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Pork Butt: Inject or not to Inject

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Sorry no pics. It took over 10 hours to cook. It shredded nicely. I made a Bourbon BBQ Sauce from a recipe I got from the BBQ Pit Boys. The pulled pork was good, especially on a nice crusted roll with cole slaw. They is plenty left for tomorrow and freezing

As yo the BBQ Sauce, note to self, do not use liquor when making BBQ Sauce. The recipe called for 1 cup of Bourbon and all I had was 1/2 cup. I just didn't like the taste. It is a waste of good whisky. It also called for 1/2 cup of lemon juice, too much.

My kids liked the pulled Pork. As for me, I think I prefer Pulled Beef.

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Did you find that the injection made some parts of the pork taste different from the rest? If the reason for injection is because a marinade doesn’t deeply penetrate the meat, then there’s not much reason to believe the liquid injection would penetrate much beyond where the needle was.

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We have discussed this before and Wilburpan is right. Muscle tissue is not like a sponge or bread. It is very tight and dense. Notice how when you inject most of it comes squirting out all over you as you withdraw the needle? You can get some flavor in there but not much and it's not easy.

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I have really evolved into a less is more type cooker. 


I do not brine, inject etc.....


I like to try and keep it as simple as I can and not overthink the cook.


It has served me well so far.


At the end of a pork butt, once I shred it, I bring to a boil a 1/4 cup of cider vinegar, 1/4 cup apple juice and 2 tbsp. of brown sugar.  Once at a boil, I pour it onto my shredded pork.  This has become my go to for pork butts

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At the end of a pork butt, once I shred it, I bring to a boil a 1/4 cup of cider vinegar, 1/4 cup apple juice and 2 tbsp. of brown sugar.  Once at a boil, I pour it onto my shredded pork.  This has become my go to for pork butts


Toss in some fresh ground black pepper and some cayenne, now you're talking! Classic NC style vinegar sauce!

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