WTF? Tell me you're yankin' my crank! An electric skillet? CK, do I need to come out there and slap some sense into your addled brain? You've got a KK sittin' in The Bistro and you're using an electric skillet?
I don't care how tasty that cook looks, I'm thinking if vacation doesn't stop the madness, it's time to rally the troops and do an intervention!
Who's joining me in saving an errant ckreef? I don't think it's contagious, skreef hasn't joined in the apostasy, so all we need to do is intervene, tie up ckreef, and blow some oak smoke up his ....ahhhhh....nostrils. Sure, that's the ticket. Oak smoke up his nostrils!
Nice cook! Kudos, but my son, your penance will be severe.