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Hello from Paul

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I guess the site admin's are too busy deleting spam accounts to say hi to new users.

My name is Paul and I'm a Weber user (feels like I'm in an AA meeting) and am curious about the ceramic cookers (read very interested and want to buy me a KK asap).

I live with my wife and 2 dogs, 2 cats in Sydney Australia, land of the barbie! (i.e. BBQ). Although I was born in Holland (liked the picture of the crane) I'm now quite comfortable down-under.

I'm not sure whether I'll use the same method on arrival of my Komodo I reckon I can get some of my big aussie mates do help me (in return I'll offer beer and ribs)

CU on this forum, Paul

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Welcome Paul,

I am a new member also. I just got my KK OTB Supreme and it is gorgeous! Unfortunately, it is at my Breckenridge Colorado mountain home-9,600 feet and stranded in my garage until I can get some heat tape and gutters on my roof to carry away ice and snow that currently slides off onto my patio. Hopefully next week-then I will get a crane to hoist it over the house. You probably will be cooking before me. Anyway, I love Austrailia- and like all of the Aussies I have ever met. You will like this forum if you don't mind wading through a little friendly BS from time to time.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

Zorro (from Kansas)

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Hey PaulR...we have a GregR who is also a member of this forum, are ya'll related :shock: (I guess this is the friendly BS Zorro was speaking of :? )

Welcome, don't worry about our admin, all they think about is that paycheck they get for all their labors. I'm sure you'll love the barbie, you will be the envy of your Ausie brethren.

Keep us informed on what you are getting. We will need some outback pics. :D

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Re: Hello from Paul

I guess the site admin's are too busy deleting spam accounts to say hi to new users.

Hello Paul! Glad to see you found our forum. Yeah, all of us admins have been celebrating this little holiday - you might have heard of it - it's called Christmas - hehe! :o:lol::D

Just for info, if you are trying to contact the owner Dennis for info about a KK, he is on holiday and might be a little longer than normal getting back to you (but he will).


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Deej, that whole "holiday" excuse is sooo shopworn. I mean, stores closed. Why? "holiday." Family all in a dither and expecting something good to eat, and not only presents, but wrapped ones! why? "holiday."

Everyone is using that one - go back and see if you can come up with something better. :smt111

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Deej, that whole "holiday" excuse is sooo shopworn. I mean, stores closed. Why? "holiday." Family all in a dither and expecting something good to eat, and not only presents, but wrapped ones! why? "holiday."

Everyone is using that one - go back and see if you can come up with something better. :smt111

All I gotta say is "Bah-Humbug"! :smt096


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Personally I steer clear of eating skippy (mainly cause I don't like the taste!). Emu is fine (great country if you can eat all the animals on the nation's emblem!).

Anyway I haven't ordered my KK yet (still working on getting the money authorized by the boss (aka my wife)). I really like the supreme but have yet to figure out whether the laser cut steel is worth the difference (isn't that the major difference between the delux and the supreme).

Anyway I'll be asking more questions in the KK411 area!

Thanks for all your help it looks like a friendly forum!

CU Paul

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Deej' date=' that whole "holiday" excuse is sooo shopworn. I mean, stores closed. Why? "holiday."[/quote']

Yup.. It's the holiday..

As Webster says, "a day of festivity or recreation when no work is done"

Or as I say.. The days of recovery when your friends and wife keep you out all night 'till the wee hours of the morning and you have to sleep on the beach to recover the next day.. next thing you know they are doing it again :wink::wink:

Sometimes it feels like I gotta go back to work just to get some rest. :wink:

When I'm in Indonesia, I'm online all morning and after work at night. Mail is usually answered in less than 12 hours but almost always in a day.

For customer inquiries I'm the only one who can properly answer, so I personally answer all emails.

As you can imagine this gets tough sometimes after a day in the factory when it's 95º & 95% humidity.. (violin music here;-)

But have no fear.. write me and you will hear back from me in a day or so thru the New Year..

Happy "Holidays" to all especially Sanny!

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Thanks guys,

I saw the Christmas specials but (correctly?) assumed that was in relation to US stock..

But if you feel so inclined to offer an 07 discount on Indonesian stock I won't say no...

Still a bit worried about our lovely Oz customs people (they are very strict and not always careful with cargo!).

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