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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. Did you shake them in a paper bag, like you'd dust chicken for frying, or did you toss them in an open bowl? I think the latter technique would yield less coating, based upon my experience. YMMV.
  2. tony b

    Bacon Paste

    Maybe this weekend? Crazy busy this week.
  3. Thanks for the tip, Wilburpan! Will definitely try it out on my next chicken cook.
  4. More great food porn from MacKenzie!!! Your photography and plating skills are Pro!
  5. tony b


    Love BBQ goat. Americans are one of the few places where goat isn't eaten much, same with lamb. Both are very tasty. Don't get it?
  6. tony b

    Bacon Paste

    Got this recipe off Cook's Illustrated. Haven't tried it yet, but it sounds like an interesting technique to keep skinless chicken from drying out on the grill. http://www.cooksillustrated.com/recipes/6482-charcoal-grilled-barbecued-chicken-kebabs?token=bd907b2761fffb780d8510eca34d6514 Bet it would work on other things as well, like pork tenderloins. And besides, who doesn't love bacon???
  7. I have the Trader Joe's version and love it. Also have the big tub of coconut oil from CostCo. Makes the best rice pilaf!!!
  8. We warn newbies to go out and buy a new, bigger belt, as you're gonna need it!
  9. Awesome, as usual, MacKenzie! I'm dying to try this wing recipe. Great looking spinach, too!
  10. Not really a forum issue, but the new website still has some kinks in it. If you're in the Store and click on any of the "Shipping Information" tabs, the resulting text comes up in Latin and it's the same on all the items, regardless of grill size. Oh, and I guess there are no accessories for the 21" grill - it's empty. In due time.
  11. Wilburpan, awesome looking wings! Have you tried the BP and Salt rub on a whole chicken??
  12. The reviews on Amazon weren't kind! I had a lot of the same reservations about being too pliable to actually pick up anything of weight. Hence, their demo of asparagus and bacon.
  13. Yummy! Time for lunch, these food pics are killing me!!!
  14. I generally don't use the ceramic heat deflector if I'm cooking indirect anymore; just use the drip pan. So I always have the perimeter hotter than the center. I rarely have that much food on the grate to worry about it.
  15. You're killing me! It's lunchtime and I'm too hungry to be looking at pictures of food right now!!
  16. tony b


    I do a lot of beer festivals, so the lanyards come in handy walking around and not having to worry about dropping your glass if someone bumps into you.
  17. Nice virgin cook nonetheless. Congratulations - you're now an official KK' er!
  18. tony b


    I've owned lanyards for both beer and wine glasses for years. You people need to catch up. Our homebrew club sells them at our festival every year. They're called Beer Schwings.
  19. I think I could have fun with this! Endless possibilities.
  20. Break a leg, kid. I'd eat that in a heartbeat.
  21. Wicked. What are those rings you are using for stands?
  22. Could be a winner in the challenge. Break a leg, kid.
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