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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Last summer Kroger had the small lobster Tails on sale for $5 each. We ate a lot of lobster. Hopefully they'll have a similar deal next summer.
  2. Looks delicious. Adds a little something more compared to cooking it in the oven.
  3. Table salt. I'm going to start clarifying that from now on.
  4. I think you'll like it. Very tasty. I have 2 more Asian recipes I was working on last night. They're close but not ready yet. Soon.
  5. No worries this isn't an English grammar forum. We knew what you were trying to say. For me - between posting on a smartphone and auto correct I have to pay extra close attention to get it right.
  6. I wanted to reproduce the ginger dressing you get on the lettuce salad when you go out to a Japanese steak house. I found a recipe on the Internet for "best copycat recipe on the Internet" - wrong, not even close. I thought they basically had the right ingredients (except missing 2) but the ingredients were in the wrong proportions. After a few additions and tweaks I think I nailed it pretty good. ........................... Japanese Ginger Dressing (lettuce salad) Yield: approximately 10 oz. 1/3 c. Peanut oil 1/4 c. Rice vinegar 1/4 c. Ketchup 1/8 c. Mayonnaise 2 Tbsp Water 1 Tbsp Sesame oil 2 tsp Soy sauce 1 tsp Lemon juice (fresh squeezed) 1/4 c. Onion (chopped) 2 Tbsp Ginger (chopped) 2 Tbsp Celery (chopped) 1 tsp Garlic (chopped) 4 tsp Sugar 1/2 tsp Table salt Put all ingredients in a blender and blend on high until the ingredients are pureed (about 30 seconds.) Chill in refrigerator for a couple of hours. Strain before serving.
  7. Ummm - still NO - it has to be out on the porch next to the KK's. The KK's have standards for what they'll let occupy the same basic space - don't want the KK's mad at me - LOL
  8. You can get that one in the states. Not exactly what I was looking for. Not exactly a table top model.
  9. Let me say I try hard to stay out of the KJ, KK debate. In my mind there is nothing to debate. I can recognize the innovations and improvements that KJ is making to their standard product. They are quickly becoming the very best kamado in their price point and I applaud them for that. If a KJ owner thinks they have something comparable to a KK then they just don't know anything about KK's. The only time I step in is when somebody starts spouting off about KK's and they're getting it wrong, I have no problem correcting them. My approach about KK's is simple and somewhat silent. Everybody knows I cook on KK's. I use them almost every night and I use them every way possible. I think I produce killer meals from time to time and let the food speak for the KK. I think I do a reasonably good job using this approach. As for this situation - I have a FB account but I NEVER go on FB so the only thing I've see about this is what's posted here. I haven't see pictures of the inside. If you make a free standing KJ and tile the outside that's all you have. It may look like a KK from a casual appearance but that's as far as it goes. Obviously I don't have to explain the unique KK features to anyone here. POSK's look like a KK from a casual appearance but we all know how that ended up. OK enough rant from Reef.
  10. I'm glad to see they closed the campaign. A small group of artisans who realized early on they could only supply so much demand. Only sorry I wasn't part of it. Kewl looking knife that would be a great prop in some money pictures.
  11. I did that once. Had a nice bed of coals that way. Took a serious picture of it. This was with my 16" and the reason it got named Prometheus. Dennis was not happy. The upper area of a KK does not have the extra firebox thickness. You would be putting a lot of heat in an area that is not reinforced for that type of heat. He asked me not to do that again and I haven't done it since. The post of this adventure, the picture and the reply from Dennis is somewhere on this forum.
  12. After many, many hours of searching over the last few days I've basically given up. There is one possibility out there. You can buy it direct from Japan with about $300 worth of shipping (no thank you) or from a company in CA ($10 shipping) but they are out of stock for the XL 30" model. (I would have to settle for the 24" model) So I took my research in a different direction and started looking at castable refractory cement. I totally don't know what I'm doing so it would be an interesting experiment but I'm not scared. I have the basic idea and game plan so we'll see.
  13. Looks delicious. Extra large Yakatori grills. Would love to eat at a place like that. One thing that kamados don't do really well is Yakatori type kabobs. Hence my current small Yakatori grill. I'll own a large one this spring.
  14. Here it is on kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/678583312/skid-the-first-wooden-chef-knife?ref=ejhq91
  15. Nah any decent lump will work. But here lies the problem - the large Konro grill is the exact one I desire. It has been out of stock (everywhere) for over a year now. I fear the original manufacturer no longer makes it. I've been trying to find a suitable replacement with no luck (and I've done a lot of searching.) Almost to the point of considering just making my own and be done with it. Just not sure I want to tackle that kind of project with so many other projects on the "list".
  16. Basically what Tony said for practical purposes. Hibachi is really just a western word that the marketers back in the day thought would sell more grills.
  17. @FotonDrv check out this thread Backyard Lump You'll have to scroll through a bit to get the good pictures. First attempt not dry enough wood. Second attempt much better. This post might also be on this forum.
  18. Yes I have and I have a homemade barrel style charcoal retort in my backyard. Not hard but does take a bit of work and extremely dry wood. You also better live out in the country (which I do and my few neighbors are really kewl). On a good day the smoke went straight up. Way up I'm sure you could see it for miles away. On a bad day I filled the woods in probably a mile radius with thick dense smoke. I have a post in kamado guru - I'll see if I can grab a link.
  19. I'm probably the only one who doesn't like the Coco char. I don't like how it gets really brittle after being heated up. Of course this might have to do with my grilling habits which is mostly md to high temp. I absolutely loved the coffee char. Just a bit pricey for me and I don't have the cash for a pallet anyway.
  20. Thanks everyone it was a fun meal. Everyone cooking their own food. We were just taking advantage of a reasonably warm day. I have a nice fondue set I'll have to get out one day. Definitely bummed about the pot it was a nice set. Will check out that website.
  21. Last day of vacation. Wet and dreary but 70 degrees out. Flat Iron Steak and shrimp with appropriate sauces. Lettuce salad with Japanese dressing and Ginseng tea. Only thing missing was the broth soup. Lunch was a good but I'm a little bummed. I accidentally broke my nice Japanese tea pot (matched the tea cups) while getting everything ready. Just one picture. Should have taken another picture with food on the grill.
  22. Not really. It was a bit dry - I hate dry meals. That's okay I have a grip on what to do next time. 2.0 coming soon.
  23. Maybe backwards but I bet it tasted good. Just think next time you do it proper it'll only taste better. Great cook.
  24. ckreef


    Great looking stuffed burgers.
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