Alright, some APL baked beans, starts with grating the pepper and onion, then squeezing out the moisture.
Mixed up, then topped with some of my most recent batch of bacon.
Bouchon Bakery corn muffins.
No plate shot -- too busy plating for my guests.
Waffles...all the time. Although I don't use the discard for this. Although it would work, it is past its prime in terms of both flavor and leavening "power". I mix my waffle batter within 12 hours of feeding, sticking with the young levain principle.
From idea to serving at the table - 20 minutes. I love my KK's but Reef's Cracker Crust on the Blackstone Pizza Oven is probably the fastest homemade pizza one can make.
My mom sent these to me via my sister who also got a set. These are Corning Pyrex bowls which belong to my grandmother both sets are over 50yrs old and don't have a single chip in them, I have the gold and my sister got the blue(she went and got them so first pick)! I remember plenty of potatoe salad in both my set and my sister's set too!!
Coulda done 3 in the 23, but the upper rack is below with double bottom drip pan. Captured about 2 cups of jus, some of which went right into my espresso BBQ sauce.
It's really much simpler than that. Drop the yogurt and milk. All you need are equal parts (by weight) water and flour. After a few days you'll start seeing bubbles, then start the feeding process. It will be ready for use after about 10 days. Or if you want to jump start, as syzygies as suggested, make a poolish with yeast and start feeding after a day.
I will add rosemary I know I have used the dried stuff when I've been caught out .what am I saying just go fresh on everything vacuum seal the leftovers Outback Kamado Bar and Grill