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Everything posted by Cookie

  1. That is a beautiful sandwich...nice work.
  2. Dude, I'd be happy with that as-is... I've been dieting leading up to my 40th birthday. Have been thinking about what I'm going to pound first... After your pics, pizza just moved to the top of the list. Probably won't stay there as anything I see that isn't green and leafy moves straight to the top of the list.
  3. That is an awesome idea...
  4. Sunbrella is da bomb. My covers are exposed to salty air on the equator 24 x 7, they don't fade, they don't wear, water beads up on them, bird doo doo washes off easy, I simply can't recommend them enough. I buy the fitted Weber brand covers for my Weber gas BBQs and have to replace them every 18 months in this climate. They fade, crack, and become an eye sore.
  5. When you guys and gals go to respond to a post, once you are already inside of an established thread, do you find that when you click in the box to start your response, you always end up clicking on the Bold or Italics, or Underline buttons, and then have to play with it to turn those off? Wondering if this is a common issue, or if it is just me / my browser? The response box initially doesn't show the buttons, but as soon as I click in the empty window to start my typing, boom, the buttons appear and inevitably one of the formatting buttons is selected. If none of the above makes sense, sorry, not an easy problem to describe, please ignore. Cookie
  6. Found two more old remote thermometers in a drawer today, decided to test them for accuracy as I was trying to de-clutter. It seems like when these things first came out, everyone that knew me thought they had found the perfect gift! I think these two made it a collection of 5 as I have 3 sets still working well. One of these was an old Maverick, the other a Thermoworks, similar to the Mavericks, that I got free with a thermapen one time. The probes for these two still proved working / accurate and can be used with my other units; however, the devices themselves were both off by 10 degrees (low). I tested with a variety of my other probes / thermos to determine it was the devices and not the probes. A quick search online and doesn't look like either can be user calibrated. Two in the bin. My thermapen, which many of you know is not cheap, is acting up. If I open it all the way to the 'on' position, it doesn't come on. I have to back it off a hair from fully open, it comes on, and is still the most accurate of the lot. Just annoying as it cost 3 x what the rest of them do... Cookie
  7. I'm thinking that pig would fit in my 23" no problem, what do you guys think? I had not done this cook yet b/c I figured a suckling pig would be too big. I don't think so now?
  8. My wife loves anything with ricotta, gotta try this one.
  9. Fantastic! Where did you buy the pig?
  10. Pizza cooks aside, I only use the dome temp for heat sinking and during prep time. After that, I'm watching my remote thermometer with one probe clipped to a tree on the grate next to the food and one probe in the food itself. I'm never walking to/from the cooker to check that dial. The glow dial's color is hideous and would be like putting Hillary's face on a Victoria's Secret model's body.
  11. Cookie

    Kaya Jam

    I must try this, thanks!
  12. Nice job, looks killer.
  13. Yes, one wire works fine for me through the slit in the rubber plug, two is too much, at least for my cooker / probe wires.
  14. Mine never see cold nights either...
  15. No, the gasser came out of it ok, took awhile to clean up and rinse out the mess from the extinguisher, but she will live to see another day.
  16. Fortunately, the guests had all been part of numerous successful meals. We had good sides and wine to laugh it off.
  17. I think I also learned that with an 11lb hunk of meat, I should have done the reverse sear immediately, not after the hold. It would have lost some bite in the bark, but the way I did it, it sweat a bit and the entire surface was coated in fat juice. When it ignited, I couldn't just grab it with tongs and move it around like a steak. It was too big.
  18. There will be a do-over very soon.
  19. If I'd had done the reverse sear in the KK I could have killed the airflow immediately and recovered...was just too busy and was going the easy route.
  20. I had two probes in...one in the meat, one monitoring temp at grate level. One was running through the hole. I like running the wire through the rubber piece, too tight if you do it that way with two wires, at least with mine. IT ended up being my biggest cook failure ever. Nothing to do with the KK. It came off at 115 internal, was perfect. I wrapped it in foil, then towels as it finished a little early. When guests arrived, I put my 6 burner gasser on full blast and had it up over 700F for a reverse sear just prior to serving. Then it got interesting... One side of the roast had a small layer of fat. When the roast hit the grates, the entire layer of fat ignited immediately and I could not get it out. Shut down gas and closed lid, But it was very windy and air was blowing in and fanning it. Ended up raging to the point that I thought it was going to do serious damage to the BBQ so I had to use a fire extinguisher and the roast was toast....literally. Epic fail. Ego a little bruised today.
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