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Everything posted by Papa

  1. Papa

    Lid Falling Apart

    Lid Falling Apart Looks like the lip is broken all the way to left of picture. The scratch in the cooker seems to be pushed from left to right. Could the lid have fallen? Papa
  2. http://www.clamptitetools.com/home.html This is the best tool I have. In fact I have a small one and a large one. Better than one size fits all. Nice for making cooking gadgets etc. I have no connection to this company other than being a customer. Papa
  3. Sam's has it was $1.96 last week in Pensacola. You have the name correct. Papa
  4. I'll try that one on the boss.
  5. Where I am here in FL every other corner is selling 18X20 double metal carports installed for $795. Has anyone tried this for a "Cook Shack"? Papa
  6. I have raised nine kids and this is my second marriage. I reminded her of this and mentioned she knows which are hers and which are mine. Then just stated that after all these years raising kids, Hell I deserve it. Papa Happy cooking
  7. https://www.godaddy.com/gdshop/holiday/independence2008/playmovie.asp?isc=gdp0702 Takes a while to get started. Papa
  8. Papa

    Newbie Questions

    Re: Newbie Questions Would be nice if Dennis would make us a 2 piece soot rake. Example: 1- Handle 3/8 x 18 inches with counter sunk screw hole in one end. 2- Flat piece of metal 1 1/2 x 4 inches (with screw hole in center) Papa
  9. Jasen See if you can to get Dennis to post the Thai way to cook chicken under a bucket. Papa
  10. Case of Bud worked for me.
  11. Papa


    Save the pan cost and up-grade now. The Gen II Ultimate is Papa
  12. Papa


    Re: Paella The KK stainless drip pan works great for Paella pan. 5-7 servings. Happy Q'ing Papa
  13. #2 It was in the first part of January, 1848, when the gold was discovered at Coloma, CA. Coloma is my suggestion for #2.
  14. Re: Expecting tomorrow Very politely, and it's usually a good idea to buy them dinner first. I find flowers and chocolate are not necessary, however. Of course, if you don't call when you say you will, your butt is charcoal. Just friendly advice. Friendly is good.
  15. Thanks Sanny, quick of you and appreciated.
  16. Re: Expecting tomorrow Jason, Sorry about the left off name. Hopefully all will be better.
  17. Re: Expecting tomorrow Butt it will be. Going Butt hunting tonight. Am not computer smart, but will try pictures after Albino Komodo is finished with first meal. How do you sex these things?
  18. The "Albino Komodo" will be delivered tomorrow, thanks to Dr. Dennis and his assistants. I am open to any and all usage suggestions, well most anyhow. The Misses says seeing that I have it I should learn to use it. The many post here made my decision on which team to join. Your comments sure helped this old boy (72) Thanks to all. Dennis you are the greatest. You and your product are proof that the old ways are not dead. Thank you for being you. Papa
  19. Smoked Fsh google Mother Earth News and search smoke fish. Select "SMOKE YOUR WAY TO INDEPENDENCE! (PART 2)" Happy Q
  20. Anyone ever use Dales seasoning? Have used Dales for years. Mix equal size bottles of Dales, Crystal Hot Sauce, and Worcestershire. (Get bottle sizes as close as you can- not rocket science) Works great on most things. Papa
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