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Forum help on NEW OTB Upper grill design

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New Upper Grill.. Good Size?

Here is the new charcoal basket with 5" tall heat deflector/ sear grill supports (they are now 4")


This is the size down low on top of the above mentioned basket..

That'll be searing hot...


This is for perspective on how large the grill is sitting on the main grill...


This is on a 5" can with almost 6" in wheels sitting on top... There was plenty of room above it.. the wood tipped over when I put it on the edge :wink:


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Size looks good. But without a side pic, we really cannot tell anything on the height. Without a grill I have no idea what the max hieght could be; so could you give us a definitive answer on that? I would like the upper grill to split the difference from the main grill to the dome - is that what this one is doing?


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Too Big

This is too big in my opinion, I would say 2"-3" shorter in dia. I typically don't use the upper grill for large cooks. Just as overflow. But I don't want to drag this out much longer as I need Dennis to finish this project so that I can get my grills. It looks like I need a new charcoal basket now too Dennis. My basket has the vertical bars on the outside and makes it rock in the fire box. Thanks.

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I do want to go back and touch on a few things here so we can narrow this thing down to exactly what everyone wants.

- This is a sear grill / upper grill right? I still see no need to complicate this by making all sorts of fancy collapsible legs or ladder legs. What is wrong with simply fixed legs for using as an upper grill and simply turning it upside down and placing on basket for sear grill (leg could then be the handles)? Simplicity give things more usage, cheaper and less things to break down.

- Will the current size fit for both areas?

-Tony what is the disadvantage to it being the size it is? I mean you can use the amount you need if it is too large, but if it is too small your screwed? Unless it is an access issue - and then I must wonder if it is too low?

- I know your wanting this baby on your grill, but I think more dialog is in order since we are making something to please everyone.


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I think Tony is saying that a large upper grill makes it hard to access the goods on the main grate, which is the primary cooking area. I can see that being an issue, but I think that reducing the upper grill to a size small enough to let you easily access the whole main grate will make it too small be useful.

Personally, I can see myself using both grates for things like Jerky, where the more surface I have available the better. I can also see cooking burgers/chicken/etc and needing some extra room for for sides/vegetables to go as well. In that case, access would be wonderful.

The $1M question is where is the sweet spot between accessibility and function for large cooks? I dont know that there is a simple answer.

Just an idea - hinge it in the middle so you can fold it in half when you only want a little room, and flop it out when you need some extra room. There would need to be a tab to keep it from folding shut when you lift it from the sear position. Maybe that will cover all the bases?

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I am thinking height is going to be the best answer for access. Though realistically, you should not need that much access as this is mainly a low and slow function. So maybe like you said, a compromise between diameter and height to allow access, yet still have room above for food?


I am also curious if Dennis is going to make the pizza stone / heat deflector in a similar shape too?

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Monkey is correct, if the upper grill gets too big it will become a hinderance to the main grill. I think 2/3 is plenty big. For most everyday cookers we are just using the upper grill for a little extra space and as Monkey says for different items such as veggies. There may be the rare instance where you want maximum grill space but I think you will find this will be much less than the first scenario. You also don't want the upper grill to be big and clumsy as you may need to take it off to access the main grill. Personnally I would prefer it to be round but if its a bit smaller it would be ok heart shaped. Also the outer edges may not be as useful as you will have less head room around the edges. I like the collapsable legs simply for storage reasons. You can store it flat. You still can use the legs for handles even if they are collapsable so I don't know why you wouldn't make them so. I must admit this is the only item I miss from my old K (I should have kept it).

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Re: Too Big

My basket has the vertical bars on the outside and makes it rock in the fire box. Thanks.

Hey Tony if you turn your firebox a bit you can easily find a position that does not rock.. But your right it can rock on that outside rib if set at 12 and 6 o'clock..

An actual grill is being made.. enough plywood.. It will have handles to permit easy moving.. my guess is that it's easier to take it off.. do what you need to do below and then put it back.. Are you really going to be flipping meat under it?

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Re: Too Big

My basket has the vertical bars on the outside and makes it rock in the fire box. Thanks.

Hey Tony if you turn your firebox a bit you can easily find a position that does not rock.. But your right it can rock on that outside rib if set at 12 and 6 o'clock..

An actual grill is being made.. enough plywood.. It will have handles to permit easy moving.. my guess is that it's easier to take it off.. do what you need to do below and then put it back.. Are you really going to be flipping meat under it?

So how about the legs? You gonna stick with simple fixed legs (which could be turned upside down for the sear grill)?


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Re: Too Big

So how about the legs? You gonna stick with simple fixed legs (which could be turned upside down for the sear grill)?


The folding legs are nice if I'm going to mail the grill..

Fixed are probably better if delivered with the grill..

Good, fixed is my preference. I find the folding ones can fail on you and just made things more awkward (collapsing when you don't want them to).


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Re: Too Big

My basket has the vertical bars on the outside and makes it rock in the fire box. Thanks.

Hey Tony if you turn your firebox a bit you can easily find a position that does not rock.. But your right it can rock on that outside rib if set at 12 and 6 o'clock..

An actual grill is being made.. enough plywood.. It will have handles to permit easy moving.. my guess is that it's easier to take it off.. do what you need to do below and then put it back.. Are you really going to be flipping meat under it?

At this point I really don't care if it has wings I just want an upper grill!! and a lower grill and the new main grill. I will not be flipping meat but may be removing meat sooner than that which is cooking on the upper grill. If everyone wants bigger then thats fine with me. I'm easy.

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Re: Too Big

My basket has the vertical bars on the outside and makes it rock in the fire box. Thanks.

Hey Tony if you turn your firebox a bit you can easily find a position that does not rock.. But your right it can rock on that outside rib if set at 12 and 6 o'clock..

An actual grill is being made.. enough plywood.. It will have handles to permit easy moving.. my guess is that it's easier to take it off.. do what you need to do below and then put it back.. Are you really going to be flipping meat under it?

At this point I really don't care if it has wings I just want an upper grill!! and a lower grill and the new main grill. I will not be flipping meat but may be removing meat sooner than that which is cooking on the upper grill. If everyone wants bigger then thats fine with me. I'm easy.

What we really want is some more damn cooking pics!!!!!!!! You keep forgetting I am having to live vicariously through your pics for the moment!!!!!! hehe :lol: You know your not gonna get any sympathy from a man who has no grill - right?? hehe

How many grill grates do you have now Tony? Just the one or do you have a lower one too? If two, are they both in use and you want a third? Just checking in case I could help you out any with welding up some legs while you wait. Let me know (not sure if shipping or driving down would even be worth your while - but I figured I would offer)!


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I may take you up on that. Right now I just have the old style main grill and am waiting to get the new style main, a lower grill and the new upper grill. No I have not and probably will not do a large cook anytime soon. At least until the holidays but sometimes I use the upper grill for pizzas and low and slows just to get it up in the dome a little more. Don't know if that helps anything just a habbit. I guess the truth of the matter is I always want ALL the toys weather I use them ot not.

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