Thanks Wobster for the kick, it got me going again and I followed the link. It took a few different sites to work through, one of which everyone was asking the same question, I have one of these and what is it? So it's a steamer pot, much like a Donabe but you would place your vegetables inside up to the final addition of fish, let it cook some, this was all described by woman on youtube making a clay pot as mine. Upon searching further, one video came up with 19K views from 13 years back describing how to use it, wouldn't you know it wouldn't play when I clicked on, the screen was all lines. Ahh, at least I'm getting closer, thanks.
Unrelated and out of the corner of my eye, while looking into this I came across a story on Youtube titled, "UK bans wood burners." Did you know there are area's now in the UK set as smoke free, the wood you purchase has to be seasoned and the type of stove has to meet stiff requirements. If you don't follow the rules and there are many and extend into other fuel types, fines are in place to put you back in line. If they're going after wood burners, I wonder what they have in their sights for cooking equipment and if that idea could spread across the pond. Don't worry, I already think Dennis is working on the new smokeless KK as we speak, say it ain't so. Thanks again for the interest