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Everything posted by kravnh

  1. So, it looks like the 30" width at the feet is wider than the middle, even with rotisserie motor attached. I think I'll add a couple inches on either side, go with a 34" opening. Depth isn't as important a concern, as the KK will just roll into the space, and nothing will be in front of it. Thanks for drawing and advice.
  2. Hello everyone, We are building a pool/lanai and outdoor kitchen. It will be a fairly simple thing: an L-shape, with one side against the back wall of my garage, and the L extending out from the wall, to serve as a bar. The 8 feet of counter space against the wall of my garage is to be split, to allow space for my 23" Ultimate. I was hoping someone here can tell me how much space I need between sections of countertop to accommodate my KK. I need space for my OneGrill rotisserie motor. I see on the product page for the 23" Ultimate, that the total width is 30". The rotisserie motor bracket extends 1.5" from the side of the KK, and the OneGrill motor is 2" wide. What I am not sure of, is if I need to add that width to the 30" and make a gap of 34.5" to 35", or if that 30" width is at the wheels, and I can go with a smaller, say 31" gap. ;TLDR version is: What size gap between sections do I need to fit a 23" Ultimate with rotisserie motor attached? Thank you all for your help! Keith
  3. Of course I know! I have many (but not all of them - yet) of those upgrades, but there's always that feeling when I see a picture of a shiny new KK with all the new bells and whistles…it's kinda like that feeling when I was a kid, looking through the Sears "Wish Book" catalog at Christmas…
  4. I “regret” buying my KK every time Dennis makes an update/upgrade to the design! Every innovation Dennis has made since 2009 makes me say, “I want thaaaaaaat!” Then, I go outside, look at mine, maybe touch the tiles, and I’m happy again, because I know that the only cooker on the planet that’s better than mine is the newest one Dennis has built. And I can live with owning the top 1%. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Ah, if only I had searched this forum instead of Google, I would have known! After my Google search, I thought, "isn't bacon wonderful enough without making it psychotropic?"
  6. Great looking bacon! I just cooked my first batch two weeks ago, using Chris Lilly’s hickory smoked maple black pepper bacon recipe. Looking forward to trying another with a less sweet profile. Can someone tell me what purple crack is? I googled it, and found that it is a strain of cannabis. Are these the seeds used on your bacon?
  7. kravnh

    Flank Steak

    All good advice. We pay extra on both of our mortgages, knocking down principle at a faster rate. A few years ago, we refinanced the house that is now a rental, going from a 30-yr fixed to a 15-yr fixed with a lower payment. We had already been paying more than required on the 30, and just keep paying that much on the 15. The new mortgage is a bit bigger, and refinancing isn't an option right now, but we are doing larger payments. I need to look into doing 2x/month payments to see if that is better than what we are doing now.
  8. kravnh

    Flank Steak

    My wife and I were debt-free, with the exception of a mortgage, from 2007-2014. It was wonderful! There were trade-offs, of course, like my 2004 truck and my wife's 2000 Subaru, which broke down at regular intervals. Then, last year, we finally decided to buy a new car. And as if that weren't enough, we then went and bought a new house. And if THAT weren't enough, we didn't sell the old house (but we rent it). Now we have one car payment and two mortgages - but other that that, we're totally debt-free!
  9. kravnh

    Flank Steak

    Tony B, thanks for the welcome back! I have never been a prolific poster, but I had let my KK sit unused for quite some time, and strayed from the forum as well. Life gets in the way sometimes - work, bought a new house, moving, etc., etc., etc. Anyway, I've been back at it, cooking on my KK at least once/week since May. I've had to go back and look at some of my old recipes to remember time/temp on some stuff! I probably won't get to use the Anova until after this weekend, but some things I'm very excited to try are flank steak, rib eye, pork tenderloin, and fish. Any tips or tricks that any of you guys have for those items or any others will be welcomed! Bryan, sorry to threadjack. Looking forward to sharing SV info with y'all!
  10. kravnh

    Flank Steak

    What is the temp/time to sear the flank? Do you let it cool before searing, so the internal temp doesn't go too high? Asking now because I ordered the Anova Precision, and flank steak is my favorite cut, so I intend to combine the two.
  11. Simply run the wire over the lip of the dutch oven with the lid on. It doesn't need to be airtight, and the weight of the lid is not enough to crimp or sever the wire. I copied/pasted this recipe from a BGE forum. The link is long since gone, but until I edited out the offensive references to any ovoid ceramic cooker last week, the recipe was word-for-word as I found it. The first time I did this recipe, I followed it exactly. The next time, I didn't bother placing the bacon on the bottom of the DO, as it overcooked, and I had a lot of scrubbing to do to get the stuck bits off the bottom. It has been awhile since I've done this recipe, but it came out awesome each time. Now I'm thinking it might be time to pick up some chuck roasts...
  12. Re: North or South Carolina better for CoCo Warehouse? When will CoCo be in the warehouse, and can we pick up there? I'll be in Charleston in July, and wouldn't mind making a pickup of 10-15 boxes.
  13. Re: Thoughts/pros/cons of adding Tapatalk support? I still don't see the KK forum in Tapatalk. Is the installation of the plugin complete, or is the problem on my end? Thanks, Keith
  14. I know that the issue of adding the Tapatalk plug-in to the forum was brought up back in 2010, when the look of the forum changed, but there was never any official (at least that I can find) Yea or Nay. It would be very convenient for me, as I travel quite a bit, and can access the forum from only my phone at least 50% of the time. Does anyone here have any strong opinions, pro or con, about Tapatalk? Dennis, is this something you would consider adding to the forum? Thanks, Keith
  15. Re: Chris Lilly's 4-Stage Ribs They were. And the leftovers made a great lunch today too. I forgot to mention in my original post that I used cherry and hickory for smoke. The seasoning was fantastic; a little heat, a little sweet. Not too much of either.
  16. Cooked these yesterday. The recipe is from Big Bob Gibson's BBQ Book, page 196. Forgot to take cooking pics. This is a pic, taken by my wife, of the finished product, which I had foiled after they were done to keep 'em warm while I grilled some asparagus and eggplant. For the 4th-stage finishing glaze, I used Dinosaur Bar-B-Que Original Sensuous Slathering BBQ Sauce, mixed with honey, for a bit more sweetness. I have yet to perfect my ribs, but these came closest to where I want them to be. I think fall-off-the-bone is too tender; I'm shooting for hang-on-to-the-bone, but tear clean off when bitten. These were tear *almost* clean off the bone. The quest for rib perfection continues Keith
  17. Re: Short cooking time, runaway temps. Wha' happened? Tony, my last two cooks tell me the same thing about time per pound. I also always use that same process to fire up my grill, using a DigiQ instead of a Stoker. I've never had this happen before. That being said, Doc and Cook_Shack make some great suggestions, which I will heed on my next low and slow.
  18. I had a frustrating cook last night; can't figure out why. I put an 8.7 lb Boston Butt on at around 1:20 am to cook overnight. Before putting the butt on, I started with an almost full load of 2003 Kamado ECC, and a small bit of Royal Oak on top. Setup was indirect: SS heat deflector with foil pan to catch drippings on lower grid, butt on upper grid. I started the fire in one spot, and then set my DigiQ DX for a pit temp of 235. Top damper was open 1/2 turn, airflow slider on my Guru fan was 3/4 open. After reaching 235, I waited 45 minutes before putting the butt on. When I went outside, my pit temp was 287, so I put the top damper to only 1/4 turn open, and closed the fan damper to 1/4 open - very little airflow. I waited another 15 minutes, and saw the temp begin to drop. Knowing that almost 9 lbs of meat would further reduce the temp, I put the meat on, and watched for another 10 minutes. Temp kept dropping. I went to bed with a temp of 264 and falling, so I was confident the temp would even out. Woke up at 8am this morning, looked outside, and found a grid temp of 329(!) and the meat done, temp was 213. I'm not worried about the butt, 213 isn't too high a temp, and it was still really moist. It's in towels in a cooler now. Weird thing is, this is the 2nd butt in a row that has finished in less than 1 hour/lb of cooking. I know that sometimes they go slower, sometimes they go faster, so no big deal. But this one is now done around 6 hours earlier than anticipated. The biggest mystery is, why did my temps run away from me? I did everything the same as always, and I've never seen this before. I had airflow so restricted, I was worried that I might wake up and find the fire snuffed. I have no air leaks - at least I've never noticed smoke coming out from under the lid. All bottom dampers were completely closed. Any ideas as to why my fire got so hot? BTW, I did a mojo marinated pork butt. It looks and smells incredible. Can't wait to pull it later this afternoon, and drizzle a little more mojo on it. Keith
  19. Re: Full size KK cabinet with Cobalt Blue tile insert Dennis, how would shipping a table sans stone affect the price?
  20. Re: Florida Charcoal 2011 28 boxes is, unfortunately, "maybe too much." I'll start a proper FL pallet share thread. There have got to be some FL KKers that want some of this stuff...
  21. Re: Florida Charcoal 2011 Now that Dennis is shipping the charcoal, is anyone interested in a pallet share? I'm still good for 15-20 boxes, maybe more, if necessary. Keith
  22. Re: Best Cut of meat for "Pulled Beef"?? I just posted Clay's Pulled Beef in the Recipe section, here. I have done this recipe a few times, and it is just phenomenal. I have always used a chuck roll, purchased at BJs. They weigh in at around 20-25 lbs, but I cut them in thirds and do 7-8 lbs. at a time. I still prefer pulled pork to pulled beef, but I'd rather do a chuck roll than a brisket. Of course, YMMV. Keith
  23. Clay's Pulled Beef BBQ Ingredients: 3 Choice chuck roasts 10 Strips of good bacon 1 Cup About a cup of tomato based BBQ sauce 1/3 Cup Real maple syrup 2/3 Cup Water 1 Tbs Dizzy Pig Cow Lick 3 Tbs Peanut oil Instructions: Set the beef out on the table and rub with peanut oil and then spice, (Dizzy Pig Cow Lick). Fire up the KK and stabilize at 250 degrees dome. Be prepared for an 8 hour cook. Set up is indirect, drip pan and v rack on grid. At this time leave the grid off. Stage one; Set beef on v rack in pan with a little water or beer in pan. Lay bacon on top of beef. Throw a handful of hickory chips on burning lump. Place grid in KK and set in the pan with beef. Cook for about 5 hours and when beef is 160 internal remove from KK. Stage two; In a No.12 Dutch oven, oil inside with peanut oil, remove bacon from beef and lay across bottom of Dutch oven. Carefully lift beef off of rack and place in Dutch oven. Pour the maple syrup and water over beef. Making sure the meat probe is inserted in the meat, put the lid on and return to the KK and set on top of heat deflector after removing grid. Be careful not to have the dome temp over 250. Cook for about 2 hours, until beef is 215 internal and remove from KK. Stage three; Set the beef out on a tray to rest while you drain the beef juice from the Dutch oven into a container. Place the container in the freezer to chill so that you can skim off the fat later. Discard bacon. Trim any fat you find on the beef and start pulling with a fork. Remove gristle and fat as you pull. Return pulled beef to Dutch oven and add your favorite sauce. Taste test. Now skim fat from juice and return juice to the beef. Taste test. Ok, let’s go back to the KK. Throw hickory chips on burning lump and return Dutch oven to smoke with the cast iron lid off. Cook for about 1 and ½ hours. Maintain a dome temp no higher than 250. Notes: Stir and serve on soft hamburger buns with pickles on the side. This is a treat that brings together great beef flavor, sauce and hickory smoke. Let’s eat!
  24. Re: New Member/Owner in the Nation's Capital I know of, and also enjoy, the Toraño Nicaraguan Selection, although it is hard to find. From CAO, I like the Brazilia and the original red label Maduro. Unfortunately, I haven't really found anything by Rocky that I like enough to keep in regular rotation. Try the Toraño Exodus 1959 50th, it's a bit more complex than the regular Exodus 1959, which is already a great cigar. I am also really enjoying the Toraño Single Region Jalapa, which just came out last year. It is, as the name suggests, completely made of tobacco from Jalapa, Nicaragua.
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