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Central Pork

KK comes to NYC

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A little back story ... as some of you may know, a BBQ lover in New York (city) has almost no place to turn - up here, you gotta do it yourself. Thats why about 5 years ago I ordered a BGE. Everyone in my family just FREAKED out when we finally were able to savor real BBQ without a serious road-trip or plane ride involved!

Anyway, recently I got the urge for an upgrade (mainly out of size constraints). Little did I know how vast an upgrade was available in the form of the KK. Just my luck, after months of following this forum, as well as a few others, I was nearly ready to go for it and place an order, and Dennis releases a whole new upgraded OTB!!?!?!?? This was all I needed as a sign to get my order in ASAP, which I did today YES! Thus, I finally wanted to jump in and introduce myself as Central Pork ( I live about 1 block west of Central Park), the proud soon to be owner of a Gen II ultimate OTB. Seriously everyone it has been so helpful following all the feedback on the forum here and it made the big decision pretty simple, in hindsight. I look forward to sharing my cooks with you and to keep on sampling (at least visually) all of yours. Here's to Dennis and the KK.

PS - if there is anyone else here from NYC, I apologize if I have trampled on your turf. If so, I change the subject line of this message from "KK comes to NYC" to "KK NYC outpost grows by one!" :lol:

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Color choice:

Thanks for the hello guys. I actually like the Black on dark grey grout a lot too, but at the moment the family has vetoed me and gone with green with dark grout. When Dennis tells me the moment of truth on color selection has come, I'll let you know final selection. Hopefully that moment comes as soon as possible!

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Re: Color choice:

Thanks for the hello guys. I actually like the Black on dark grey grout a lot too' date=' but at the moment the family has vetoed me and gone with green with dark grout. When Dennis tells me the moment of truth on color selection has come, I'll let you know final selection. Hopefully that moment comes as soon as possible![/quote']

Hehe, that is funny. I have a black tile with black grout OBTII on the way! But I almost got the green. The funny part is I liked the green, but chose that color mainly due to the fact I thought my wife liked it best. I really liked the black better and after I mentioned it to her, she really liked the black tile too. After all, most grills made are either black or stainless steel and pretty much will go anywhere with those colors.


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Re: Color Reconsideration

Drunk J,

You are making me feel like I should have a color re-opener discussion!! Dennis didn't happen to send you a photo of what it would look like, did he? That could help my case quite a bit.

There are pictures of both tile colors on the forum already. I will find a link.


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Re: Black on Black it is!

Ok' date=' with pictures in tow, I was able to make the switch to Black on Black. :lol: I let Dennis know last night and we are all set.[/quote']Visual aids are very helpful in persuading a jury. Well done. :) If the tile and grout colors fit, you must aquit!! hehehe.
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Re: Black on Black it is!

Ok' date=' with pictures in tow, I was able to make the switch to Black on Black. :lol: I let Dennis know last night and we are all set.[/quote']

Good deal on the stealth grill! Not only is it stealthy, but it is formal and traditional all at the same time. A color choice I doubt you will ever regret. Also, it is a lot tougher for smoke/smut to show up on a black grill verses grill or any other lighter color (I had a green tile grill before).


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Darth Vader

Yeah we were arguing at my house whether the neighbors would think we ordered some kind of Darth Vader cooking machine, but I think the classy/stealth image will win out hopefully. One thing I am actually worried about with the dark grout, though, is whether it will be too difficult to ever see a crack? Then you might not be able to seal it until its too late. Anyway, given how much I like the color, I am willing to risk it.

Separate question though, the door to our back yard is 27.75'' wide, which based on the dimensions thread I saw earlier is wide enough for the waist of the unit, but not enough for the front legs. I assume that with enough guys helping, there is no problems leaning the cooker back slightly so the legs could be hooked through the door before bringing the main mody through?

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Re: Darth Vader

Yeah we were arguing at my house whether the neighbors would think we ordered some kind of Darth Vader cooking machine, but I think the classy/stealth image will win out hopefully. One thing I am actually worried about with the dark grout, though, is whether it will be too difficult to ever see a crack? Then you might not be able to seal it until its too late. Anyway, given how much I like the color, I am willing to risk it.

Separate question though, the door to our back yard is 27.75'' wide, which based on the dimensions thread I saw earlier is wide enough for the waist of the unit, but not enough for the front legs. I assume that with enough guys helping, there is no problems leaning the cooker back slightly so the legs could be hooked through the door before bringing the main mody through?

Trust me, my last grill (a mexi-k) had black grout and there were no problems seeing a crack in the grout. I doubt you will have to worry about it, but if you ever did, you will see them.

I am in a simular circumstance with my backyard. I have a brick fence around my backyard with a gate on it (though mine will fit). I had some guys deliver my last fridge come through the back yard and it would not fit. Simple fix, we just took the gate off the hinge which gave several more inches of clearance. Can you do something similar? Anyway, just a suggestion. Another thought is just twist it slightly sideways (not back on the wheels - but have a wheel in front and one in back instead of bringing it in square - 45 degree twist) to maneuver it through the gate?


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This I have got to see!!!

This I have got to see!!!

1 Block west of Central Park... The Upper West Side? Do you have a rooftop terrace? Balcony? Small backyard?

I'm just up the road in Dutchess (Poughkeepsie), used to live in the city a long time ago, have family who live there now, my wife had an apartment at Tudor Place (near the UN) while we were dating. I just can't picture the apartment que setup. Can you post pics of your egg and provide a description of your pad? How do you plan to get the KK to its final resting spot?

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