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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Re: lazy lump setup Hey! Welcome to the forum. I agree with you, that is all I do too. Lazy way leaves more time for beer drinkin'...hehe! -=Jasen=-
  2. Good deal on the DigiQII. Neat little controller. I have one of those too. I think you mean Shotgun Fred? Yeah, trust me, they have gotten an ear full from me about these suggestions. I actually wrote them a list of new features I want on the procom....we will see. BTW, I also admin the forum for the BBQ Guru folks too. -=Jasen=-
  3. Good deal on the DigiQII. Neat little controller. I have one of those too. I think you mean Shotgun Fred? Yeah, trust me, they have gotten an ear full from me about these suggestions. I actually wrote them a list of new features I want on the procom....we will see. In case you did not know, I also admin the forum for the BBQ Guru folks too. -=Jasen=-
  4. Exactly what I meant. Man that enclosure just kills the Stoker for me. Great features and I love to mod stuff. But my Guru unit attaches right there on the fan and is a pretty simple package. Maybe if I had an outdoor kitchen or tables around my grill it would not make so much difference. But fact is, I don't and space is in high value. Of course the other thing is I work an hour from home and 12 hour shift. Never gonna be a time I cook while I work. So the trend and save feature interest me most on the Stoker. But the Guru's small remote actually makes more sense while I am working in my shop or kicking Firemonkey & Majestik's butt on Xbox live...hehe! -=Jasen=-
  5. Man that is cool. The inner geek in me would love this type thing. But until Stoker puts it in a package more like the Guru, I just can't see it. Be cool if Guru added web capabilities to their controller. -=Jasen=-
  6. You can get some pretty dangerous flashback when opening a sealed grill with a roaring fire. Especially when you close off all the air to a big fire. Trick is to give it some air before opening back up. Open the bottom damper or just crack the lid open slowly also works. I think most everyone here has singed a few hairs at some point in their ceramic lives. Consider it your rite of passage now...hehe...just don't kept passing through it anymore. -=Jasen=- BTW, The Naked Whiz web site has some great info on flashbacks. He even put his own life in peril (for our amusement) just to provide us with the safety information...hehehe. http://www.nakedwhiz.com/flash.htm Whizzy>>>>>>>>
  7. ThreeDJ16


    Yeah, my new recipe is very simple and only combines a few ingredients. Very little spice to let the meats speak for themselves. No leftovers though. French fries also make good potato salad. -=Jasen=-
  8. Yeah, that is the trouble with the cheap torches. Thought have not had that trouble with mine. I just make sure it is turned off tight and been using the same tank for a long time. Wanted to base a mod on the Benz-o-matic or Turbotorch, but looks like they use custom threaded fittings or non-standard as nothing I could find would fit on them. I was close to design on a turbotorch, but really wanted the ignitor. I did find a Benz-0-matic cane style weed burner at Lowes. But it was almost $50 and gonna take a lot of conversion to fit. -=Jasen=-
  9. Without having one to mess with, it is hard to tell. But I do know you want the ignition to be at the torch head. So I am not sure how they are accomplishing it. If you spark at the jet nozzle, bad things happen. But really, the wire is not an issue unless your fire is consuming the entire basket and shooting up towards the lip, then maybe there is a chance of melting the wire. As I mentioned before, the last couple inches of the igniter is actually a ceramic material and the wire is silicone rated to 500 degrees. I have let it go easily for over 5 minutes already with zero issues. -=Jasen=-
  10. Re: Beer 'n Q... now what could be better... Man, that is killer. He has been tempting me with one of those too. Since I already have homebrew equipment, this would be the next logical step...hehe. Send me a PM on how yours is setup. -=Jasen=-
  11. Welcome! Hey bud, welcome to ceramic cooking. Have fun with those turkey legs, they are great! Lurk no more...hehe. Been cooking like crazy here lately myself. For a change, it has been a beautiful Master's week here in Augusta, Ga. I hate golf and traffic so it has been a stay at home and grill week. Oh yeah, and beer drinking too (just so I can fit in with the golf crowd of course). -=Jasen=-
  12. Yeah, won't be anytime soon for me...hehe. And I think the Guru is a good product, so go for it or the Benz-0-matic like Gerard got the other day. Here is an idea Firemonkey mentioned to me. If you already have a 20 lb propane tank in the area, grab a propane specific quick disconnect and buy one of the larger weed burners from Harbor Freight or the likes ( http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/d ... mber=91037 ). Plug it in, use it and unplug to store. Talk about being a Firemonkey...hehehe...could do it with that burner!! Anyway, the main thing is to have fun....build it or buy it...just be safe too. -=Jasen=-
  13. Actually not, the club does not come with a torch, only the nozzle. So you still have to provide you own. Also, the Guru club is $24.99 now too ( http://secure.thebbqguru.com/ProductCar ... 16#details ). I agree most could not build this themselves, but it was an idea to provide a kit to mod an existing torch. You know, kinda like sticking a Guru club rubber hose on a torch, except mine just threads right on. And on the other items. Doubt it will fit my 3/8" grill to clean and unless it has a titanium core, no way in hell it will lift this heavy thing. Besides I love my grillfloss for that. Also, not a great idea to go sticking a nozzle you expect gas to flow from into ash and grease. -=Jasen=-
  14. Sharpening Time! Well, I finally broke down and sharpened my Shun's this week. They were still very usable, but just could not get that scary sharp edge back on the santoku. Now it is my fault on that as my ceramic realignment tool was not at my block and for some stupid reason I grabbed the old steel tool instead. Duh, it is just way too course for this fine of an edge. Needless to say, that was it and the sharpening stone was the next step. Oh well, still got 6 months of great usage before needing to sharpen. Pretty much abused them too by cutting things the cleaver would have been better for...hehe. Anyway, still very pleased with them and would recommend them to anyone. -=Jasen=-
  15. Pressure Cooker Made Easy!! Man, I pulled out this recipe today and decided to try it in the pressure cooker instead of the normal all day long cook. OMG it was fantastic. Basically 30 minutes including all the prep and post activities provided the beans are already soaked. Tasted like it cooked all day long. Majestik, you gotta try this. I know how much you like the red beans and rice. -=Jasen=-
  16. ThreeDJ16


    Hey TonyO, I know you asked for a good hash recipe a long while back. Just wanted to mention that one is in the works. Need to make it one or two more times to get the amounts right, but so far it is great. The cool part is I am using a pressure cooker and it takes under 30 minutes verses the normal all day cook. Anyway, will post soon when I get it committed to paper. -=Jasen=-
  17. Thanks. The spark wire is actually high voltage silicon (salvaged it from an old high voltage test probe). Silicone can handle 500 degrees but no direct flame (at least not for long). I was going to cover it with the fiberglass insulation like I used on my old Guru wires, but it was too small inside diameter. Now, that all being said, this was one of the reasons I shortened the nozzle length. It actually comes nowhere close to the fire anymore unless you let it burn way too long (hard to tell in the pics, but far enough it is not an issue). Also, the tip portion of the igniter is ceramic, so it is not an issue. Making them was pretty easy to retro an existing torch. Just drilled and tapped a tube end cap fitting to have a 1/8" pipe opening, welded a 1/8" pipe nipple on one end of the tube and welded on some wire supports. Don't know if that would be a better angle or look at a complete from scratch design. I am going to look hard for some flexible metal tube to add into the nozzle end of the torch (but it does adjust pretty easy now with that tube fitting). -=Jasen=-
  18. This Thing Works Great! Man, I just cannot get over how easy and well this thing works for starting the grill now. If I could find something more flexible for the last 6" of length on the nozzle (I know, doesn't even sound right), it would be perfect. I have been starting and putting out the fire a bunch the last few days just for the fun of it. Might have to look into getting a patent for this grill starter and find someone to manufacture them. They would work on almost any type of charcoal grill. -=Jasen=-
  19. Thx! Taste Great Too! Trying to answer both questions a once here. My normal temps are 235-240 (might bump it up to 245-250 next time). On average, Boston butts take around 12 hours. This was about 2 hours saved (not quite 20%). Not trying to make a super fast cook method here, but if you remember from all my earlier posts on the subject, trying to emulate pit cooking. However, pit cooking is a faster method since it is direct. So I have been trying to find a balance in the KK that does not burn or dry out the meat (direct low and slow tends to do that since it is so efficient), yet yields similar results. I think this did so nicely. Flavorful meat, mild smoke, great texture. Wish I could add a few more holes in the deflector, but think this is close to the maximum for drilled. Maybe if they were cast in there could be more. -=Jasen=-
  20. Kiln Shelves? Curious how durable the kiln shelves are? Do you think after holes are drilled through it, will it still stand up to having the drippings scraped off? -=Jasen=-
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