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Everything posted by Curly

  1. Curly

    Website Suggestion

    Dude, you are the one who taught me about Rib monkeys
  2. well a course, my little purdy girls gone eat with me. Eat yer heart out drunk_j...I know yer lustin
  3. A huge sugar coated doughnut kinda thing. Dude, have you never been to the fair? Pull yourself away from that computer and go to the fair.
  4. I'm not saying it's gotta be between these 3 either. Just saw that we were sampling and I didn't want to forget what we had been sampling. So thought since we have some geni amongst us, we may as well have a poll. And i'fn we gonna have a poll we mights well getus a fire goin in the grill. Alright, I'm on the fire, got some thick pork chops for tonight. Oh yea, now we talkin.
  5. Vinegar fries....sounds like the fair is in town. Gimme an elephant ear, some vinegar fries, a corn dog, chicken on a stick, a hot dog. Then off to the throw-up rides
  6. Hey, Hey, Hey...let's don't go elimating accessories Once you give something up it's a goner
  7. Can't wait to see those meals coming off that baby. It's great having new folks to the ceramic grill experience...like kids at Christmas time with the astonishment at the succulent meat coming off of that cooker.
  8. We need to number these logos and vote on them 1 - Big Dragon in center of Komodo Kamado 2 - Cooker with chinese writing in middle of Komodo Kamado 3 - Our Tiled Cooker in middle of Komodo Kamado Can't one of you web gurus do a survey voting thingee as we test out these new banners and have a running vote going? So far I like #3
  9. Dang, I always thought it was simply to keep things from leaking!
  10. Dennis, Thought I'd seen the pattern matching on an OTB. But I figured, from looking at the shape, that it wouldn't be possible to keep them aligned all the way around the pregnant lady shape.
  11. I woulda never know that I've only ever seen the white stuff. Thanks
  12. Tile patterns Dennis, I was noticing the pattern of the tiles. I'm guessing with the OTB it's probably next to impossible to get them aligned exactly. What I mean is on alternate rows one tile would end in the middle of the tile above and below it. I know, it's nit picky, but it seemed like I saw others that did look exact. Were they because a different person put the tile on or was it possible that the Classic works out better that way.
  13. Yeah, I wanna see some pics of that this winter with snow all over it and smoke chugging out the top
  14. How do you know if a chicken is injected anyways? Does it say so on the package or what?
  15. Hey Leeherd, Post the pic here, probably others interested.
  16. Curly

    Natural Gas?

    You can get one at any Home Depot/Lowes/Gas Station...they are everywhere. But, I can understand if someone has a gas hook-up and wood rather use it.
  17. Poor Sanny, new to BBQ forums Don't feel bad, one time Dennis put all of the nutritional info along with a couple of recipes he posted. We scolded him a bit too We think we are immune to grease over here, we think it lubricates the veins so that the blood can flow more freely. So, ---slap wrist--- that was your first warning. No more talk like that over here...it's mood threatening.
  18. Never heard of it. But it does combine 3 or 4 really good foods. Cheese, bacon, burger and doughnut. What more could a man ask for
  19. Curly

    Natural Gas?

    If he wasn't, I'm sure he will be
  20. That's true, when I got this pic, you clicked on it and it morphed into W. Course, I'm not smart enough to make that happen as an avatar, but W probably couldn't do it either.
  21. WOW That new avatar sure gave me the big head, huh?
  22. Yeah DJ, that rotis is gonna be my first upgrade for sure...that's gonna be fantastic. I cannot wait to pull a butt outta that dude after 20 hours...all those juices continuously basting it....uum uum uum uum uum
  23. We are gonna have to learn some manners around here now...I can see that
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