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Everything posted by bryan

  1. Quote " You cannot do a traditional low and slow cook for a round roast, a center cut chuck roast and several others. These very lean cuts, which are not naturally tender, are almost pure muscle with very little intra-muscular fat and inter-muscular connective tissue. They come out like shoe leather if cooked low and slow in air. At least un-foiled. Only certain cuts do well with a low and slow." There are many that hold to the above statement. USING A KOMODO-KAMADO I FOUND THE STATEMENT IS NOT TRUE!! I cooked a EYE ROUND ROAST at 135-145F in a Komodo-Kamado. It was pulled at 139 internal. The pictures tell the story and hopefully will help backyard cooks to set more roast to rest. Thanks Dennis!!! Yes, VIRGINIA, there is a tender roast. It exists as certainly as KOMODO-KAMADO and lump charcoal exist, know that they abound and give to your roast its highest beauty, tenderness and taste.
  2. The email i received from this Co said this is a new item for them. I have had outstanding service from them.
  3. For the four cooks what temps did you cook at and on what unit?
  4. You sure did those up right.
  5. Has anyone tried this? http://www.kotulas.com/deals/ProductDis ... arketcode=
  6. bryan

    Smoking Sausage

    Re: Smoking Sausage This is what I use. Meat Smoking Temp & Time aa Type of Meat Smoking Temp Time to Complete Finished Temp Brisket (Sliced) 225°F 1.5 hours/pound 180 degrees Brisket (Pulled) 225°F 1.5 hours/pound 195 degrees Beef Ribs 225°F 3 hours 175 degrees Pork Butt (Sliced) 225°F 1.5 hours/pound 175 degrees Pork Butt (Pulled) 225°F 1.5 hours/pound 190-205 Whole Chicken 250°F 4 hours 167 degrees Chicken Thighs 250°F 1.5 hours 167 degrees Chicken Quarters 250°F 3 hours 167 degrees Whole Turkey 12# 240°F 6.5 hours 170 degrees Turkey Leg 250°F 4 hours 165 degrees Turkey Wings 225°F 2.5 hours 165 degrees Boudin 230°F 2.5 hours 165 degrees Breakfast Sausage 230°F 3 hours 160 degrees Fatties 225°F 3 hours 165 degrees Meat Loaf 250-300°F 3 hours 160 degrees Meatballs (2") 225°F 1 hour 165 degrees Spare Ribs 225-240°F 6 hours 172 degrees Baby Back Ribs 225-240°F 5 hours 168 degrees Smoked Corn 225°F 1.5-2 hours N/A Smoked Potatoes 225°F 2-2.5 Hours N/A Note: Be sure to use temp to tell you when the meat is done.. time is just an estimate and is NOT an indicator of doneness. http://smoking-meat.com/smoking-times-a ... chart.html
  7. Advice ADVICE: Have your lawyer check their cell phone records. Keep in mind that yours will also be checked. The Judge will want to know.
  8. Re: let's see the evidence compact 3000-4500 #'s mid size 4500-5500 #'s mini van - suv 5000-7000 #'s Ever brought one of these to an emergency stop from 50 mph? Want someone to try it with your loved one in the right place at the right time? Now put a cell phone in that drivers hand which way do the odds go?
  9. I hope more cities follow the Montgomery example.
  10. Is it enforced? We (US) have a bad habit of passing some good laws but don't specify who will enforce them so.... It is a sure way to lower accidents and deaths.
  11. For those of us that travel and have a need to know: http://www.local15tv.com/news/local/sto ... px?rss=217
  12. Broiler Pan Why not put an oven broiler pan of lump on KK grill - w/raised grill over that. Seems the height would be just right.
  13. Help Feel free to jump in and give it a try. Sous-vide "under vac" can not be on a KK, BUT... how close can we come? W/electronic assist I think the Komodo-Kamado can Kook at the desired take up temp. That seems to me to be what "Sous-vide" is all about. Can a Komodo-Kamado unit do this w/the same results and without the vac. That is the answer I am looking for and I believe it can. For a failure that tough piece of meat turned out pretty damm good with just mayo, salt, and pepper. No soaking - if you know what I mean.
  14. My favorite knife is a cleaver type unit made from a piece of pipe. I picked it up when in Bangkok.
  15. Why would you think I have not all ready read this?
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