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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. ThreeDJ16

    K or KK

    Welcome to the forum Geoque. That question used to come up more often (not so much anymore) and there have been several threads on the subject. It does not take long looking at pics of Dennis' professionally welded, precision bent SS parts, superior features and materials (not portland cement and ash like Mexi-K) to answer your question. But add in actual customer support and a real warranty, that takes the cake! So my answer is absolutely the KK is worth any difference over a Mexi or WhereEver-K. Though I believe that difference to be less since Dennis includes most accessories needed. And yes, I have owned them both. Just on quick search, I found this thread - viewtopic.php?t=305&highlight=komodo+compare+kamado . I really wanted to post the thread that shows direct picture comparisons of parts from a Mexi-K to a kk, but unfortunately the pic links are dead (Dennis needs to update those!! http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=90 ) Might also find http://www.kamadofraudforum.org/ an interesting read, though you probably already know about it. Looks like there are two KK's very close to you; I am sure U2PLT or his son would be happy to show off their KKs to you! -=Jasen=-
  2. Re: Newbie Questions It is for the gas option. Ash removal is done through the front draft door. -=Jasen=-
  3. Yup, agree with the Walley World Royal Oak! Can't go wrong for the price there. Also it is the same as BGE charcoal only cheaper. Lowes carries Cowboy lump also which will due. -=Jasen=-
  4. Great stuff....but moving to related product review section! Thread will stay visible longer too. -=Jasen=-
  5. Don't see this post being relevant to the ceramic general section.... So the only place I can see it would be appropriate is in a related products area under Traeger. Moving.... -=Jasen=-
  6. Hey U2PLT, I moved this thread to give you a spot in the related product section. Less likely to get lost as quick when the threads move down the list. -=Jasen=-
  7. Have you tried any of the Dizzy Pig rubs? They are fantastic! I also like cajun blackening season on chicken too! Moved to the cooking general section..... -=Jasen=-
  8. Amazing stuff as always dude! Continually improving things to make us happy! -=Jasen=-
  9. I agree with that part.... Bottom line....I owned a Traeger and sold it to get into ceramics. Before the Traeger I was on my way to get a BGE and someone side swiped with promises that the Traeger never delivered on. Owned it about a year, sold it, went forward with ceramics and never looked back! First off the pellets are aggravating. Any moisture and you get a mess in your feed hopper or auger feed mechanism. So they do not do well unprotected in rainy environments or high humidity. Second, every pellet tasted exactly the same......I tried them all but never found the taste of that particular smoke pleasing. Would much prefer to control my own smoke and flavor as I know what is being put in then (read several places they use the base wood ....alder... and only a percentage of the actual wood listed in making the pellets). Really sux running out of pellets too; hard to run down to any local store and buy pellets. The expense is greater verses charcoal (any comparisons they try to give are not based against low and slow with a ceramic). The controls were very rough.....it would never hold temps as even as ceramic. If I achieved 25 degrees around a setpoint it was a good day, usually wider. The controls only stop and start the auger feed and do not change the fan speed.....so very course and not responsive to temp changes. Sure, you may think your setting and forgetting, but actually monitor and you would see a swing. A ceramic and a Guru knock these controls out of the water. Being mine KK setup is a 90 second light and a set/forget I don't see to much difference in ease. I also know the pellets do not last near as long as one load of charcoal (I had the 0075...maybe they increased the hopper but I doubt it). Used to have one reload on cooking shoulders with a Traeger and my ceramic no reloads needed. Lets not forget insulation. In cold weather the Traeger burned almost twice as many pellets to keep the same temps. No insulation equals quick thermal loss and wildly swinging temps to try and keep up. This is the real kicker to me, the only thing the grill does well (and that is loose) is low and slow. Forget any high temp cooking unless you just like roasting. Even removing the heat guard you cannot sear (even built custom mesh screens trying). It might of had more room on one level, but it was not even cooking. You still have to move meats around. No great features there. Seriously, if you are going to consider something like this....at least check out the Cookshack cookers. They use the same type feed auger and controls, but at least they are insulated. Your gonna get what you pay for and the Cookshack is more. Honestly, I don't think anyone reading this forum is looking for the cheapest alternative or they would not be considering a KK to begin with........ -=Jasen=-
  10. Yeah, after looking at that pic, there was not much doubt in my mind you would be reporting back with tasty results!! Keep up the great food porn! -=Jasen=-
  11. Well, it looks delicious! One of these days I need to actually try cooking lamb.... -=Jasen=-
  12. Hmm, I don't know....was kinda expecting someone with more hair? hehe Nice to see you Curly! -=Jasen=-
  13. Re: Hey I've never cooked with a bone in! Dennis, had we known we were talking about your bones, we would have agreed with you. Obviously fossilized bones would conduct better! hahahaha Happy D'day again...hehe! -=Jasen=-
  14. Curious, are tlinder's slideshow pics working for everyone? I get an IE error and it shuts down every time I open the slides. http://www.linder.li/slideshows/2008-03%20Union/ -=Jasen=-
  15. So how many years in a row you been 48 now? hehe Happy B'day....your still older than me! -=Jasen=-
  16. Re: Thermal Conduction - Bone in more Juicy! While I am not gonna disagree with your final argument....bone-in =better, but gonna disagree with getting there. If the bone was made of solid dense metal I would agree with you, but it is hollow and porous (more of an insulator). When I cook a shoulder verses a butt of approximate equal size, the shoulder always takes several hours longer and has a much higher bone content. Also when you stick the thermometer next to the bone, it will read lower not higher. Not sure I can think of anything that actually cooks faster with the bone in verses bone out? When you cook a chicken, the bone joint is always the last place to get done and where you generally check too? -=Jasen=-
  17. Welcome to the forum.....welcome to the club! You would be amazed at how many of us used to own or almost bought a grill from that other company and have so gladly found our way here. Personally I sold my POSK when I read the writing on the wall...or rather the tiles falling off it. But anyway, as you mentioned, that is for the other forum. Again, welcome and glad you have enjoyed your experience here so far. Look forward to your pics and possible sharing some recipes! -=Jasen=-
  18. I have a Maverick that has been a good one. Some folks had bad luck with them and some good....take your pick. Pretty much any of those cheap remote thermometers are made with thermistors and you get what you pay for....cheap....luck of the draw. If you already bought 3, your probably close to what a Guru DigiQII would have cost. They use thermocouples and are made nicely. Though you cannot remotely monitor unless you move to the much more expensive Guru Procom. But really since the grill is automatically controlling, you really don't need the remote indication. Or you could look into the Stoker if your a wireless geek. Anyway, it just depends on how much you want to invest for quality. -=Jasen=-
  19. I don't think you could find any chef that will tell you a roast without a bone is better or as good as a roast with the bone left in. Why else would we use the bone for soups and stews? It breaks down and adds flavor! So leave that bone in!!!! Just don't stick your thermometer next to the bone or else it will read low. Heh, hehe, heh...he said bone! BTW, I really do miss Beavis and Butthead. King of the Hill is such a sell out, bull crap show to move on too for Mike Judge. -=Jasen=-
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