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Posts posted by skreef

  1. 20 hours ago, FotonDrv said:

    If I knew you weren't in pain I would be LMAO!  Kudos for being such a good person as to cook such a fine meal through the disability of one paw.  I suppose your Physical Therapist wouild be proud of you for all those range of motion exercises you must have to do achieve that meal.

    I hope you significant other appreciated it as much as I enjoyed the narrative :-)


    Thank you FontonDrv. Lol.. It should have been video.. It would have been a comedy... Lol... I started the grill at 3. We ate at 8...sitting down for dinner, I  hope it taste good going thru all that. I was surprised at myself,  it tasted great.. Yayy me. Lol. 


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  2. Kamado Guru


    One handed cook

    Started by skreef, 19 minutes ago

    1 post in this topic

    skreef     2,232

    • skreef
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    Since my accident, I have not cook, not counting the mac & cheese the other night. I told ckreef I will cook dinner.


    So my first thought was is "what was I doing?"



    But I think of my love who always cooks for me and his son.  ckreef works long days.. Wanted to give him a break.. So cooking for him was far more rewarding than all the challenges I faced in this cook .



    Ok let's get started :



    Getting the grill going. Ok since we left our mapp torch in Florida at his sister's, we back to old school.


    Ok thats not going to happen.. Can't open jar.. Ok I got this.. I make new ones.






    Light the grill..




    I decided on

    Chicken & Wild Rice Soup


    Blueberry cobbler



    I got the grill going for a target temp of 350*


    Ok getting the cobblers together.

    Now "how do I open these cans?" 1e729e0e46649ac9d8b9906c17832752.jpg



    Well that was a true challenge to open them.. 4 cans 20 minutes later.. I got Blueberries opening them left handed.. With flour, sugar and milk.




    On the grill :




    Ok on to my Chicken.. For my challenge, the chicken is in a seal pack.. Now how to get them out.. I can't work the scissors right  handed.... Ok maybe 2 hands. With a little help with my right I  got it.. The bag look all chewed up but it work.. So I got the grill to go up in temp to 450*



    I use Montreal Chicken. Didn't want to alter the flavor of my soup to much . And it work perfect.. On grill pic. Almost done.




    Now time to get the soup part done. Wild Rice and Broth with milk and a bit of starch to thicken it up.




    Soup coming along nicely. It reduce perfectly.




    I made cornbread tops. Jiffy mix with egg, and cream corn. Ckreef's favorite way to eat cornbread.


    Dinner is served:



    The dinner turn out great. I had my doubts but with my love's help at the end. It was great..

    Mrs. Reef's Bistro


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  3. 5 hours ago, wilburpan said:

    I had to look back on posts I had missed out on when I was on my hiatus to see what this was about. Hope your finger is healing up well.

    Right... I'm doing good.. The finger is healing nicely. The Therapist was happy bout how I could bend my other fingers.. Cause the tendons are tight. But I have been trying to bend them some after surgery... So im happy.  Be glad when this is over. I'm so ready to go back to work. 

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  4. Nice tree, Aussie and Dee.... I love Christmas. Can't wait for yall to open yalls gift.. This is our tree.. The angel is getting a little tipsy on our devils lemonade I think.. Every time I straighten her up. I get up the next morning she hung over again. 


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  5. 6 hours ago, FotonDrv said:

    Mom passed away many years ago (I am 70 yrs old).  She made it to 68 before pancreatic cancer got her, which was not the source of those surgeries, that was Crohns Disease and back in the 1940's-1970's there was not much to do with it if it was causing ulcerative colitis, so chopping out intestine was the method.  Pretty gruesome...  She is at least at rest now.

    You have one more week with "The Pin".  Maybe make a ring out of it as a reminder to not stick your hand into things that crush, bang, bump and grind?? :-) Pain is a wonderful reminder of what not to do.


    I have described some of my close calls to friends and relayed the experiences of my family and one of the remarks that always amused me was , "Maybe I should not be standing to close to you".  On the other hand I have been incredibly lucky in spite of the things that have happened to me.  A girlfriend once said to me, as the car we just flipped end over end down a rural highway came to rest, "boy are you lucky" since neither one of was hurt; the car was trashed.  Getting run off the road by a drunk and left in the dark 50 miles from a town was an interesting experience!


    O so sorry for your loss.. I actually been pretty blessed.. No real bad injuries to mention,  only this one. So hoping I go another 50yrs of injury free. 

  6. On 12/7/2016 at 0:09 AM, mguerra said:

    Just saw and read this thread. You'd fit right in with Quinn and Hooper and Chief Brody in that scar scene from Jaws! I had a hand injury like that once and it was big fun. Ouch. Excellent looking repair. I'm guessing you'll get 90% or better return of motor and sensory function. Ask for a quick blast of Propofol when they pull the pin...

    I'm really hoping so.. Got lots of therapy to go thru after the pin comes out on the 19th.

  7. On 12/7/2016 at 0:09 AM, mguerra said:

    Just saw and read this thread. You'd fit right in with Quinn and Hooper and Chief Brody in that scar scene from Jaws! I had a hand injury like that once and it was big fun. Ouch. Excellent looking repair. I'm guessing you'll get 90% or better return of motor and sensory function. Ask for a quick blast of Propofol when they pull the pin...

    I'm really hoping so.. Got lots of therapy to go thru after the pin comes out on the 19th.

  8. On 12/6/2016 at 9:33 AM, FotonDrv said:

    Susan, it is good to hear that you are now only on ibuprofen, that is a good step forward with your recovery!  Saying prayers that the pin removal will go smoothly.  Last year I had a screw taken out of the bone in my right foot (bunion surgery) because it hurt more with the screw being left in than just removing it.  So you might feel a whole lot better when that blasted pin is removed.  Save the pin and make something out of it :-) When I requested the screws from my foot I had to sign a release, even though it was mine and I paid to have it put in and I was paying to have it removed.  Pretty odd if you ask me.

    My mother had 21 major abdominal surgeries in her lifetime and when they did the last one there was not enough skin left on her belly for the sutures to hold without tearing through scar tissue so the surgeon used strain reliefs for the sutures to distribute the load on the skin; they were about 3/4" diameter buttons so it looked like she was laced up.  She had a sense of humor about it and saved the buttons so after the surgery/removal of sutures and for the follow up she made a new dress and used the buttons on it.  The doctor just busted out laughing when he saw what she had done with the hardware.  So, shock your doc with creativity :-)

    Wow!!  Hope your mom is doing great now.. She has def been thru alot.. And the button story was Awesome... 

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