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Posts posted by Conodo12

  1. That fresh ham should be coming off that cooker anytime now! I'm looking forward to seeing some pics! :D

    Also, I like how the beer is strategically placed next to the remote thermometer! Is that a Yuengling Lager in that glass?

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Dennis - I think "taking it up a few notches" is an understatement in this case. When you think of the beautiful works of tiled art that could be duplicated on the KK, you really take the artwork of the KK to a new level entirely. :D

    I am eager to see what you and this artist create on the KK. You may set yourself up for an entirely new niche market!! 8)

  3. Hi All,

    Well, I don't know if Taylor Gifts actually delivered on a single Grill Floss. Sorry about that - if it is any consolation, I didn't get mine either. For kicks I was looking for good prices on these again and found a deal at, where else? - The Grill Floss website:

    GrillFloss Buddy Special - Buy 2 & Save !

    Give the gift of a clean grill to a friend and save 50% on second tool.

    ( You save $10.00 ) $29.97

    Hey, that's $15 a tool - not too shabby and if you have problems you won't have any issues with returns! Hope this helps! Oh, and if anyone needs any starter fuel for their upcoming cooks, you can have any one of several Taylor Gift catalogs that I have received lately!! :roll::lol:

  4. Larry - I should have taken a closer look at the pic titled "Pit Ready". It appears that you are using your ceramic smoker as a hybrid stick smoker in the pic! ;) I have been advised that the wood used for smoking should be no larger than a baseball. Typically, I think you can get away with 3 or 4 baseball sized chunks of smokewood and get the flavor that you are after. Also, as not to waste the smokewood, you may want to consider getting your pit up to your desired temp and then adding the smokewood. Let the white billowy smoke clear until you have a grey-blue, almost transparent smoke coming from your cooker. Now add your meat and proceed. I think you will find that you will get a cleaner smoke flavor and avoid any bitter taste associated with the white smoke.

    Nice looking cook! It appears that things ended well even though you had some issues with the fire. That's a sign of an experienced cook! :)

  5. But for tonight' date=' there's a centercut pork roast w/bone in my oven. Oh, the stress of making a mistake & having to eat it. At least it was a one meal chicken. [/quote']

    Please tell me that by "oven" you do mean the KK!!!

  6. Welcome Chris!

    It's customary to post pictures of your cooker and offer to have people stop by and see it. While we are there we might as well sit back and have you show us some of the things you like to cook on your new KK! Don't worry, a couple of us will bring beer! ;)

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