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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. I looked again going home yesterday and it is a garden hose - hehehe - I guess for flame up ? hehehe Damn that is messed up. What you don't see in the pic is how close a sidewalk is to where that could fall off and kill someone. Some people are just stupid. -=Jasen=-
  2. Couple More Ok, a quick couple more - I stole Mike's images - hehe.
  3. Re: Friday night And yet you are here too? -=Jasen=- Opps, forgot this -
  4. Re: Friday night And yet you are here too? -=Jasen=-
  5. I was just looking at the forum style you sent me and I like that Redsilver too. So maybe the background in the logo image could mate up with the tan in the style and the font color line up with the garnet in the style. Also, the graphic style could work well. I just cannot believe you didn't like the purplepulse style - hehe. -=Jasen=-
  6. Well Mike, since no one else is answering - hehe, I like font #3. I also like Dragon #2 in my post or the real Komodo in your post. The Japanese character was very cool, but who the hell knew what it was unless you explained it. I am also not extremely fond of the green background even though it does blend well with the dragon (maybe pull some of the lighter color out of the dragon pic?). -=Jasen=-
  7. Hey, get yourself a weedburner for a kick butt way of starting charcoal! Fun too. -=Jasen=-
  8. Hey Mike, how about you logo with that same font you sent me? I thought that was a pretty cool font. -=Jasen=- Sure wish I could play with making logos at work like some folks can - hehe!
  9. Re: This might be cool.. any other ideas? ??? Just curious who that was meant for.
  10. Any of these images tweak ya? Ok, just checking to see what folks like. -=Jasen=- 1 - Forget the Dragon all together! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  11. Ok, starting the suggestion thing rolling. - Be patient when making adjustments, give temperature time to equalize instead of chasing it around up and down (takes way longer to come down than to go up). - Takes notes of draft settings and what temps they achieve (count tiles on top & sight with the ears sticking out). - Fill your charcoal basket up, what you don't use will still be there for the next cook (better to have to much and not use, than to little and need it) Well, it is 3am in the morning and I cannot think much right now - hehe - but at least it is started now. Hopefully some of the current KK owners will step up and give us more precise info on using the low air feature and upper draft control since it is so different than the K.
  12. It is a good idea about having some sort of how-to section in the Q&A section. Maybe we can start a thread for ideas, tip and info then combine it into a sticky to put at the top? I will check into you not being able to post. A permission tag must of got overlooked - not a biggie. -=Jasen=- Edit - OK, fixed being able to post to cooking general - damn gremlins - hehe. I also move the post here to KK 411 since we should make this a Q&A thing. Now, start some suggestions and I will combine and organize it into a list when we finish. All of us old K owners should be able to give some pretty good guidelines, but I guess were gonna have to turn to the new KK owners for the specifics (since Dennis added that nice low air flow feature). -=Jasen=-
  13. !! I agree with Firemonkey on the air control; you should at least learn how to use is without. Though, I still cheated and used my Guru (or at least I did when I had a K - now waiting on an OBT). Yeah, if you can hold your hand on it for 5 secs, I would say that is pretty darn good. -=Jasen=-
  14. Curly, the cholesterol in fish is considered good (omega -3) where as the cholesterol in red meat is the bad. I take fish oil vitamins twice a day. http://www.oilofpisces.com/cholesterol.html -=Jasen=-
  15. I thought it was a water hose to begin with, but I believe it is an electrical cord for that downstairs AC. While none of it makes since, I guess I can see that since the electrical in those old houses general sux - maybe he needed another outlet for it - hehe. -=Jasen=- A lot of those old houses have been turned into apartments, 1 up and 1 down. Now that I look at the pic, it kinda looks like a small business downstairs (never noticed the open sign before) with an apartment upstairs. It is a shame these old houses that were one time very beautiful have been let go so bad. This particular one sits a couple hundred yards from Sacred Heart Church; which is a very ornate, historical (1864) church in our area. And the house on the other side of this one looks like it should be condemned - sad.
  16. TNW? Is that you in the pic Nake Whiz - hehehehe! -=Jasen=-
  17. Hehe, I could not resist taking this photo. This house is in downtown Augusta, Ga on Green street (in case anyone knows much about Augusta) and I pass it everyday on my way home from work. I cannot believe the City has not made him remove this grill yet, but it is funny as hell to me. I need to send it to the Jeff Foxworthy show - redneck yards - and this proves rednecks live in the city too (right Curly?). In case the pic is hard to see, it is a grill, on the second story of a house, outside the balcony on the roof, strapped to the railing - why have no idea. -=Jasen=-
  18. Hehehehe - Looking at the small thumbnail, it is kinda preverted looking - hahahahaha! It took you to notice that Gerard. -=Jasen=-
  19. Kinda figured you would post something pink Gerard. hehehehehe -=Jasen=-
  20. Jeez - it is kinda harsh around here! Anyway, here is something I just tossed together (and stole someone elses logo - hehe). Firemonkey, this is not what you mentioned to me is it? Maybe you said something about two KKs - don't remember, but I got the idea from you. I sure hope this dragon ain't too damn cutsie for ya'll - hehe. I know the KK is to small, but I am just learning photoshop and could not figure out how to resize a pasted image - argh - any help??? -=Jasen=-
  21. I am thinking he is gonna fit right in here! -=Jasen=-
  22. Sad but true, Curly is right for a change.
  23. Ah, so were flaming the dragon now eh? It actually is an oriental style dragon. I re-colored it charcoal now - any better?
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