enough to get the best of anyone let alone a little one like her! :)

  5. Jeff makes a great point! The choice of several different tile patterns, and even the choice of a 19.5" or 23" grill will give you lots of flexibility. Plus, just look at the tile choices:


    Tell her she can have her pick! Sure beats the few color choices of the GD. Not too mention, the GD just went up in price so that will help close the gap! Lastly, your wife won't be knocking over a KK any time soon. Very heavy grill and built to last a lifetime! More of an investment than anything else!

    Welcome to the forum!

    (can you tell we love our KK's?) ;)

  6. Re: Not the quality of the meat that dictates searing or low

    he told wild stories of contestants before large competitions going to huge meat packing places and fondling meat for hours to get the perfect pieces..

    And I ask you, how does getting one's inner-self all worked up by fondling pieces in a meat packing plant have anything to do with winning a BBQ contest?!?!?! :lol::lol::lol::lol:;)

  7. C'mon, a couple of KK's, some beer, and some light-hearted customers will make us a success! Just ask the owner of the Heart Attack Grill!





    I truly do not mean to offend anyone. This is my first attempt at posting pics and I HAD to experiment with something!!!


    Seriously, has anyone visited this place??? How was it?!?!

  8. Re: Rib Racks as an art form?

    Got a little carried away taking shots of the new rib rack..

    What can I say? I have a beautiful rack!


    Unsigned Stainless copies now available for $78.]

    Hey Dennis, how much for a signed rack?!? We eat some ribs around this house so a rib rack is a necessity! I did email you the request but I thought I would remind you here! ;)

  9. "A little smoke will escape from the lid on the right hand side but very very little not enough to mess with the temperatures"

    Larry, a leak is a leak. You want to create an environment where air from below the coals is the only air coming into the smoker and the only exhaust is from your damper top. This way, there are only two variables to manually control when dialing in your temperatures. If smoke is escaping from your lip, you can rest assured that air is being sucked in as well.

    The good news is that with a lid adjustment you could be all fixed up. Use the dollar bill test to ensure you have a good seal. Worse case, you may have to play with your seals once you are sure that the adjustment in the lid is ideal.

    One other tip - The Stoker or Guru can mask this issue. Because you have the bottom draft being completely controlled by the power-draft, and your top damper is just barely cracked, it will overcome SOME imperfection in the lid seal. You will see smoke coming out of the lip a bit more aggressively with the power-draft, but the fan usually can compensate for very minor leaks. This will get you to your desired lo 'n slo temp. as long as you don't over light your fire from the beginning.

    Let us know how you make out!

  10. OK, I don't suppose that there are too many drinkers on this forum but for the few of you that do imbibe, you might want to try this favorite:


    One can of Lemonade or Limeade concentrate (12 oz.) (I like Lemonade)

    One can of water (yes, use the empty Lemonade/Limeade can) ;)

    One beer (typically 12 oz.) Experiment with the beer but I find a pilsner or light pilsner usually works well!

    1 can of vodka (you guessed it, use the same can! 12 oz.)

    Stir well and add ice. Pour into ice filled glass.

    You're done! Or... just keep doing the four steps above until you have the amount you need for your party! Make extra and the party will keep going!!! :lol:

    One variation you can try if you like a sweeter drink - substitute the 12 oz. can of water with 12 oz. of Sprite, 7 Up, (insert your favorite lemon-lime soda here)...

    Enjoy! (and let me know what you guys think)

  11. My guesses would be the following -

    I agree with you on point #1 - not the Rancher

    Maybe started with too much lit. Scale back to 3 or 4 lit and let it come up to temp slowly.

    Too fast.

    I think the heat sink is fine. It is actually more of a deflector. I'd have to see a pic to be certain.

    Finally, check your cooker for any air leaks. In particular, make sure the bottom seals up air tight with the exception of your draft adjustment. Seems like there may be a leak somewhere. Double check your lid by using the dollar bill test. Close your lid on a dollar bill at the back, right of your cooker. Now pull out the bill. It should pull out with some resistance. Continue the complete distance around your lid with this test to check for gaps. If you can slide that bill around in any spot, you need to make a lid adjustment to get her tightened down.

    Hope this helps! :)

  12. And it has been a long strange trip, just check out my post here:


    Scroll down to the sixth post and you can read part of my saga as I searched for my favorite backyard smoker and grill.

    Well I have mixed emotions as I report that I have sold my Stumps. Yup, that makes three smokers in my possession and back out since the Spring of this year! :lol::lol: Gotta laugh. Funny thing is, I got it right the first time! I just didn't know it!

    Well, I am back (or soon will be) as a Komodo owner. Dennis has a Gen 2.2 on the order docket for me and my glass black beauty will arrive in October with the next shipment. The long and short of it is, I started with a KK, then moved into a Caldera Tall Boy, then into a GF-223P Stumps, and now back into the latest Komodo Kamado. What did I find? Same thing that I mentioned in my post from above, "The KK does it all. Bake, Sear, Rotis, Grill, Low 'n Slow, Smoke, Make Jerkey (even roast coffee?!?!) - everything! And it is insulated so you can cook during the Northeastern winters.".

    It's nice to be home again. Thanks Dennis!

    I should also mention that this KK will be a keeper. That being the case, I have ordered a cover from Johnnyboy. John has been great throughout the order process and I look forward to my "jammies" almost as much as I look forward to my new KK!

    I should also mention that my old KK did not go far. My brother has it now and laughs as I look at it longingly when I visit his house! :roll::lol:

    Pictures of the unloading, uncrating, placement, and first cooks will be forthcoming! Stay tuned! :D


    Here's the link to my new KK!


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