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T Rex

Prawns and crabs are in abundance

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Hey FM, nothing short of outstanding, Bravo! I love the recipe and guess what I will be cooking tomorrow......... to late to do it today as I have already taken out a nice slab of salmon from the freezer.

Prawns and crabs are in abundance where I live to the extent that we have over done it with our current repertoire of recipes. Here is what 1.5 hours of prawning looks like in our local waters:


and crabs......


T Rex

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Oh yeah, those look like they will be tasty! I am from MD originally, so I am sort of loyal to blue crab. But If I had those guys in my back yard, that loyalty would for sure be tested.

And I bet your salmon was local, and wild caught, too! Now I am jealous. You wanna trade for some Citrus - assuming any survived after after this globally-warmed-yet-coldest -on-record winter we have had in FL? :D

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OK TRex - we've got the whole hijack thing worked out - How does one go prawning? Is it like shrimping?

FM - Love the Blue Crabs too. We get lots of 'em here in Central PA being close to the Maryland line. But... I would trade my Blues for a Dungenous in very short order! Really Love Those!!!

I think each has it's strong point - Blues are not a meal, they are an event. Complete only with potato, slaw, a keg of beer, friends and an afternoon or evening (or both) to enjoy all!

Dungenous are a meal. Good with all of the above, but you're full much quicker and thus, not an all day eat like those Blues.

Wow - now I need a crab feast! 8)

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Hi Conodo12, Dennis fixed the thread for me (thanks Dennis) so as soon as I get my Guru installed this morning, it will be Prawning 101 complete with pictures.

I am still working on making all of my pictures smaller and with some luck it could happen today.

I have to say that it will be very difficult to put a screw driver and hammer to the KK to get the plug out, one hates to screw with perfection!

T Rex

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Prawning 101

For those of you that may not be familiar with the area where I live, Vancouver Island is located in British Columbia, Canada (we are about 25 miles across the water from where the Winter Olympics are currently taking place.

The local prawns are Side Stripe Spot prawns however, they are commonly referred to as "bugs" locally, though somewhat different from the ones Dennis enjoys on his KK.... :wink:

In order to catch prawns you will require traps, 400' plus of rope, weights, a "pot" puller and bait. The first thing that you need to find is a depth of around 300' with a relatively flat gravel bottom, done using the boats electronics. The traps are mostly constructed of stainless steel because of the salt water, are approximately 30" in diameter and covered with a mesh to prevent the prawns from escaping (once they find their way inside) with the intent of feasting on the bait pellets (compressed fish meal) that sit in a perferrated canister that allows the scent to permeate the area where the trap is sitting and allow the prawns to indulge.

Typically a 5 lb. weight is attached to the first trap to anchor it to the bottom, another trap is hooked onto the mainline about 30' from the first one and they are let down to the bottom with a large float called a Scotchman, attached to the end of the line so that the traps may be located and retrieved after a 1.5 to 2 hour "soak". There is also an abundance of shrimp in our local waters however, these are caught by dragging a fine mesh net to catch them. Because shrimp are "vegitarians" unlike prawns which are "carnivores", it is not possible to use baited traps for shrimp.

After the traps have "soaked" for the specified time one returns to the float and uses a "trap/pot puller" to bring the traps and prawns up from the 300' depth. ( a puller is typically a motorized winch which either runs off of the boats 12V power or in some cases the motors are fueled by gasoline) Because of their abundance we routinely pick out the largest and release the smaller ones to put some weight on for another day. Prawns live for 3 years, all start off as males and end up as females.

I have unfortunately not yet figured out how to downsize my images so hopefully you will all bear with me. A couple of the pictures were taken from another forum I belong to, "Sportfishing BC" which should give you a better idea of what I am talking about..

I'l start off with a picture of the "Striper Sniper" my boat:


This is a typical "prawn trap" taken from the other forum:


This is an example of a "puller" taken from the same site:


A couple of pictures of some more Side Striped Spot prawns I harvested:



And finally a picture of a "crab trap" which is somewhat similiar to a prawn trap however, the fishing depth is usually anywhere from 50' to 150':


Well what the heck, maybe a couple pictures of T Rex with a couple of salmon:




Well perhaps some halibut to:



Anyone for some redsnapper and ling cod......


Hope you enjoy the pictures, I could go on all day but fear Dennis would appropriately ban me from the site..........

T Rex

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Re: Prawning 101

Hope you enjoy the pictures, I could go on all day but fear Dennis would appropriately ban me from the site........

T Rex

We don't have any Gestapo like Admins or moderators here..

Feel free to talk about all the wanna be competitor ceramics.. comparisons welcome and even encouraged..

We do not talk about religion, politics or Richard Johnson's activities.. (builder of the portland cement POSK)


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Hey Curly, be careful of what you wish for, too much of a good thing and it isn't special anymore...........

T Rex

Yeah, I was reminding my daughter of that very thing this week-end :D

I have eaten butter dipped lobster until I felt like I had several pounds of butter in my stomach...definately too much of a good thing. But it was really good up until then.

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T Rex...you may want to think about a more seafoody handle...man I could eat those prawns 3 times a day. I'm very jealous of your of all those pics...wish I lived on the ocean.

Hey Curly, I did consider SeaWolf as a handle however, since retiring to the Island from Alberta, I have this constant craving for meat... :D

T Rex

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