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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Got a pork shoulder ready to go! Yo Firemonkey! It is here buddy! Enjoy my pics in the KK pics section till you can see yours tomorrow!! -=Jasen=-
  2. Well, I stopped for a few minutes to come upload a few photos! Man, this Gen II is a beautiful grill! As soon as my silicone dries on the Guru inducer sleeve, it will be time for the first cook - got a pork shoulder waiting! -=Jasen=- Well, it is no SO-CAL Cooker's backyard, but I'm happy with it as long as there is a KK in it!! Port installed and waiting to dry for the first cook! Pics of the gas attachment coming shortly, I have not finished installing it yet.
  3. Well, my stealth ninja grill is in Augusta!!!! Just got the call and the truck is rolling out to my house now!! Very soon now, the wait will be over! -=Jasen=-
  4. Sure, everyone can use a KK, he just doesn't need the gas attachment! -=Jasen=-
  5. Well, got around to that Mahi Mahi last night. Man it was fantastic with the Dizzy Pig Swamp Venom rub! I highly recommend trying it! -=Jasen=-
  6. Well, you know, I got to stay in practice being a drunk! Don't think anyone living within several hundred miles wants me practicing at work - hahahaha! -=Jasen=-
  7. Hehe, added a list of new smilies...enjoy. -=Jasen=- Here are a few! Or my fav....
  8. Only 20 miles to go...Watch these last 20 miles take as long as it did to span the USA If I was home, I would go and pick it up, just for DJ. That is cool dude! I think my driver is passed out drunk somewhere - hehe. Did they call you yet and setup a delivery time? -=Jasen=-
  9. Well he's about 100 posts behind you so that's a decent buffer but don't get too comfortable since I'm about to bust into the top 10 !! Hehehe, if I was really concerned about any of yalls post counts, I would just simply reset them - hehehe - I can do that you know! -=Jasen=-
  10. What? I thought it would be a good (joint) project given the size of the KK (which I don't have yet) you could do a nice video on what can happen if you have a flare-up.... Oh, I merely meant you would be cooking soon with flames on your new grill - hehe - yeah that is what I meant! hehe -=Jasen=-
  11. Hehehe, nuttin' for either of you to take back. Just making a comment about a few other threads in this section, since someone mentioned disappearing! -=Jasen=-
  12. Yeah, my guy is site seeing! But it don't much matter as: Firemonkey to Clermont, FL = Wednesday - hehehe -=Jasen=-
  13. The direction several threads are heading, there might be a couple getting chopped! -=Jasen=-
  14. That is so wrong!! All I get is a ship's location of several months ago! At least I know it's on a ship! http://www.sailwx.info/shiptrack/shippo ... call=9VID2 We'll be sure to post you some pics to make you feel better. -=Jasen=-
  15. DJ, are you going to device a better pully system for flare-up testing or just stand next to the KK when you open it and get a nice flare-up. You can become famous on YouTube!! Make it your holiday project!! Actually did that several times with the old grill, kinda fun, but I don't advise doing it. I at least used some welding gloves. Though, as for flames, they're gonna be heading your way very soon! -=Jasen=-
  16. So where's the beast at today Firemonkey? Mine arrived in Saint Louis today, again, hope it travels through quick so it don't get tainted with bad BBQ - hehehe. It is kinda interesting that my grill keeps making all the stops in areas famous for BBQ (maybe seeing it is making the truck driver have BBQ cravings)! I am gonna laugh if it stops off in Memphis next - hahahaha! Just so long as it ends up in the best place for BBQ in the world, my backyard, I am good with it! -=Jasen=-
  17. Re: A water plant for KK owners? Yeah, that is exactly what I was thinking! hehe Nice pic though! -=Jasen=-
  18. With so many new people on the forum, some new to ceramics or even charcoal cooking, I thought it would be a good time to post a link to The Naked Whiz's very cool page dealing with flashbacks. Very informative! http://www.nakedwhiz.com/flash.htm Come on Whiz, that had to be fun, wasn't it? hehe -=Jasen=-
  19. Kansas City! Well, mine showed up in Kansas City the middle of last night. Those jokers can't cook no BBQ ( ); so I hope it doesn't hang around there long and get tainted - hehehe! -=Jasen=-
  20. Any clues on what that circle thing is under the rotisserie motor bracket? Forgot to mention, very cool on the SS lined stone and drip pan! Nice it comes with that type of stuff. It is hard to find items like that which fit proper, so I am glad I don't have to look for any now - freakn sweet! -=Jasen=-
  21. Dude, you got a box of parts. My grill is scheduled for delivery Tuesday, when is yours??? hehe And better yet, you won't be home till Wed to see it? Man, I will have already grilled up a couple pigs and a cow by then!! That is a full 24 hrs head start on you! hehe Also, those grill lifters come with the rotisserie for removing it while hot. They are in other pics of rotisserie parts! -=Jasen=-
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