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Everything posted by CeramicChef

  1. No wonder I can't get any leftovers! Someone stuffed themselves! On the next cook, can you save a bone for a hungry Okie? I'm drooling looking at that cook!
  2. Nothing beats family pizza night. Nothing. Those are some very tasty looking pies you cooked there. KUDOS!
  3. Smoky - please accept my condolences on the loss of your beloved. I can't even imagine. You and your family will be in my prayers. As for the cook, Bud, that's pure money!
  4. mk1 - that is a cook to be proud of. I'd put those pics in my wallet right next to the wife and kids! KUDOS!
  5. Parrothead - that is some kind of great looking cook! You sure you don't do this for a living someplace? Killer.
  6. Dennis, glad to see you posting given everything happening in your part of the world!
  7. Wilbur - again ... KILLER COOK! Buddy, you are all over this one. Very nicely done! Kudos!
  8. Part 2 30 minutes later, the ribs are done! One rack dry, on the left, and one sauces, on the right. The ribs were foiled, wrapped and in the cooler. Here is a pic of the two pork loins as they came off the reverse sear at 135IT (Bubba likes his pork more done than do I, but he is a guest, albeit a mooching guest, but a guest nonetheless! Here is a shot of the sauced ribs and following the dry ribs. I didn't catch a shot of the pork loin being sliced, but you see it on Bubba's plate. Here's Bubba's plate right before he went Animal on it! He said this rib cook was top 5 in his life and he's eaten BBQ all over the US! I asked what were the other 4 places he'd had better ribs and he said "The last 4 times you've cooked ribs!" Its nice to get impartial feedback! The ribs were very good ... they had a nice medium bite to them. The marinaded pork loin was pretty good. I'm not much on sweet marinades, but SWMBOI and Bubba sure ate the heck out of it. SWMBOI took some to her friends' house for a luncheon they were having and Bubba took a mess of ribs home with him. So much for leftovers! Happy New Year's to all my Good KK Friends!
  9. Well KKers, yesterday I was bored. Stark. Staring. Bored! I had a couple of slabs of St. Louis Style Ribs I picked up at Sams Neighborhood market on deal that I had prepped and rubbed and were in the fridge. I also had 2 pork tenderloins that I dropped in marinade at the same time. Had to get 'em cooked but I was bored. I went out and had a chat with TheBeast. Always cheers me up and it happened again as soon as I lit the lump with the MAPP torch. I'm not so thrilled that I'm doing the Spunky Monkey, AllyCat, but there was a spring in my step. Marinated Pork Loins As you can see, Pete the Pink Salt Pig is nonplussed to see some brethren on the business end of a cook! Here are the rubbed ribs. Notice the "Chef's Portion" separated from the ribs. That's MINE! So let's go get TheBeast ready to do his duty and earn his keep. [Many people have asked how I arrange TheBeast for a cook similar to this, so please bear with me here.] First thing I do is completely fill the basket with lump and light him up. I only lit one spot and you can see it to the right of the picture. I then bring TheBeast up to temp; in this case about 250 since I'm getting a late start. Then its on with the smoke component; in this case hickory. Now let's add the deflector plates ... ... the drip pan is next ... And then the main grate and the ribs. So we button up TheBeast and in 10 minutes, I check the temp. Rock Solid. With about 45 minutes left in the rib cook, it's time for the pork loins to hit the grate for a reverse sear. On they went and I forgot the pic! BUT WAIT! The Chef's Portion is done and Bubba, my BBQ Moochin' Brother, is here and wanting to know "What're we eating!" Bubba declared the ribs Delicious Edible! To be continued ...
  10. It's a real pleasure to help spread the word. Of course we lucky KKers know, but just in case someone stops by to take a peek, it's always good to let 'em know what we have.
  11. Dennis, right back at ya! It's so dadgummed easy to support some the likes of which you produce. My Komodo Kamado Big Bad 32' ROCKS!
  12. The most vocal folks are those that own the biggest POSK, the Akorn. They wear their cheapness as a badge of honor. I understand that any kamado can produce good food. I've done it using two big terra cotta pots, but the Akorn insults its customers with poor workmanship, cheap materials, NO CUSTOMER SERVICE, and nonexistent quality control. And those are the good points! When you point out the blatantly obvious, some people just go ballistic. I think it's because they don't want to admit what they know deep inside ... THE GOT SCREWED! But that's just me.
  13. That what we call MONEY! Killer bird cook! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
  14. Geez, Wilbur! Thanks for making me feel right at home! LOL!!! That's what I love about you Wilbur ... always looking out for me! Thanks ever so much!
  15. You bastards are f'ing ruthless!!! Geez, screw up one time and you're a slag forever! Can't a sucker get an even break! Alright, you guys have tossed the gauntlet down. Game ON! You won't know when, you won't know where, you won't know how, you'll just know WHO!
  16. ROFLMAO as well! My new motto: First one's free!
  17. Wilbur, aint it the truth! I wonder why no Akorn folks have tried to infiltrate this place!?
  18. I"m beginning to think my motto should be "First one's free, the next ones cost you!"
  19. Wilbur - Buddy, you're too much! The mild Oklahoma Zephyrs completely died down overnight; remember your Venturi Effect? And as for that Akorn crack, geez, you REALLY know how to hurt a guy! That was a low blow. You ain't even playing by the Marquis of Queensbury rules!
  20. So I have new neighbors that moved into the house just east of me. Unpacking is such a pain in the gluteus maximus, Been there and done that. So Pat and her husband Kerwin are directing the unpacking of the moving van and we get to know each other. Lovely couple who are 75 and 79 respectively. I ask if they like BBQ and Kerwin looks at me as if I've lost my mind! He says "Young man, what part of YES, HE!! YES don't you understand!" I know immediately I'm gonna like these folks! So I tell Pat and Kerwin I'm fixing them a pulled pork dinner with all the fixin's. After protesting I tell them I'm bigger than both of them and I don't want to hear any more about it. So I buy a couple of butts and and rub 'em up with olive oil and my Embarrassed Zebra rub and stow 'em in the refrigerator over night for 24 hours. I pull the butts about 6 pm and rub 'em up again and back into the cooler. I fire up TheBeast about 8:00 pm and heat soak him at 225F until 10 pm when the butts go on the grill. We're using apple chunks for our smoke component. Here are the butts just on the main grate. So I shut the lid and it's off to bed. I told TheBeast this was for our new neighbors and to behave himself over night. No shenanigans whatsoever! So I wake up the next morning and this is what greets my eyes ... Here's how my neighbor's butts look about half way through the cook ... So it seems that TheBeast and his guests of honor are playing nice together! Flash forward to about 5:00 pm and I check my neighbor's butts again. Probed like soft butt and the ThermaPen showed and IT of 200F for off the butts came! Here's a pic of one of the butts right before wrapping and being stuck in the cooler for about an hour. At 6:00 pm I started pulling the pork and here is a pic of what went next door. I don't have any pics of the plated sammies, cole slaw, and homemade chips, but let's just say Pat came over about 7:30 pm and told me Kerwin was on his 3rd helping of everything! BINGO! As an aside, Kerwin came over the next day to get a proper introduction to TheBeast. I showed him TheBeast and he started asking questions. Kerwin WAS thinking of buying a BGE but has changed his mind. His family is eaten up with BGEs. Pat told me he's spent the last 2 days reading the Komodo Kamado website and has decided he's going to can his BGE purchase and go with a KK 23" Ultimate! Y'all have the very Merriest and most Blessed of Christmases!
  21. Parrot - now that's what we're talking about! I don't care where you're from, that pig candy is some kind of tasty looking! Thanks Parrot! I'd love to see the recipe you've created. Do you think the bacon needs more salt? I'm not trying to find fault in any way, but more salt on bacon? Thanks in advance for the recipe post! Merry Xmas to you and all my fellow KKers!
  22. Eggary - I've always found spatching a bird accelerates the time it takes the bird to cook. In my experience, spatching a bird cuts the cook time by 1/3 to 1/2 from what the whole bird takes. This is especially true if you use no heat deflector.
  23. Howdy again KK Cookers! Well, it's a cold rain dropping out of the skies here in OKC. We'll take rain anytime we can get it, but does it have to be so COLD? I went out to greet TheBeast and fire up some lump when I was greeted by the following sight: And here is an oblique view: Talk about waterproof! I don't know what the canvas that comprises TheBeast's Tux is treated with, but I've never see water proofing like this. Makes water look like diamonds! So why am I dragging TheBeast out in the rain? I have some new neighbors, Kerwin and wife Pat who moved in next door. They're still living out of boxes and I told them that dinner tomorrow evening ow be on me. The menu is pulled pork sammies, vinegar based cole slaw for BBQ Reubens, Lays potato chips, and a cherry pie for desert. So, TheBeast has to earn his keep! Additionally, I'm having the whole famn damily over tomorrow evening. MY youngest brother tried his best to amputate his Bird Finger's last joint last Friday. It caught in a chipper-shredder. Don't ask. Anyway, he had surgery yesterday to insert pins and try and save the finger. The Doctor is cautiously optimistic. So my sister flew in from Colorado Springs. A brother drove in from Tulsa. So we're getting together for the same menu as my neighbor, by special request of another one of my brothers. So, the house if full! And we'll be full tomorrow evening! I'll keep y'all posted. Stay dry and stay warm!
  24. You're welcome. Smaug is much more famous than we thought!
  25. Wilbur - did you see the comic "Wizard of Id" today? Your KK is famous! If you don't get the comic strip in your local paper, let me know and I'll send you a pic!
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