That link doesn’t work...or at least safari doesn’t like it.
I actually have been using mostly “natural” products, body washes, etc. One even has a big “Vegan” badge on the front, but not sure whether that means it would make vegans happy or it’s made out of vegans. These are amongst the products that have been killing me. Once I stopped using them, many of my issues went away. But the underlying cause hadn’t been identified.
Facts remain a stubborn thing (and I even live in the shadow of the beltway, where dogma reigns supreme and facts don’t matter). Skin patch tests show pretty clearly where the problems are and why those products were bad for me. And why things I’ve substituted are working. There are a few more changes to make to resolve the rest.
I agree that government food science and recommendations have been largely wrong for decades, but the ACDS isn’t a government run organization, and even if it were I don’t believe that would inherently invalidate it. Science works.