We had a big storm in the UK yesterday and today was meant to be dry. No such luck, it is pouring with rain. Thankfully the rain started after I had cleaned both KKs out and refilled with charcoal/cocoshell briquettes. Today I am using the 32 and have the following sequence of cooks:
1. Roast aubergines on the coals for a dip for tomorrow's dinner
2. Bulk bake my favourite cauliflower and harissa dish with my Auntie who loves it too
3. Low and slow some lamb shank (an opportunity to test how fast I can get the KK to cool down)
4. Bake a carrot and pistachio cake for tomorrow's dinner
5. Roast some potatoes and a spatchcock chicken for tonight's dinner
I have listed all of these now so that I can't opt out and run for the Indoor Kitchen (IDK) when the weather gets too bad. Timing should mean that I should be able to keep the KK going all day without having to re-light.
Wish me luck!
Yup, we are going to need info on the dip. I myself wouldn't eat it as i have a purple food rule, only purple foods i eat are M&M's and Black Raspberry ice cream. Other than that no purple food for me !!!! But the lady friend likes it so i would be willing to cook it
i dunno how people run bbq restaurants and still be profitable. it's too time consuming (labour), and the ingredients too expensive (meat). the pricing does not reflect the effort put into making it. but you can't charge people any more..