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Johnnyboy's Burkka Cover

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Here is one of Johnnyboy's OTB covers with "Eyes" added to freak out my friends before they get close enough to really see it. This cover is extremely well made and has seen two winters outside at 9,600 feet elevation--it still looks great. Johnnyboy makes great covers!

Zorro :smt023



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Oh my goodness!

That's funny.

I must say, though, I have mixed feelings. I mean, I find it funny. And I'm somewhat ashamed of myself for finding it so. If it were embroidered to be a Mammy, would it be funny? If I were a woman whose beliefs required me to wear that garb, would I find it so?

Not meaning to start a debate thread. Just thinking out loud. :smt017

(But I do think it's great! And it's about the first thing that came to mind when I first saw a black Jammy.)

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Johnnyboy's Burkka Cover

The embroidered "eyes" were digitized from a photo and then a machine stitched it up. My next one for Wichita will have blue eyes. If someone wants one of these, I can probably get it. (Hopefully you would be williing to help defray a small portion of my $100 extra cost to have the photo digitized). Anyway, I can't remember what the company charged for the embroidery but whatever my cost is will be yours. I left Johnnyboy's cover with them and they attached it. (I don't know if it was embroidered directly on the cover.) I suspect they made the eyes then attached them to the cover.

Zorro :)

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Difficult to understand the expense in embroidery. Especially when you see at every truck stop and fair someone embroidering hats/shirts like it's going out of style.

So I thought would be fun to add an embroidery machine to my buisness; for the same reason Zorro has it on his cover. So I could embroider forum names, personalized images of interest, etc for folks. Kind of a personalized service.

That was until I priced just the embroidery machine! 8 colors or so you're in the $20K range, and that doesn't include the software to run it. Definitely doesn't include the software to digitize a photo.

I thought man, quite a bit more than I have to spend to have a bit of fun service. But darnit if I didn't wish I had the money. I'd do it just for the fun, and to be able to provide not only custom covers, but personalized as well.

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I wonder if they made a patch and sewed it on? Kinda like Girl Scout Cookie Patch, only not the same at all.


It's quite an amazing piece of work. Surely though, a person would have to have quite the monogramming and embroidery business to justify the startup cost, huh? Maybe there are pre-owned ones out in the marketplace.

In college, the guys would bring me their jeans that had worn through. I'd hand sew patches on for them, but the deal was they'd have to take whatever I put on. :wink: One guy's seat had worn through, and I (hand) embroidered eyes on the patches, then sewed them to his jeans. Hehehe. :)

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I used to have a laser engraver, and ran a decent operation out of my garage, engraving logos and personalization on wooden pens and cases. This led to a relationship with another local engraving shop, who didnt have a laser. They also ran the biggest embroidery operation in town, with one 4-head machine and one 8-head machine doing corp. logos and sports apparel for the local university. In the end, I ended up being their go-to guy for any kind of repair on the computers or equipment, plus did consulting or specialized jobs - which gave me access to their equipment when I needed it.

You are absolutely correct about the expense of commercial embroidery machines! And the digitizing software costs more than a few dollars, too. Then you have to invest the time into actually DOING the digitizing. I knew a few people that made more money by doing complex digitizing for people who had small embroidery shops than actually stitching product.

JB - If you want to offer these "eyes" as an option, you can get them delivered to you as an embroidered patch that you could sew on with your machine. Im sure you could find a shop online that may even digitize for free and do a small run for you. Zorro could even ask for a disk from his embroiderer for the digitizing, if you ask real nice ;)

But if you do it, make sure you specify the whites of the eyes to be done in white glow in the dark thread! :lol:

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Its funny just because it is. Seems a shame that whomever is responsible for unleashing political correctness upon us has got us to the point where we would feel ashamed of laughing.

I guess my point would be its funny as it is, it would be funny as a mammy, it would be funny as a redneck with a baseball cap!

Being ashamed not required!

Laughing, good bbq, and a fine cocktail are precious!

I officially absolve you Sanny! :), roast three chickens and drink one of the Beers you are hoarding in your ice box, and invoke Dennis' name loudly into the cloud of Oak Smoke! It will be done :)

Oh my goodness!

That's funny.

I must say, though, I have mixed feelings. I mean, I find it funny. And I'm somewhat ashamed of myself for finding it so. If it were embroidered to be a Mammy, would it be funny? If I were a woman whose beliefs required me to wear that garb, would I find it so?

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I'll be happy to sew on patches; just provide them when you order.

It all started out as wanting to embroider company logos on the cover itself. I found a place in town that would do it; but a bit of an effort in time and gas just running back and forth in/out of town for every cover, plus the cost of the work. Just wasn't worth it. Covers are already expensive enough. So then I thought about having patches made for each company; but didn't like the idea of a sewn on patch for logo. Nor at the time did I know the effort/process required such as digitize a jpg type file, before it can even go to the embroidery machine.

Baffels me knowing there's software out there to convert just about anything; that one can't simply feed a jpg type file to a computerized embroidery machine and have it sewn. Just blows me away why it's so different on an embroidery machine than sending a file to a plotter, printer, CNC machine, robot, auto-pen machine, or whatever.

Just wasn't as easy or affordable as I thought. Can't imagine how many hats it would take to recover $20K; all I know is it's too many for this boy.

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Baffels me knowing there's software out there to convert just about anything; that one can't simply feed a jpg type file to a computerized embroidery machine and have it sewn. Just blows me away why it's so different on an embroidery machine than sending a file to a plotter, printer, CNC machine, robot, auto-pen machine, or whatever.

There is software that does it, just some better than others, and none that do it all just right. Thread is a little less forgiving than just a printer or plotter. The digitizing software has to precisely define exactly where each stitch will go, and there are a BUNCH of stitches in that face. I bet it took 20 minutes or more for that to run on the embroiderer.

I can tell you there is a craft to digitizing for embroidery, and if you do dont do it correctly the job looks like hell - bumpy, perforated with needle holes, stitches too tight, etc. You even have to consider the back of the design when you are doing clothing, otherwise you will have a big thick mess of overlapping threads where the needle had to move.

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