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Boom Boom

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Everything posted by Boom Boom

  1. Has anyone tried the 500 degree oven method for prime rib in their KK? You’re supposed to bring your oven to 500 degrees then cook the prime rib at 500 for 5 minutes per pound then turn your oven off and DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR for 2 hours. It’s supposed to come out perfect at 125 internal. I’m thinking about doing this on my BB 32 but wondering if I will over cook it using this method. I will be using a MEATER probe but I don’t want it to be done too early. Looking for advice. Thanks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. First pig for us. 41lbs ( no idea what that is in kilos) for a group of 20 people. Wasn’t sure if it was going to fit on my 32BB but Patsy Swine (that’s what we named her)fit very comfortably. She first got a nice bath. She was playing coy and not showing her girlie bits, then on to the smoker for a nice warm smoky sauna. Some of those gathered couldn’t look Patsy in the eye so we had to cover her eyes with her own skin. Please don’t think Silence of The Lambs of me though. Overall she was a success although she might have needed to go about 10 or 15 degrees more but it was getting late and the hordes were getting hungry. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Did some quick pork steaks and I picked some Apricot wood for smoking. I also scored some Persimmon wood as well. We did the pork steaks with the Apricot and it was very good. I would call it it subtle. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Forrest I’m going to sound like an old man here but here is something that I thought of because of your young age. It looks like your in your first home. This will not be your last home but this KK will be with you the rest of your life. You may want to save the base and the top/ramp of the shipping crate so that you can easily move this to your next home. I’m amazed that someone your age has taken this leap but I’m very excited for you. When I bought my KK I did ask my son what color he liked since he would inherit it at some point. His answer was wise beyond his years when he said Cobalt pebble instead of tile. He’s just a chip off the ole block I guess. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. The iPhone translator did a pretty good job. I think I can figure it out. This sounds like an awesome recipe though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Welcome Bruine. That brisket looks amazing. Can you share the recipe. I’m very interested. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. This my second carrot cake done on the KK. We will serve it it with some honey Bourbon drizzle. I’m not a baker at all so bare with me that the frosting is not teal even on it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Tony b. I love the snow and ice. We had freezing rain last week which is beautiful. The roads were too warm to freeze so it made it very pretty. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. This was my first standing rib roast did me on the KK. The lobster tails were done on my Vision grill. But the absolutely best thing was the carrot cake that I did on the KK. the smoke is such an incredible addition to the carrot cake. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. So sanity for us this year has of course been cooking and we have really gotten to know our neighbors. We moved into this house in 2019 and once things warmed up here in St. Louis we had social distanced happy hours in our cul de sac. We were also able to go to Lake Michigan this year which is a family tradition that has been going for about 100 years now. While we were there I brought my golf clubs and played Arcadia Bluffs which is a top 100 golf course. It has some of the same features as Torrey Pines. [mention]Troble [/mention] some of these pictures are similar but this is a lake instead of the ocean but from this height you can’t tell the difference. Wonderful course and my wife got to ride along and she really enjoyed it. We also bought a new Harley last year which has been a great diversion since it’s just the two of us and we can see what we want and stop when we want to. Arcadia Bluffs 2020 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. That is one sturdy looking bench and I love what you did around the post.
  12. One of these days I will pull the trigger on getting some A5 Wagyu. I better sell more product at work and get a big commission check for that to happen.
  13. While you're there I highly suggest their smoked wings. Probably my favorite wings I have ever had.
  14. The Feet didn't achieve the smoke ring I was looking for.
  15. Bruce, your set up looks great and We are looking into getting something that is as stylish as your set up. Can you tell me which cabinet that is from the website and my biggest question is can you fit all of the accessories in there? my biggest concern of course would be can you put all of the grates that come with your 32 on the shelves? Also, are the shelves slide outs? I would love to see pics of it opened up and see what the storage looks like. Of course the last question, if I may be impertinent is the cost of the cabinet.
  16. I don't think I have ever achieved that nice of a smoke ring on my vision grill or my offset smoker. I am now getting the hang of this grill and it is living up to all of expectations.
  17. Here is the finished product. Look at that smoke ring! Simply delicious! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Halfway done. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. These beef short ribs came from a side of beef that we just bought. The last side we got from this farmer was amazing but we didn’t get short ribs last year. The rub is just salt, pepper and garlic. We will be using apple wood for a mild smoke flavor. I’ll let you know how it goes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Tyrus I believe I used apple or cherry. I have a few different woods and sometimes I forget what I used. As a side note, I live in St. Louis Missouri and I travel over to Kansas City quite a bit. I found a place called the The Wood Yard. It is a Restaurant and an actual wood yard. You can buy a log of cherry, apple, peach, mulberry or any variety of wood for $1 each. I think I spent $15 and i have enough variety to last me for at least a year. I cut them into chunks and since the KK is so efficient it doesn't take much wood to achieve the flavor that one is looking for.
  21. @tekobo. I love to re-use charcoal! I have never understood the thought process of burning up what charcoal is left over after a cook. I learned to save the fuel from my Dad on his Weber using Kingsford Briquettes. With the cost of lump or specialty charcoal I like to use all of it that I can. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I had these at a restaurant years ago and I am trying to replicate. Cold smoke then cooked over heat. Make sure they aren’t overcooked. Old fashions as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. @Sir Bill I have been checking through my photos of my KK and it does appear that my camera on my iphone is determining what level of light to show so here is another picture that i took that would appear to be more in line with this picture of the bb42. BTW, is this your BB42?
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