My family has been out of town all winter. I try to stay fit and eat clean. I exercise to be able to pig out on BBQ. In 2 weeks I begin my spring and summer BBQ expeditions. First to Hogs for the Cause in New Orleans, Then Memphis in May, followed by the Big Apple BBQ Block Party in June. At this point I am in survival mode. I live off of protein and vegetables. I use my sous vide to prepare lean chicken and pork tenderloin for all week. Then comes the weekend and CHEAT day.....Enjoy. I did.
Habenero chili pepper in both rubs. Porcini powder and Woosty powder in the beef rub. Otherwise pretty basic. pork 215 for 6 hours. Beef 215 for 9 hours. I know many feel temps are forgiving, but I really believe the lower and slower the better....ala sous vide.