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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Re: Xmas Meat Hey, can I work for you???? -=Jasen=-
  2. Re: Too Big Hey Tony if you turn your firebox a bit you can easily find a position that does not rock.. But your right it can rock on that outside rib if set at 12 and 6 o'clock.. An actual grill is being made.. enough plywood.. It will have handles to permit easy moving.. my guess is that it's easier to take it off.. do what you need to do below and then put it back.. Are you really going to be flipping meat under it? So how about the legs? You gonna stick with simple fixed legs (which could be turned upside down for the sear grill)? -=Jasen=-
  3. I get lots of request for my brisket at work. They are pretty mad about me not having a grill right now - hehe. -=Jasen=-
  4. Updated! Thanks for the help - you know who you are - hehe. -=Jasen=-
  5. I couldn't resist! I know PorkChop is gonna get me for this, but it was worth it! -=Jasen=-
  6. Curly! Here is that pic of Curly and one of his cat too - hehe! -=Jasen=-
  7. Wait till you see Curly's pic - hehe - imageshack is having difficulties, but when it is back online - I will get Curly's in here. Then we can either delete them all or move them some else! -=Jasen=-
  8. Wow, you still look just like the pic previous pic! hehe You know Majestik is gonna have a field day with that? -=Jasen=-
  9. Oh come on, I have not even got to your pic yet? Wish you still had all that hair don't ya? hehe -=Jasen=-
  10. I do direct ribs mostly (when I am not having to cook on my pimped out smokey joe - hehe). I like to flip mine so I get the same crispness on both sides. I also like to use the standard vinegar, pepper and loads of salt mop (and sometimes some cayanne), but always quit 30 minutes or more before the end. Usually only flip a couple times and mop only during a flip. Before I got rid of my old grill, I had started doing somewhat higher temp cooks than where I started with ceramics. I know I mentioned before, but I like the texture more so of pit cooking and direct with slightly higher temps seems to give me similar results. So somewhere in the 235-240 range was what I used. It is still a very tender rib, but not falling apart and turning to mush. Still grabs onto the bone a little too. -=Jasen=-
  11. Did I ever show you'll this pic I found of PorkChop? -=Jasen=-
  12. You'll know, this means war - hehe! -=Jasen=-
  13. ThreeDJ16

    Dirty Rice

    call me what you will; i've spent time south of M-D. Columbus, GA, Winston-Salem & Charlotte, NC, and my dad lives down in Hopkins, SC (around Columbia). i know waffle house, krystals, krispy kreme, and PO' FOLKS (oh man, do i miss that). don't make fried pig guts taste any better... but it did teach me that the most noble way to serve fish is FRIED with hushpuppies and sweet chow! Man, why did you have to bring up Po' Folks. We have not had that in many, many years and I miss it too. We have almost zero country cooking type restaurants in this area. I cannot find one single place that even serves a fried pork chop (my favorite dish); so I have to make it myself - quite often - Mmmm. Don't know about sweet chow, but love my fried fish and hushpuppies and thankfully there are plenty of places that server that. I just went to Old Mcdonald's Fish Camp last weekend for some. Now there is a little place near the town a grew up (Neal's Restaurant in Harlem, Ga) that serves a sweet tatar sauce - man it is good. It tastes very similar to the potato salad recipe I posted before you add the potatoes and it is great on fish and hushpuppies. Man you done went and got me hungry now - argh! -=Jasen=-
  14. ThreeDJ16

    Dirty Rice

    Re: The rice... Man, that is so funny and so familiar - hehe. Sometimes, I just kick the wife out of my kitchen so I can get on with the cooking (she hardly boils water). A lot of dishes I make can have that "Ew" factor to it if you watch from beginning to end. Take for instance my red beans, I make my own stock by taking all the stuff I am going to use and trimming it the day before. All the good stuff goes in a zip lock for the next day; all the items you would toss (vegetable tops and bottoms, meat trimming, shrimp heads if you got them - whatever) goes in a big pot of water to make stock (strained off). Then my beans soak up that stock verses plain water. Sure you can just buy stock, but it is much better making it yourself. Now days, when it comes to the kitchen, the wife does not question one bit on what I put in a pot. If she could just be that way about everything - hehe ! But I am glad the dish turned out good for you. I was going to make something with that Andouille tonight, but remembered I had already bought everything for schnitzel. So I ended up making rahmschnitzel (mushroom cream sauce) and gerkin salad - Mmmm. No time to take pics of that - very quick dish to cook and eat - if you took time for pics it would be cold. -=Jasen=-
  15. ThreeDJ16

    Dirty Rice

    Man, looks really good! I am hungry too. Was type of rice - some kind of long grain? -=Jasen=-
  16. ThreeDJ16


    Re: The other way to smoke I looked at those a while back. Very cool idea and product. The one downside I saw to it was the 3 hours max smoke. For cold smoking, items can go for up to 40 hours or more, so that would get pretty expensive and aggravating changing out those sticks so often. But could be neat for a shorter smoke. -=Jasen=-
  17. I am thinking height is going to be the best answer for access. Though realistically, you should not need that much access as this is mainly a low and slow function. So maybe like you said, a compromise between diameter and height to allow access, yet still have room above for food? -=Jasen=- I am also curious if Dennis is going to make the pizza stone / heat deflector in a similar shape too?
  18. ThreeDJ16

    Tator Salad!

    The best tater salad I have ever had! 1 cup real mayo (I like Dukes - no salad dressing mayo or Miracle Whip here) 2 Tbsp cane sugar 1 Tbsp cider vinegar 1 Tbsp Creole mustard 1 Tbsp prepared mustard (standard stuff) 1 tsp dry mustard 1 Tbsp fresh ground pepper 1-2 tsp salt (to taste) 1/4 tsp celery seed 1/2 tsp dill weed 1 Tbsp fresh onion pureed 1 Tbsp fresh celery pureed 1 Tbsp pickle relish pureed 3-4 Potatoes (diced in hunks) Boiled egg (chopped) optional Bacon (chopped) optional First off, let me explain the pureed vegetables. I am not a big fan crunchy potato salad, but I love the flavor of celery and onion in the salad. If you puree these items, the flavor is really concentrated so only a small amount it needed. So mix all items except potatoes in a bowl and set in fridge for an hour or so. Boil potatoes (in stock for extra flavor) till the desired tenderness is reached, place in colander and rinse with cold water to stop the cooking process (otherwise potatoes will mush up). Then mix sauce with potatoes and allow to sit in fridge for an hour so the season can blend.
  19. I do want to go back and touch on a few things here so we can narrow this thing down to exactly what everyone wants. - This is a sear grill / upper grill right? I still see no need to complicate this by making all sorts of fancy collapsible legs or ladder legs. What is wrong with simply fixed legs for using as an upper grill and simply turning it upside down and placing on basket for sear grill (leg could then be the handles)? Simplicity give things more usage, cheaper and less things to break down. - Will the current size fit for both areas? -Tony what is the disadvantage to it being the size it is? I mean you can use the amount you need if it is too large, but if it is too small your screwed? Unless it is an access issue - and then I must wonder if it is too low? - I know your wanting this baby on your grill, but I think more dialog is in order since we are making something to please everyone. -=Jasen=-
  20. ThreeDJ16

    Dirty Rice

    Hehe! Though at least one of them resides this side of the Mason-Dixon line. No I ain't talking about Firemonkey either; FL is just for Yankees who cannot take the cold anymore - hehe. -=Jasen=-
  21. When buying 5 lbs or more they have a special $4 per lb. But normal is $4.36 a lb. Shipping is the kicker (they have to send it 2nd day express) - it was $20 for 5 lbs of sausage, 1 lb of tasso and 1 pck of their roux mix! -=Jasen=- http://www.cajunsausage.com/products.htm
  22. Home wrecker Andouille!!! Wow, I just got in my tasso and Andouille today. Holy smokes it is huge sausage. These pics do not do justice to the size of these things; they are 1 lb each. I cannot wait to cook one up! -=Jasen=- Ok Sanny, no comments on this post -hehehe- !!
  23. Size looks good. But without a side pic, we really cannot tell anything on the height. Without a grill I have no idea what the max hieght could be; so could you give us a definitive answer on that? I would like the upper grill to split the difference from the main grill to the dome - is that what this one is doing? -=Jasen=-
  24. Just my opinion, but it is not that you cannot sear on the top grill, it just takes a lot less charcoal and time to sear on grill directly above the coals verses 12 -18 inches away. -=Jasen=-
  25. ThreeDJ16

    Dirty Rice

    Oh come on, ya bunch of wussies - hehe. Nothing like the smell of chitlins cooking - hehe. Just kidding, I am with you'll on this mostly. I am not about to eat freakn mountain oysters, tripe or anything too odd. But I do like chicken gizzards, livers and hearts - Mmmm. You take fried liver and dip them in tatar sauce - OMG that is good. But anyway, try the recipe either way. -=Jasen=-
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