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Burger Double Maillard Reaction KK 5/25/21

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Todays lunch.

1 hamburger roll buttered and toasted
Condiments and toppings as desired
(mayonnaise, mustard, shredded lettuce, onions (fried), tomatoes, pickles, etc)
4 ounces freshly ground beef chuck divided into two 2 ounce balls
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 slice  cheese

1- Total cooking time about 1 min:
2- There will be smoke.

Prepare toasted bun by laying toppings on the bottom half:
Have it nearby and ready for when burger is cooked.
Preheat a large stainless steel sauté pan or stainless steel skillet over HIGH heat for 2 min.
Place two 2 oz balls of beef in the pan:
Smash down with a stiff metal spatula.
(use a second spatula to add pressure)
(smashed patties should be slightly wider than bun)
Season generously with salt and pepper.
Cook until well-browned and top is beginning to turn pale pink/gray in spots: (!!!about 45 seconds!!!)
Using a bench scraper:
(or the back side of a stiff metal spatula)
Carefully scrape burger patties from pan.
(making sure to get all of the browned bits)
Flip patties and immediately place a slice of cheese over one patty:
Stack second patty directly on top.
Immediately remove from pan:
Transfer to waiting burger bun.
Add top bun.


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Shack - you just changed my dinner plans!  I'm off to get some fresh 80/20. Seriously.  I've got TheBeast fired up for chicken.  I'm throwing that yard bird back in the fridge and putting my cast iron griddle on the grate in the belly of TheBeast and we're having smashed burgers for dinner.  I'm outta here!

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Shack - Just finished dinner and the burgers were STUPENDOUS!  Thanks!  It's all your fault.


I have a major league spatula - a Mundial - that has a lot of heft for smashing burgers, and a knife edge for scraping.  


Shack - those burgers were DA BOMB!


Sorry no pics to post.  I was too dadgummed busy smacking my lips, dagnabit!

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OK Guys, I have cameras. Will learn to post. Just so busy cookin and no time lookin.

Chef - Did burgers come out juicy? I have a problem with 1 min cooking time.

With the exception of 2 patties each these take me back to the 50's Blue Circle in Knoxville.

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I added a pic on my original post. How did it do?

Awesome picture. Makes me want to make that.

I am a very visual person. I won't buy a cook book unless it has pictures to go along with the majority of the recipes. I like to have an idea of what I'm trying to accomplish.

TY for the picture.

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