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Labor Day! - what's on the menu?

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Question: Been doing brined Turkeys for years, smoked and in the oven. I'm thinking it may be time to KK a brined bird this weekend. How many hours of cooking per pound do you guys suggest? My recipe for Apple-Brined Smoked Turkey just says to cook till internal temp is 180. But how long is that going to take on the KK (given the weight of my bird). Oh, and in order to make it look like "FrankenBird", where do you guys suggest the probe(s) go?

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My dog loved the bone!


I sure am glad I clicked and studied this photo. It allows me to offer two little critiques and a comment:

1) Don't feed that kinda stuff to your dog.

2) If ya hafta feed that kinda stuff to your dog, don't do it on the carpet.

1) The color of your toenail polish is to die for!

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I sure am glad I clicked and studied this photo. It allows me to offer two little critiques and a comment:

1) Don't feed that kinda stuff to your dog.

2) If ya hafta feed that kinda stuff to your dog, don't do it on the carpet.

1) The color of your toenail polish is to die for!

Knowing Gerards profession (Veterinarian) and also having seen his other posts of questionable tastes, I am not sure which of his statements you should be most worried about :D:D

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Bobkat -

I have found that turkey cooks on the ceramic in about 2/3 the time it does in the oven. There are some good posts on here from the holidays about turkey. This should get you started:

http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewt ... ght=turkey

The search function (up above, under the logo) will find a bunch more. Also, I believe there is a write up on TNWs site about "Mad Max turkey" that you may want give a look.

I would probably put the probe in the thigh, just like I would in the oven. Use a instant read on the breast when it gets close to done, so you can keep it from overcooking.

Edit: I forgot you had a pro-comm. If you have 2 probes for the meat, put one in the thigh and one in the breast. Definitely give the mad max turkey a review. You may want to try the ice pack on the breast as they describe.

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Slow down Cowboy Gerard. That's my significant others foot. And no, that is not a Cocker Spaniel, that is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. You see, the longer the name or title...never mind! Here's another pick of my little girl. Yeah, and that's my other significant others foot in the background. :player: Her name is Bruce, and she is a Cocker.


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