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Everything posted by Curly

  1. WHere'd you get that! I thought I had bought all those back after I got rich and famous Poor cat...she's dead now
  2. I usually bring in a foodsavered bag of something for lunch. All it takes is a few minutes in the microwave and it's ready to eat...as good as when it came of the grill. When I cut that bag open to put it on a plate...the murmuring starts immediately. Everyone starts giving me a hard time for not bringing enough for them. The smells gets them all hungry and they go to lunch and I have an hour or so of solitude. What a life
  3. Alright Porkchop's pic is worse that mine...I surrender...no more...please
  4. Curly

    Dirty Rice

    shhhhhhhhhhhh (Drunk-J...these yankees is a bunch a sissies ain't they he-he-he )
  5. Ummm-Ummm. How much for 1 lb of the sausage? Good catch on Sanny, yeah she woulda been all over that wouldn't she. She seemed so sweet and innocent over on the other forum...what happened
  6. Curly

    Dirty Rice

    I don't think I'd ever be able to eat beef tongue. Saw somebody cooking one up on a cooking show one time. There was just this huge cow's tongue laying there on the cutting board. Every now and then, she'd slap it when she said something or other about an ingredient. The taste buds were just staring at me saying, "Come on, let's taste each other", or something wild like that. Much rather eat something that couldn't taste me back, livers are fine in rice and one or two fried chicken livers, but never in my life have I ordered beef liver as an auntrey (how you spell that word?). Never needed that much iron in my diet...or whatever it's supposed to be so full of But I will be trying this dirty rice out. Thanks DJ.
  7. Curly

    Dirty Rice

    Me and my daughter caught 12 lizards the other day around the back porch. That's a record for us, we caught 20 frogs one day and 2 turtles one day. Oh...gizzards...nevermind.
  8. Curly


    Dude, That looks like my new beef jerky setup...when can I pick it up . I need 145% - 160% max. I'll trade you my beef jerky recipe for it...keep it secret though
  9. Curly


    Don't know what a rainbow vac is... Yeah right...you smoked one a them too I'll bet...did you inhale though? That's the presidential question
  10. Probably let er go to one of those rich americans too, huh
  11. Curly


    Dennis, let's get to work on that ceramic bong thingee, I'm thinking that'll be a big hit Pun intended
  12. Dude, you already sold the other one?
  13. Curly


    My wife thinks food smoked with lump is smokey enough...and I like it plenty so I've pretty much spared her all of the woodsmoke. I may have to sneak a little in there again to see what all the hulabula's about
  14. Welcome Reddiver. You only get back what you're willing to put into a forum. So, participate by adding your comments to any thread. Take a look at what Dennis has done to this newest line of ceramic cookers...some nice improvements for sure.
  15. Just put one or two inside her KK when she orders. You know she's gonna figure out everybody needs 2 ceramic cookers soon enough
  16. Curly


    That was what I heard also.
  17. Nice work. Now make sure Drunk_J puts this pictorial somewhere that we can find it later . Not really sure he's earned a single one of his paychecks to date Oh, I see you had to put it somewhere yourself. See what I mean about DJ
  18. Curly

    Weight on Porch

    You worry to much over that deck. It's a deck, it needs to have a few dents in it so it';; look lived in.
  19. Curly


    I have a ceramic cooker of a different brand but the concept is similar. It's a very simple thing to throw in a few chips during a cook. The main grill has a part that lifts up just for that purpose. By the way, welcome to the forum. Firemonkey is from down your way, might be a neighbor.
  20. We were discussing wood stoves the other day so I got a pic of mine. And a few others. One of my little girl, as you'll see, she takes after her mom. And this is why you need a foodsaver. These ribs will be as good OR BETTER than they were right off the grill. Just through them in the mike for 2 mins or so in the bag..until the bag swells up,,and they are lip smacken good...all over again.
  21. I wish one a you geeks would splain to me why the last pic came out normal sized and the others were so huge? How do you resize?
  22. OK, I put on 2 racks of babybacks a couple of hours ago, here's a first pic. They have Dizzy Pgs course dizzy dust on them. I love that Dizzy Pig stuff, them fellers are stand-up folks. Here they are 30 mins or so before I took them off. I slathered them with Sweet Baby Rays Honey sauce so they would present well. Im kinda like Drunk_J and never really add sauce on ribs while cooking, but Ill do it again cause there were some wonderful ribs. Here they are on the plate. Didn't cut to well cause they were falling off the bone. Ummm-ummm
  23. Curly

    Weight on Porch

    They don't make a heel to hold that kinda weight
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