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Baby Huey

First Cook on the KK - Brisket

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Sanny sweetie, how come when you quote, emoticons stay with the quote, but when I quote they don't?

I make sure to include the emoticon when I highlight the string for copy/paste in the quote, but the emoticons never copy for me. Boo-hoo.. :smt022

:shrug:...... :smt100....... :smt102

probably because she clicks the "quote" button on the right of the posting instead of copy/paste.

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Well how about that! Thanks TKline.

Just goes to show you can teach old dogs new tricks. Just doesn't mean you won't have to remind them once in a while. :lol:

I never paid much attention to that quote box. My gosh, heck of a lot easier. :wtg:

Sanny, TK said "probably"; that doesn't mean he's giving away your Goddess status, it was a good guess. You're still our goddess of emoticons and sweet sayings.

Here's to cheer you up :alright::smt058

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Re: Nice


BTW - Firemonkey - the new avatar is totally pimp!


Not starting a flame war here but am I the only one who gets confused with all these new avatars???

Majestik remains the same as ever; and I find it easier to recognise who's saying what...Also Sanny's beautiful eyes have disappeared :(

PS Agree with you M totally :P

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