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Everything posted by gerard

  1. Hadn't heard anything recently about kk charcoal. Any news on what's in the pipeline and when it'll be available?
  2. Re: My hats off to Dennis AH HA! I THOUGHT you were THAT Steve! Glad you revealed yourself! Wow, what a ringing endorsement from someone that may know the tiled cooker competition better than anyone else here. If Dennis ever decides to have a testimonial page, he should have your post there.
  3. Hopefully this is just my imagination... but is your draft door bent?
  4. gerard

    Ribs are on!

    I had to surf around to give a meaningful answer: all I see are a few isolated incidences of Toxoplasmosis and that nasty Taco Bell E coli. The former can be killed by freezing the meat for 2 weeks prior to cooking. The latter... well just dress and process cleanly and cook the stuff a little more. What I haven't seen mentioned is the emerging BSE like disease of deer: Chronic Wasting Disease. The former causes the horrible and always fatal Crutzfeld Jacob (sp?) disease in people and cannot be fully eliminated even by the harshest cooking methods. If ever there is any sort of linkage of a similar syndrome to ingestion of deer meat.. wow.* *I'm just speculating wildly here. These days, I have little knowledge of this stuff beyond what pops up on a Google page. In fact, I should have checked wikipedia before posting, but I'm running late.
  5. Re: Gerard - They're lying to you! Johnnyboy, Emoticon cybering with Sanny doesn't get you any points here, well, except maybe with Sanny. And your material can't be that good... I went to the bbqzoo site where they state, "Each cover is hand-stitched from the best materials available." So your covers can't be as good as their product since you don't use what they use. Kinda like Dennis' cookers must be inferior cause another product advertises they have, "the best barbecue cookers in the world." I sniff this stuff out... you second rate manufacturers can't hide from me.
  6. I'm too lazy and cheap to experiment with meat... so I'll pick y'all's brains: Eariler this year, hot tubbing steaks was a very hot and occasionally contentious topic in the green room. I've never tried it. For those of you out of the loop... the concept is to raise the internal temp of the meat to about 100 degrees prior to grilling. Typically this is done by placing steaks in sealed bags and floating in warm water for about an hour. Supposedly dramatically cuts cooking times and results in a better flavor and texture as all that is needed is a sear to achieve appropriate internal temps. It was advocated by Cook's Illustrated. The greenies fell into two camps: 1) This will never replace t-rexing, and 2) This is superior and easier than t-rexing. My question... besides the aesthetic faux pas of using a microwave and a ceramic cooker for the same item... why can't this be achieved with just a microwave? I ask this as I have a leg of lamb on my cooker that I first partially heated up in the microwave.
  7. Re: This Noob Suggests..... In your dreams. I started life as a dignified and skeptical baby.
  8. Neither. Demand a new cooker. Don't take no for an answer.
  9. Heh, I already knew Strongbad... my son made me visit the website a year or two ago. I'm relatively nerdy and pretty up to date for a 47yo... but, I gotta admit, I just don't get the appeal.
  10. Johnnyboy, Might want to check with those kooveroo or bbqzoo folks. I hear they'll make you a cover
  11. Thank God his cooker matches the house and not the patio. I hope I never see a kk that color.
  12. I've got one of those Stokers. Three temp probes and all that. But I haven't hooked it into the home network though. Actually I'm on my 2nd Stoker. The first one was rather erratic in its control but I put up with it for 5 months. It finally went haywire a couple of weeks ago. The manufacturer swapped it out and, though I've only used it once thus far, the new unit has performed great.
  13. Oh GAWD that looks familiar.... ***shudder*** I like Sanny's idea. Kinda looks like it belongs in a leper colony.
  14. gerard


    Whatever you do, cook it to at least 140* or preferably 145 cause bear meat is FULL of Trichinella. Some of the worst trichinosis outbreaks reported by the CDC are family gettogethers with some yayhoo cooking the bar he shot. *IIRC, 138 is the temp that kills it... but DON'T take my word for it BAD disease to get.
  15. Oh that was good, Gerard's gonna send you a present for that one...plus he's gonna be really mad that he didn't think of it I bought mine before the legs were standard...and to tell you the truth, them ole skinny looking legs didn't look to me like they would hold up very well so I opted for the K wheelchair Actually I had the same base so I didn't think anything of it. You can see it on photo #4 of http://www.nakedwhiz.com/photofun/tileman.htm .... though no one ever commented on the base in that photo In fact, except for some rust, it was a pretty good little carriage. Later, I had a large potted plant on it for a couple of years.
  16. So, Dennis, what kind of charcoal are you inspecting?
  17. Re: Ok time to get my feet wet.. Errr.... old kung fu movies, right?
  18. Re: Ok time to get my feet wet.. So if I put that in Google, I'm gonna get a bunch of charcoal sites?
  19. Welcome aboard. The more volcanic black cookers I see, the more that's persuading me that it's gonna be my choice as well. Just can't stand that PorkChop came up with the color scheme first. Nonetheless, damn fine looking piece of work there.
  20. Only three choices to consider: Textured black, JRE 40s, or the brick color. And "terra blue" is just code.
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