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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Dude, look at the uprights in the corners and the pallet underneath. But all of it is oak. I know this is odd, but I like to burn smoke wood just chillin on the porch even if something is not cooking. Rather than burn my good stuff, I was thinking of using this. So, not really for food, just more for irritating the neighbors smelling that great smoke smell!! -=Jasen=-
  2. Just checking to see if anyone else has recycled the shipping container into smoke wood? It appears to be made of solid oak. I am guessing there are no funky monkey chemicals or the such hiding in it that might kill someone. -=Jasen=-
  3. He might be my alter evil other? hahaha Or maybe I am the alter evil, pfft, maybe we are both eViL? -=Jasen=-
  4. Hello, I would like to thank JDBowers for helping us out on the forum as our new moderator! Your assistance is greatly appreciated! -=Jasen=-
  5. Hello and welcome! FYI, food and grill pics are kinda a law around here; don't make us give you a ticket!! Though I guess since you have your own web site KK pics on it, we'll let you slide - hehe! -=Jasen=-
  6. ThreeDJ16


    Hello, welcome to the forum Don! You joined at a good time being the OBT II have just recently come out, you'll have a lot to check out! -=Jasen=-
  7. That is a nice article. Now he needs to post some pics on our forum of his new grill. Guess he doesn know yet, that is the law around here - hehehe! -=Jasen=-
  8. Re: Few More Pics Hmm, your browser not working correctly? As this thread shows the grill at almost every angle but from behind (since there is a big brick wall there)! Oh yeah, I did actually make 3 molds (just drilled a couple pieces of teflon 2" thick and countersunk to provide a shoulder for the plug). I had thought about making them for the folks that want them. Problem is, the silicone I am using now is standard high temp black silicone like you get in the auto parts store. It is extremely slow curing when there are portions that are not completely exposed to air that are thicker than a 1/4" (weeks). What I need is a molding silicone that cures when mixed with a curing agent. But, I have not found any locally and since I have one made, not like I am in a hurry to buy the stuff online (unless of course there was a demand for it???). -=Jasen=-
  9. Hello the_handler and welcome to the forum. At least you did finally find us, that is all that counts. -=Jasen=-
  10. Re: Rub? Very first post, just above picture....Dizzy Pig's Dizzy Dust. Turned out very tasty. I usually just use Rox's Rub from the recipe section, but this stuff was very good too. I was just doing one shoulder now cause I wanna cook a bunch. I am still on vacation till July 6th so I don't have the work hogs to take all the extra food too. I could seal and freeze it, but I am full up right now - hehe. -=Jasen=-
  11. I usually make my own. Probably the Sweet Heat in the recipe section. I do like a couple made by Sticky Fingers restaurant though. -=Jasen=-
  12. Almost ready! Almost ready to pull off the grill! -=Jasen=-
  13. OK, it was too dark to get the photos of the food cooking on the grill. That and it is a ninja grill so it was hard to spot anyway. -=Jasen=- Pork Shoulder is the first pick! Doused with a healthy heaping of Dizzy Pig's Dizzy Dust! Yeah, I cheated, this pic is from earlier when I first fired up the grill!
  14. Actually, this is just stock inducer tube (I guess before they place it on an adapter). The one for metal smokers is a bulkhead (that is a long one). No, it does not completely go through the hole (maybe 2 or so inches - I think there is a measurement and pics around here somewhere). But it does not need to go all the way through as the Guru fan adapter barely sticks in an inch...so more than enough fit. No slop, no movement, no excess to screw with (only downside is silicone which is not big deal to me... auto parts store high temp silicone....just have lots of paper towel handy and leave it the hell alone once it is straight till it sets....you can clean up later if need be). -=Jasen=-
  15. Thx! Actually is a Nikon, but a cheap (er rather old and now cheap or obsolete, Coolpix 3100). Hehe, yeah I tried winging it on the burner shot....rock steady hands huh...hehe. I am going to try the burner shot again now that it is night and see if I can do a better job. Well, look at your wait this way; I waited for an entire year, at least you don't have that long - hehe. It will be there before you know it (maybe that happened with me because I was out with back surgery and drugged outta my gourd - either way - hehe)! -=Jasen=-
  16. Cool deal bud! Guess we will have to exchange smoke signal as I doubt mine will get a chance to cool off between now and then! -=Jasen=-
  17. Guru Port / Guru Ok Firemonkey, here are a couple more shots with the Guru port and the ProCom installed. -=Jasen=- Tilt switch for lid timer! Firing up the burner!! Yeah, some small lump pieces fell through the basket...I'll clean it some other time..hehe. First smoke! No food in it yet, but just about too! Guru condom in place as it looks like rain.
  18. Re: It's a Masterpiece! Thx! Hard to believe, but the still (aka brewery - hehe) is tucked away in that little shed you see in one of the pics. Along with all my welding equipment and every other tool I own (a bunch). I have gotten to the point now where I can no longer work in the shed because I have too much stuff in it......time to move so I can have more room for my stuff! -=Jasen=-
  19. Re: Guru sleeve Damn dude, hittin' the bottle early again today eh? hehe I put on the drunk translator and ciphered out your message...I think...hehe. Anyway, I used the short inducer sleeve (not the bulkhead). You have to call and order as it is not listed on their web store. Mine was actually a piece I had left over from the POSK since the sleeves kept falling out of it. Yes it is flush, which I why I went this route as I wanted it completely flush. After tonight cook, I will hit the outside edge with a tiny bit of silicone to make it look better (I could not silicone the outside edge today as it kept pushing in since it was not set yet). On the Guru forum thing, I believe they are turning it around finally. I still help admin over their, but bashed them pretty hard a few months back for their lack of forum support. We will see. I will post some pics of my Guru in action, but remember I added on the lid open timer, so it is larger than a stock one (works great I might add). -=Jasen=-
  20. Few More Pics Well, first impressions here are......Wow, this is one hell of a beast! Everything is solid, built like a tank. Then you start checking out the fit and finish to see not only is it solid, but it is tight as a drum. I mean tiles are perfect, metal work is tight fitting and beautifully put together. Love the new lip design and it fits like a glove. The top hat damper also has a couple new things (or at least I never noticed before). Not only is the gasket recessed into the dome to have a more flush fit, the entire top hat also has a recessed area so it fits over the dome opening instead of just flat against it (very cool looking). Ok, I am sure there will be more rants later, but here are some more pics. -=Jasen=- My valve setup! First load of charcoal! Still need one or two more hours for the silicone on the Guru tube to cure before firing this baby up! Homemade silicone plug for polder port. Tight as a glove (thanks for that measurement Fetzervalve, a few months back)!
  21. Re: YOU SUCK You can come over and use it any time you like buddy! -=Jasen=-
  22. They all know I have lots of guns - hehe!! Though I make the occasional peace offerings to appease the natives! -=Jasen=-
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