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Extrodinarilly Efficient

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Well today was a very dreary day in Georgia, the first on a weekend in a long time so since we did not venture to the lake as we usually do it brought about a great time to heed some great advice I recently received and that is to "actually go out and use my cooker". I am in the midst of a double wammy. As we were also catching up on yard work I put 4 slabs of ribs on the grill, stabilized it at 200, and proceded to trim bushes in the rain. Well we just finished dinner and I have to say these were the best ribs ever (and I'm not saying that just because I own stock in the company) :lol: These were fall off the bones type ribs, I didn't even have to tell my kids that they still had meat on the bones and couldn't get up until it was gone because it WAS gone. But the true amazement to me was the efficiency of this cooker. I loaded up the charcoal basket to the rim and cooked the ribs for 6 hours, unlike Sanny who created a mortal sin in peaking before the cook was done, when I lifted the lid at the end of the cook nearly ALL the charcoal was still REMAINING. I was truly amazed. This is one awesome and efficient cooker I must say.

Ok now for part two, I put in a 5 pound Boston Butt and will let it cook the rest of the night. I did add some coconut lump (not mentioning the source) as it really is the best low and slow charcoal I have ever used. Unfortunately I had so much of my other lump left over that I didn't have much room for the CEL, but I added as much as I could. I have attached my Redi Check and I will let you all know how part two came out tommorrow.

Also I must add that there were no leaks at all in the seal of the grill (except for the polder tube hole :lol: ) not an issue in my book. Very tight and probably why so efficient.

This was my first low and slow and I must say I was truly impressed.


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Re: Extrodinarilly Efficient

ALL the charcoal was still REMAINING. I was truly amazed. This is one awesome and efficient cooker I must say.

This was my first low and slow and I must say I was truly impressed.


I agree with Tony. It doesnot use much lump. It is by far the best cooker I have used. Have 2, 8 lbs butts on now. They will come off in about an hour.

Picture to follow. :D:D

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Part II

Ok, here is part two of my cooking this weekend. The Boston Butt came out great, cooked for 16 hours, could have gone a little longer as the temp was only 195 but I had to go to a Braves game. Still pulled with ease and tasted great!!! Here are some pictures:


My Redi Check did go off once thru the night, the fire was only on one side instead of the middle. Stoked it a little and it was back on track.


Finished product:




Here is all the charcoal that was left after 16 hours. I had only filled it up to the top of the basked. Pretty dang good.


And here is the KK wide open to clean things up:



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It is hard to believe now little lump it uses. Here is a picture of 2, 8 lb butts on the KK, just getting started. Forgot to take pictures when done. Very little lump used. They are very good. Foodsavered them in 2 lb packages. Apple wood was added. The more I use the KK the more impressed I am. It is one hell of a good cooker.

Thank you Dennis :D:D:D:D

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Last night I put the fire ring in and filled it up to the brim with lump. I started it and got the temp to about 300 then threw on 4 big ole porkchops. They cooked about 25 minutes total.

When I looked at the lump it looked the same as when I started the cook. I haven't stirred it, and I'm sure it'll sink some then, but that's one efficient machine :shock:

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that's one efficient machine :shock:

I find the same thing too.

Day before yesterday I filled her up with lots of mesquite and coudln't believe how long it went. (The Firemonkey central Florida charcoal co-op rocks!)

16 hours at 230

11 more hours at 400

27 total hours :shock:

What the heck did you cook for 11 hours at 400 :shock:

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(The Firemonkey central Florida charcoal co-op rocks!)

Glad you like it. When you are ready for more, or if anyone else would like to get in on the next purchase, let me know. I will start a new thread and you can claim as many bags as you want. When we get to 25 (minimum order, 25 bags/pallet) we will do it again.

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