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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. DAMNIT!!! Damn, you guys are freakn killing me! I have put this off forever already and finally decided to do it this year and we just had to start this thread up - ARGH! Thanks guys! -=Jasen=-
  2. ThreeDJ16


    Ok, this is a work in progress as I am constantly tweaking on this recipe. It can be made several different ways: completely in the oven, completely on the grill or a combo of in the pot and oven or grill; also brined or not brined (or pickled). My preference currently is brining and cooking the meat in a pot or dish with liquid for the first several hours (doesn't really matter if the pot is on the stove, oven or grill), then when tender, moving it to the grill for the rest of the cooking. Brine Recipe (Sweet Pickle Brine - just divide everything out to your desired quantity) -5 gallons water -5 lbs salt -1 lb sugar -1 oz saltpeter (you can skip this if you are only going to brine a day or two, but need it to brine for longer - up to 10 days) -6 garlic cloves or 4 Tbsp liquid garlic -4 oz pickling spice (optional - I don't use) -12 Juniper berries crushed (my addition) Buy either the haxe cut from a local German butcher or some grocery stores will sell the bottom half of a shoulder which is close enough (haxe is actually the opposite side of the same joint). Cross cut score the skin all the way around the meat and brine it for several days. If you are not going to brine, put a good layer of salt, pepper, paprika (buy high quality paprika only, such as Szeged) and crushed juniper berries. -1 leek (or sub an onion) -1 carrot -1 rib of celery -6 crushed juniper berries -1/2 Tbsp cloves -1 Tbsp Mustard seed -1/4 tsp cumin -salt & pepper to taste (depending on how salty the meat is, you can add more later if needed when making the gravy) -beer, stock & water - equal parts, enough to cover meat and vegetables Place everything in the pot and add enough liquid (equal parts beer, stock and water) to barely cover everything. Cook over low heat until meat is starting to reach desired tenderness (2 hours after the pot gets up to temp). Take the meat out of the pot and place in oven or grill at about 350 and cook till desired tenderness (another 2 hours) while basting with beer (with salt and a pinch of cumin added to beer). You can bring the temp up to 400 for the last 30 minutes to increase the skin crunchiness. While the meat is finishing up, take the liquid and boil it till about half of what you started with. Then strain it completely of all solids. Add a couple Tbsps corn starch or flour to a small cup with a little cold water in it and stir till smooth, then add to liquid in pot and boil till desired thickness. Serve haxe and gravy with potato dumpling, spaetzle or mashed potatoes. I usually serve a gherkin salad and green bean salad before the meal. Want any of those recipes too?
  3. I have got to find a few more emoticon just for these occassions to express my feelings of you being #1 in my book with my middle finger!! -=Jasen=-
  4. Re: WTF!! Hell, I would even move or delete a mountain oyster recipe - ew! Oh yeah, good one Gerard - . -=Jasen=-
  5. Re: Curly & Porkchop ???WTF??? With all the expertise on this board, you ask for *their* opinions??? Snort. Well, on second thought, never mind about Porkchop. Bwwwahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaa! BTW, I agree with Curly's assessment, after you add all the accessories to the BGE to equal, you would certainly be at the price of a standard textured classic or more. I know BGE used to not even come with a top damper standard (that might have changed now). Also not sure if stainless is an option on the BGE. Also, I would have to think that cooking in the winter, the extra thickness of the KK would be an improvement. The auto lifting dome on the KK is a huge plus, especially holding a plate full of food to put on the grill. Lastly, there is simply looks. -=Jasen=- Just thought I would add in my two cents even though I am not PorkChop or Curly (THANKFULLY ) hehe.
  6. WTF!! Man WTF, ball sniping story in the shrimp and collards section??? I don't know about anybody else, I damn sure don't want to hear about this while thinking of food. Especially being I was gonna have that done this year - ! Ya ass, now I gotta think about that shit - thanks! -=Jasen=-
  7. Fine China? I see you went all out for Mom's B-day and broke out the fine paper plates - eh? hehe Can't blame you there, we have not eaten off anything but paper plates in my house for many years. -=Jasen=-
  8. Nice! Man, that turned out real nice looking. The shrimp and collards gumbo looks delicious. That is a combo I had never heard of, but it looks great. Sounded kinda weird to begin with, but so did shrimp and grits the first time I had it, but it was delicious too. -=Jasen=-
  9. Have a safe and enjoyable trip dude! -=Jasen=-
  10. Re: recipe Sure, no problem. I will post it Tuesday as I am off from work then. I barely have time to breath right now on my schedule on the days I work. I will tell you it is a work in progress. I have taken several internet recipes and picked out the things I thought work and combined them trying to achieve the flavor of the Haxe I have had cooked for me before. I am pretty happy with the recipe, but after you cook it for you wife, if she has any suggestions, please let me know. -=Jasen=-
  11. Re: Dont overpay... My system is wired now - just like to cut down on the wire clutter as it is not in wall. Streaming all my TV shows downloaded off newsgroups to my modded xbox running Xbox Media Player so I can view them on the bigscreen at 1080i (yup a $150 Xbox does scaling hehe) - that might be a bit geeky. But I weld, so that counter acts it. -=Jasen=-
  12. Ok cool, I did not see anything about it being controllable - but I will take your word for it - hehehe. Though I am still partitial to the Guru - hehe! -=Jasen=-
  13. Re: Drunk-J...is this true Uh, ok then. I R smart then, right? -=Jasen=-
  14. I am curious about that statement? I have not seen that feature on the Stoker (unless you have a home network wireless router, tie in a wireless network adapter to it and have to monitor it from a computer). But the Guru ProCom allows wireless remote monitoring and control built in. So if you compare pricing on the two, you should add in the cost of the wireless network (and mention the Guru controls along with monitoring). I can see the network monitoring being neat, but only thing that grants you over the ProCom remote is range (and if you cannot control it, what has that bought you?). I am partial to the Guru. It can mount right on the fan box and stay tucked neatly out of the way (it also looks more refined in it's appearance and less industrial - yet still uses industrial quality components). While the stoker seems to offer expandability, the four probes I have on mine Guru cover anything I ever do. I think the ProCom Guru has more control features: ramp mode (fully adjustable), offset, out of temp range alarms (adjustable), proportional band, timer cutoff or alarm and meat done alarm. -=Jasen=- Oh yeah, I realize you were not making a comparison of the ProCom to the Stoker, but I just think by the time you add everything in the get the two on equal grounds, you would be close to the price of a ProCom. But I still think for the average non competition user, the Guru (any model) would still be my choice.
  15. Ah man, that is just wrong - hehe. -=Jasen=-
  16. Oh man, remind me never to post my pic anywhere - hehe. -=Jasen=-
  17. Re: Too Big Hey Tony if you turn your firebox a bit you can easily find a position that does not rock.. But your right it can rock on that outside rib if set at 12 and 6 o'clock.. An actual grill is being made.. enough plywood.. It will have handles to permit easy moving.. my guess is that it's easier to take it off.. do what you need to do below and then put it back.. Are you really going to be flipping meat under it? At this point I really don't care if it has wings I just want an upper grill!! and a lower grill and the new main grill. I will not be flipping meat but may be removing meat sooner than that which is cooking on the upper grill. If everyone wants bigger then thats fine with me. I'm easy. What we really want is some more damn cooking pics!!!!!!!! You keep forgetting I am having to live vicariously through your pics for the moment!!!!!! hehe You know your not gonna get any sympathy from a man who has no grill - right?? hehe How many grill grates do you have now Tony? Just the one or do you have a lower one too? If two, are they both in use and you want a third? Just checking in case I could help you out any with welding up some legs while you wait. Let me know (not sure if shipping or driving down would even be worth your while - but I figured I would offer)! -=Jasen=-
  18. Share? Come on Curly, you don't share at work? When I break open the bag of chipped pork, ribs or brisket at work - they are like gulls flocking around. Mine...mine...mine..mine.mine (that is what gulls sound like to me). I occasionally put on the big feed for them too. -=Jasen=-
  19. Re: Too Big The folding legs are nice if I'm going to mail the grill.. Fixed are probably better if delivered with the grill.. Good, fixed is my preference. I find the folding ones can fail on you and just made things more awkward (collapsing when you don't want them to). -=Jasen=-
  20. Hey Bud, did I miss the cooking photos or something????? You gotta give us a little something here. Especially for those of us whom are living vacariously through other grillers. -=Jasen=-
  21. Come on in, the waters fine! -=Jasen=-
  22. Better take some to your cardiologist next appt, too. Ah pfft, we can just take a pill now days - hehehe! Damn, I sure hope they are working for me! -=Jasen=-
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