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Everything posted by smokykensbbq

  1. smokykensbbq


    Just go to this site http://www.kamadofraudforum.org/ and you can learn all you will need to know about the person selling the m63. The Komodo Kamado is nothing like the kamado, the KK is far and away a superior product sold by a person who will back it 1000%. Do yourself a huge favor and stay away from kamado and buy yourself a Komodo Kamado and you will avoid year’s worth of anguish! To answer your question you will not need any m63 with a KK!
  2. I did not have the opportunity to get pictures of the pork when it finished but it was excellent! I had three pork butts on the bottom and three on the top and did them a little over 17 hours at 225 until they hit 195. Placed the butts into a large cooler wrapped in tin foil and then with a blanket. When we pulled the pork it was piping hot and perfect! I received compliment after compliment for my efforts. Thanks again Dennis for a great product.
  3. Very nice Fire Monkey! I am looking to do some tuna and some salmon steaks soon. My youngest son loves fish off of the KK and I am looking to gather some recipes and try them out this summer.
  4. I am very happy to see this! I would like to do some smaller turkeys on the rotis but at this time my basket is too small. I will be in touch soon Dennis. Thanks again for making sure we are taken care of.
  5. Happy Birthday Dennis!!! I had a few for you last night!!! Toninght I will be doing fifty pounds of pulled pork on the KK for my sons graduation party!
  6. Very nice read! Truer words could not be spoken!
  7. You need to take a picture with all of them together working in harmony! Congrats on your third that is amazing!
  8. Very Nice!!! Good job Dennis! This will be some excellent exposure for the KK!!! Hopefully this will be the start of a very long and prosperous relationship for the both of you.
  9. Nothing sears a steak like a KK!!! My son says he won't order a steak out anymore because they can never compare to what I do on the KK. I have to agree with him whole heartedly.
  10. I am doing two racks of baby backs today and there will be no foil involved!
  11. Thanks T. Rex I have the 6 inch cradle but would like the 8 inch cradle.
  12. T. Rex that looks great! I can always eat crab and shrimp!!!
  13. I could not find the 17.5x8 inch basket on ebay when I looked just the 6 inch. I have the 6 inch and was going to pich up the 8 if I could have found it.
  14. smokykensbbq

    Creosote ?

    Acetone I can tell you from experience that the acetone will clean the gunk off of your KK and you will then be ready to use your adhesive. Just make sure you clean as much gunk off with a wired brush first and then use the acetone.
  15. smokykensbbq

    Creosote ?

    I do the exact same technique mguerra does with the Guru and just cracking the top and I have not had any issues with this. I throw small logs onto my fires all the time to do low and slows at 225 degrees for hours with no issues. Mguerra are you using green wood for your smoke wood?
  16. I throw a log of apple wood on and call it quits. At 225 degrees the wood just smolders on the fire and produces smoke from beginning to end.
  17. Pork Butt! I have a pork butt all ready to go on Saturday night for the big game! Of course I will need to dig out my KK from the foot of snow that we are suppose to get but for good BBQ I will do it! I can't wait to see my neighbors faces when we have all this snow and I am still smoking away!
  18. Very Nice!!! Larry, Can't wait to see what you come up with when you are cooking on the KK! Always enjoy your posts! Speaking of pork butts, I have one in the fridge all ready to go on the KK on Saturday night for the big game. Hopefully with all the snow we are suppose to get I will be able to find it.
  19. I wonder if he will skip the forum this time!!!
  20. Merry Christmas!!! I am doing a 20+ lb. turking on the KK today for Christmas. I made a paste for it of butter, poultry seasoning, herb and garlic seasoning, some fresh garlic, rosemary and thyme. I blended the mixture together on the stove and then I put it in the blender so that I could inject it as well. Hopefully it comes out as good as it smells!
  21. Did you try the kamado fraud forum? There are guys on the forum selling or giving away parts that they no longer need since their cookers are no longer useable.
  22. I honestly cook on my KK at least three times a week but I just don't take that many pictures. I did two racks of baby backs on Sunday and did chicken legs, quarters and boneless breast last night.
  23. That is the best color KK I have ever seen!!!
  24. Congrats! You will be amazed at the food you will be able to prepare on the KK! Honesly, if I go out to eat I bypass the steaks and the ribs and see what else there is on the menu. I usually look for something that I can't make on the KK, which is pretty tough to do!
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