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Everything posted by gerard

  1. Wonder if they have any recipes suitable for the kk? http://www.lulu.com/content/4956212
  2. Ouch. Hope it heals quickly. That brings back some not so fond memories: http://web.archive.org/web/20030122010154/www.kamado.com/forum/archives/Jan00/jan00.cgi?read=6054
  3. This has been on several major websites this week including Digg and Reddit, but just in case someone hasn't seen it yet: Rachel Ray Threading Corn
  4. Nice deal on the Grill Floss. Thanks for the info. I just ordered a couple as well. One caveat - I ordered via the phone and the salesperson said that the product is backordered for 6 to 8 weeks even though the website says it is in stock. She stated the website is slow to update such things. Assuming she's right, I wonder if I'll ever get them... that price makes me think they were getting rid of their inventory. Oh well.
  5. Oh yeah, you do. You have no idea where that thing has been.
  6. I was just making sure the orange towel didn't make my butt look big. Whadya think, DeeJ? Like the purple one better?
  7. Looks like the competition has a certain demographic sewn up: Link: Mebbe Dennis better start posting more photos of himself
  8. Re: Komodo Kamado Europe So they're cybersquatting??? Guess they figure Dennis has the dough. Notice there is no www.posk.de site.
  9. Bah. It was a now deleted troll on Yahoo Answers. Was kinda timely at the time Here's the Google cached version (good until it's repaced): ps Welcome aboard evelitalian
  10. I can only post this because I too live in the aforementioned state: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080808091149AA3VGTk
  11. I'm sure Deej will move this wherever he wants it but, I've done one small pork butt with it. I've never used an extruded charcoal before so my opinion won't be worth much for comparison. But since you asked: I started it with a small amount of Cowboy, so had no problems lighting. Deliberately did not add any wood - wanted to see what flavor was imparted. It's very very mild, reminiscent of oven cooked. It needed more smoke which is cool - it will allow me to add the kind of smoke I want. I was amazed at how much charcoal was left at the end of 12 hours. Shut down my Primo grill then. Checked again much much later and it had continued to burn despite being shut down. Guess hard to light means hard to extinguish - my cooker is usually air tight enough despite my crappy gasket to extinguish the charcoal. Needless to say, I had a fair bit of ash, but I had also burned nearly 1/2 box of charcoal (most of it accidentally). I'll have to assess the ash production again some other time. Those few pieces that were not fully burned were not too crumbly to shake off and reuse and were mixed in with more Cowboy for hamburgers last night.
  12. Re: Johnnyboy's Burkka Cover I never realized Wichita was so scenic.
  13. Re: New Grill Accessory Idea. This grill sure is clean. You ever cook in it?
  14. Damn FM. That's just brilliant.
  15. Yep. A little constant reminder that there is a higher power. A moral compass, if you will...
  16. Re: Moving a KK I think you're talking about an Escalara http://www.escalera.com/, a motorized handtruck that ascends and descends stairs. I helped a new K dealer deliver a crated #7 up a long set of stairs at my house. Neither of us knew what we were doing and it was pretty scary. I bet SteveMurphy4 has extensive experience with Escalaras from his K dealership days and could comment on its suitability for what you have in mind.
  17. Just had to revive this thread Now that's just mean. Blaming me' date=' when I have a blistered tummy. What's a girl to do? [/quote']
  18. Review? What review? You have a website or sumpin? Just looked like a buncha spam to me (inside joke). Thanks. I'll go print it out.
  19. The local WalMart doesn't seem to be carrying it this year. What do I need to speak authoritatively to the Lawn and Garden Dept so they can order it: a SKU (I don't even know what a sku is ) or a UPC (I do know that one )? Can anyone provide whatever number I need? Thanks in advance.
  20. Thanks Cruz. Just ordered the Bernzomatic unit. Thanks for the recommendation. I don't know why I was so worried about inverting the thing... seems stupid in hindsight.
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