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Posts posted by Conodo12

  1. Hi Guys,

    Thought I would share a pic of my first cook with you:


    This rack of spares was already cut into and a few were eaten before I remembered to take a pic! Sorry, it's been some time since we sat down to ribs and we were ravenous for them!!

    Gotta give a disclaimer - this was not actually my first cook on my new KK. I actually made baked eggs and ham that morning and tore into those as well! Sorry no pics :oops: but I will be making those again!

  2. Hi Paul,

    Did you get that front knob swapped out? Just curious because I had to tighten a vent knob once and it was not welded. There are two nuts holding it on the vent assembly. If you take those off, the knob and vent will come off the main door. Use a pair of vise grips to hold the threads coming out from the knob (being careful not to damage your threads! Use a cloth wrapped around the threads then apply the vise grips.) Now just unloosen the knob from the thread. You'll see that there are very fine machine threads on one half of the post and coarse wood threads on the other side. Once you have the post separated from the original knob, screw on the one from U2! Post a pic so we can check it out!

  3. Hi Guys,

    I got the new GenII.2 KK all unpacked and noticed a new little nicety - Check this out:

    See the two holes inside the base of the KK?


    They are used to hold this adjustable height assembly which supports the bottom of the optional gas assembly:


    Here it is with the optional gas assembly in place:


    Just for fun - Here is my new KK! Below that is a pic of the first lighting!



    My wife was able to take that last pick with a Nikon D80 and used a delayed shutter speed. Sorry guys, I don't have any more details than that; my wife is the shutterbug! And yes, that is Komodo Sustainable coal that I am lighting. I let the grill bake at 275 overnight (just because) and woke up the next morning with it sitting rock solid on 275. No Guru or Stoker, just the bottom vent and top damper adjusted. Ribs go on later today. Chances are this KK won't get a chance to fully cool down all weekend as I will be playing with it the whole time!


  4. That does look awesome! Bet it tasted great too!

    I wonder if keeping just a bit of water in the pan would allow for the drippings to collect without getting dark? I'll be KK'n a turkey like this soon and will give it a try. I'm thinking about the drippings for gravy of course! :D

  5. My Black on Black GenII.2 is finally home!


    A little KK Coal goes a long way...


    A pink riboon?


    Oh, that ribbon points you to this guy - (that's the crowbar for freeing the KK! ;) )


    We'll be loosening up these lag bolts and lifting the crate right off the pallet base. I'll save the crowbar for breaking down the crate!


    Some useful information - If you like the metric system that is...


    As luck would have it, it is a rainy day here in Central PA. That will not deter me! My brother ( a fellow KK'er) is coming over in a bit to help me get my new KK out of that crate and get him fired up! More pics to come and hopefully some videos!


    Here is my new KK!


  6. Got the Call...

    My Black Beauty will be here tomorrow between the hours of 9am and 11am EST! CAN NOT WAIT!!! :smt040

    By the by Tucker I thought about what you said and depending on how much you eat and drink, it might be a worthwhile trade! :lol::lol: At least there would be two Komodo chefs in the house! Then again, my wife would have us both out the door and be on the phone laughing with your wife 5 minutes later! :(

  7. Nice looking thighs! (Where else but on a BBQ forum can one man say that to another and not worry about getting slugged!) :lol:

    Our local meat dept. has thighs on sale right now for .50 lb. You can get a 40lb. case of thighs for $20! I'll be trying out your method soon!! :D

  8. I think you are right on at 195 if you believe the pork will be sitting for a few hours. If you wrap it up good (and I know you will!) and place it in an insulated cooler, it will continue to break down the fats and collagen making for a great pulled pork! Please make sure you take the temperature at several places on the butt.

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