This project began by saying to my wife, "wishful thinking" at least four times and then after she secured allies the pressure became too much... I finally relented to build. Began about three weeks ago with a little help from my friends it finally came around to what my wife desired as a permanent structure as opposed to the 10x12 metal frame fabric wrapped Gazebo that had to be taken down and put up every year for the last 6 years. I figure if I live to 100 my time invested in this might be reached to some eqivalent, what the hell, it's just about done minus a few pieces here and there. So it's 16 x14 with 6x6 beams sunken down 3 1/2 feet in the corners, 2x6 rafters, and triple 2x6 beams all pressure treated for a long life and strength. The roof was prime 27mm steel gauge and it all encircled the old brick patio built 6 years back. The structure has possibilities for a great cooking area, it has a ridge cap above to release smoke and vent the pavillion, but alas it's destined for dining...pity. Aside from putting a drill through one my fingers the project went generally very smooth, it was a small drill and production never suffered. No industrial accidents here, I sure hope the food sure taste better under this beast.