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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. I usually use the easy way and just do what Firemonkey posted. If you spread them throughout your charcoal, it works out pretty good. The smoke bomb idea is not bad either, but just seems threads corrode very quick on those. SS would not work well here either since it expands so much when heated (threads would seize up). I experimented with smoke pots. Made my first one out of terracotta pans (the shallow pans you sit a planter in), but they do not hold up long to the heat. I have thought about doing it again with a cast iron pot (that is a popular container to use for this purpose). You really need one that seals tightly and drill a couple holes in the bottom. This allows the smoke to exit the bottom back through the fire and burn any chemicals off for a more pure smoke. The really cool part about doing this, when you get through with your cook, you will have some very nice charcoal in your smoke pot. You could also you pellets in your pot too. Harbor freight is a good source for very cheap cast iron pots. FYI, if you need a cheaper source for your pellets, try http://www.cookshack.com/ or http://www.traegergrills.com/ and you can get very large bags, way cheaper than the little ones from say Walmart. I used to own a Traeger pellet feed grill many moons ago. -=Jasen=-
  2. Wow, that is a freakn sweet deal for anyone who wants one!! That is a $40 savings off the rotisserie and a $28 savings on Dennis' rotis kit for grill (though the mounting bracket will not fit a GenII, but all it would need is another hole drilled). It freakn figures though, I am a day late and a dollar short as usual - hehe. I just bought mine less than two weeks ago (where were you then?????hehehe). Anyway, great deal for someone! -=Jasen-= BTW, what is the SS box in the lower right hand corner? Opps, it was hard to make out, but I see it is another mounting bracket.
  3. Cool, I ordered from them last night...again. I have tried the Swamp Venom (favorite so far) and the Dizzy Dust (also good). Last night I ordered two more Swamp Venom bottles, another Dizzy Dust and trying the Tsunami Spin and Raising the Steaks for the first time. -=Jasen=-
  4. These season rubs have to be the best store bought rubs I have ever tried. -=Jasen=- http://www.dizzypigbbq.com/
  5. Re: Pics of Baby 2 Hmm, pics are not showing up. Also, I am moving this post to the Komodo Pics section (maybe the pics will show up soon - hehe)! -=Jasen=-
  6. Re: how do you cook a Tri Tip on a KK Just letting you know I am moving this post to the cooking techniques section since it is not a recipe. BTW, I cook them like a steak and cut like London Broil. Fast high temp cook, dwell, rest and then slice across the grain at angle and slant (across the grain and at 45 instead of 90 degrees). -=Jasen=-
  7. Buddy I tried for some - hehe. I wanted it to come from the factory with charcoal in it - hehe - ready to put the fire to it - hehe. -=Jasen=-
  8. Man, I wish we had a Costco around here!! All we have is a Sam's and they SUCK! I also hope your charcoal does not turn out to be the like Kingsford brand lump as that was the worst stuff I even used. I actually called them and asked for a refund it was so bad (for high temps, never bothered trying for lower temps). Check out Naked Whiz review, the volcano comment was from me - hehe. -=Jasen=-
  9. Yeah, I am guessing it is an overseas thing. But then again, I also noticed their shipping was considerably higher than Dennis' too. My Mexi-K was $135 more on shipping and that was over a year ago too. So maybe that might be reason for the large price difference too? -=Jasen=-
  10. Re: Suggestion: Include 1 Free Box of Extruded Coconut Charc Hehe, this is a nice thought. I already tried it though - hehe. I was told that charcoal falls into a combustible category and has some kind of hazardous transport charge added to it. So if you placed charcoal in the KK crate (like the crate is not already flammable - hehe), it greatly increases how much shipping is charged for that item. So bottom line, I doubt it will happen. -=Jasen=-
  11. Re: So.... I think Dennis is making changes to the burner kit based on DJ's input. Problem is people keep pestering him about the side tables That's right, since I have my burner the side tables are the most important thing now - hahahahahaha! Let's not get our priorities wrong here!! -=Jasen=-
  12. Re: So.... Ugh. Dennis should fix it so all we have to do is turn on the gas and cook. I sent him all the measurements and his plan is to have the parts machined to match mine. I think he is also looking into the adapter for existing burners. -=Jasen=-
  13. Re: Disappearing template.. That is great news!! -=Jasen=-
  14. ThreeDJ16

    Frozen meat

    Yup, exactly what Sanny and Paul1927 said. The cell walls burst due to the moisture inside the cell expanding (and sharp ice crystals) bursting the cell walls. But certain times that could also be a good thing. While I would never re-freeze something (as it gets mushy), but since it is breaking down the cell walls, it can change the texture too (ie, tenderizing). The most noticeable example you can try is with fresh fruits. Freeze and then thaw some berries and they are completely soft then. I have used this technique before pressing fresh fruits for wines. I think any meats are better fresh; but I also think pork or tuff cut of beef can be a little more tender after freezing. I am not a fan of freezing poultry, as it tends to turn mushy. -=Jasen=-
  15. Re: So.... Not quite. You can force wrong fitting together and may or may not work out. There is also an adapter that will work which converts the BSP to NPT fittings. -=Jasen=-
  16. Gas Only Burn Temps For anyone interested in temperatures, I tested out the rig tonight in a gas only burn. Charcoal basket removed, front door cracked open, rear burner door cracked open and the tophat 1/2 turn open. With gas you want to trap in the heat instead of creating more draft like with charcoal. But the tophat needs to be open enough to allow flue gases to escape. I found that 1/2 turn did not choke the flame any and trapped the heat nicely. Anyway, 350 was achieved very quick; couple of minutes. A few minutes more and I hit 450. Took a little but longer but 525 was about the most I could get in a reasonably short amount of time. I might could get higher temps after heat soaking, but frankly I don't see much need for anything higher with gas. I might also add that is with an efficient, blue low pressure flame so smut/chemicals should not be an issue. The flame is also adequate to start the charcoal in seconds. I will probably reduce my low/slow gas burn start time down from 2 minutes to 1 minute. -=Jasen=-
  17. Anyone else notice this today at the bottom of the forum? -=Jasen=-
  18. Mmmmm, sounds good! I bet this would be great on a pork tenderloin! Thanks for the recipe! -=Jasen=-
  19. Of course we have separate rule for you - duh - hehehehe! Now, sorry your fire went out, you really should check in to a Guru. I don't care which grill it is, things happen and fires occasionally go out. The Guru will give you peace of mind in those situations! And FYI, your butts look real good - hehehe! I wouldn't mind trying the sauce either! Did you put a recipe in the sauce recipe section by chance? -=Jasen=-
  20. It is not a dup if it is in a seperate thread. And if you don't like that rule then refer to the one JD posted as that one covers it all!! hehe -=Jasen=- Now again, we want side table, we want side tables!
  21. ThreeDJ16

    Burner Flame

    Just trying to tie up all the burner threads to this one: http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1515 -=Jasen=-
  22. Just trying to tie up all the burner threads to this one: http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1515 -=Jasen=-
  23. Bump Bump, bump, bump, bump bump! We want side tables, we want side tables, we want side tables! hehe -=Jasen=- Yeah, I know it is an announcement and does not need a bump to get to the top, but now it is new and unread!!
  24. Re: Ignored Sanny my dear, until we see the plated food, it didn't happen!! Only thing I see is some butts cooking, then one butt with a chunk sliced off the corner. I want some pics of que on the plate, sauce on the side (where it should be) and you sitting there eating it; then I will ogle over the pics (I will let you guess which I am ogling over - )! So, get your camera in gear sweetie! -=Jasen=-
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