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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Re: Brands of jerky cures? Not sure the brand, but most Walmart's around here carry a standard beef jerky season. No fancy flavors, but pretty good. Though, by the time I had extra black pepper and cayenne to it, taste similar to the Hi Mountain which I love. Gonna be doing a batch this weekend! -=Jasen=-
  2. It is much thicker than skirt steak, but almost as tender. The grain structure is up and down verses the side to side on skirt steak too. But a very nice steak indeed. -=Jasen=-
  3. Mmm, sure wish I had been cooking these instead of ribeyes years ago. Man, that was one delicious cut of beef. Very intense beef flavor, which is also why I love skirt steak too. Also been using a new steak season that is fantastic. Have used there white/black pepper and salt for years. They also have a killer olive oil dipping spice too. http://www.c-els.com/sfCatalog.asp?sn=E ... chid=63590 -=Jasen=- FYI, the pic does it no justice. Was cooked to medium, but this pics looks more med-well.
  4. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Looks really delicious, but doesn't look like a brisket. More like a roast of some sort, maybe eye round roast or similar?. Brisket flats are thin and have a uniform, single direction grain pattern. -=Jasen=-
  5. Re: Guru FANS on a KK Nope. They work great and can maintain temps way lower than 225. When using the Guru, the trick is to let the Guru do all the work. You do not want any draft through the grill other than from the Guru fan. You accomplish this by completely sealing the bottom damper and almost close off the top (even tighter than your normal cook). I usually spin my damper from a turn or two open and let it seal as tight as the centrifugal force will set it, then open back up about a tile or two (depending on your gasket wear). If the Guru needs more air through the KK it will force it out somewhere else. I have a Procom and a DigiQ II; think they are both great. But I would not trade my Procom for anything unless they come out with a new version. If you are an electronics geek, you can build my lid open equalization timer for the Procom (plans on the forum...just search). -=Jasen=-
  6. Re: Procomm They are subject to other electronics interference. I doubt anyone still has a 900mhz cordless phone anymore, but that wrecked havoc on mine when I first got the Procom. After I tossed the phone, no more problems. Also, the more structural interference, the greater the range reduction. Personally, I get great range out of mine now usually; just now and then get a signal dropout. -=Jasen=-
  7. I am curious how the top two pics look for everyone else, as they look gray on my screen? Are they supposed to be black? -=Jasen=-
  8. Re: Expecting tomorrow Congrats! Get you a nice big ole pork butt for your new KK's first feeding! It is hard to go wrong with that. Load her up with charcoal, start only a couple of pieces on fire, close the bottom door tight and set the front dial to maybe 1/16" open. Then crack the tophat just barely off the seat (somewhere around 1/8-1/4 turn open). The grill will come up fairly slowly, but that is ok. I go ahead an toss in the food while waiting. Keep a close check on it the first couple hours to make sure you have the setting correct. Remember to make small adjustments if necessary and give it p.l.e.n.t.y. of time to stabilize (or you will be chasing the Dragon). Have fun! -=Jasen=-
  9. Hey! Cool we finally got you in on some posting! Hope you get your cooker soon and join in on the rest of the fun. I have been wondering about pressure frying. I was planning on buying a newer, second gen pressure cooker next (as mine is a cheap jiggle top). I can take the old one to work this way too. I looked at he Fagor on the MissVickie's web site and figured that would be next. So I am glad you mentioned that one of them can pressure fry. I have pressure cooked the chicken to almost done, then battered and fried, but frying from the beginning would be much easier. -=J
  10. Better later to the party than never! They do make a killer 25 minute pot roast! This thing is as fast or faster than a microwave and way better (I hate microwaves). I am planning on making charros beans and carnitas tonight for supper, both starting in the pressure cooker. -=J
  11. OK, nothing to do with Que or ceramics, but a subject worthy of noting as we all like sides to go with the grilled stuff. Just curious how many are using pressure cookers? I sure wish ya'll had clued me in on this wonderful device a long time ago. Took it on a suggestion from someone at work about the benefits of using a pressure cooker. For $21 at Walmart, I really did not expect too much and was way more than a little surprised. I know they have been around for ever, just never had anyone really comment to me on how great they are; especially for vegetables. First off, I am not really a canned vegetable type of person. Maybe in a real pinch and doing some serious doctoring. But I much prefer fresh, frozen or dried. All three of those categories equals much longer cook times and planning ahead for meals using standard cooking methods. Now for the part in which I just refused to believe until the results were tasted. Fresh greens in five minutes that would rival any cooked for hours in a normal pot (these still has great color too). Dried black eyed peas in 12 minutes (without even a presoak). I am not just talking about good, run of the mill eats. We are talking the best ever passed onto my plate at home or in a restaurant. The season was thoroughly infused in food. The vegetables were just as tender as if they were cooked for hours, yet not falling apart or turned to mush which can happen in a normal pot. Have since tried many different foods, all with results they keep me amazed. Don't really expect people to believe this, but for under $30 at your local Walmart, please prove it to yourself. Will also add a great website to this post that has great cook time charts and killer recipes just for pressure cooking. http://missvickie.com/howto/times/timingframe.html FYI, she also has a book available through Amazon.com. -=J
  12. Added More Holes! Ok, added even more holes. Marked improvement in heat flow. Cooked some chicken to test and it turned out really good. I know, no pics so it did not happen. Be a week or two before I can try another butt to see how much it helped. -=Jasen=-
  13. Aight Then! Butt revisited with chopped pics! OK Dennis, got the chopped pics in this one. Almost lost a finger or two doing it though. Well, the results this time were very tasty, but last time was better. Interestingly enough, the ceramic diffuser cooked faster than the metal diffuser (took a full 12 hours this time). I think one more test is in order as the metal did have fewer holes than the ceramic (due to thinking it would cook faster anyway...wrong). My thinking now is that settling in on a ceramic diffuser with 1/2" straight through holes will end up being the final ticket! -=Jasen=-
  14. Well, took that Que to work to feed some off my co-workers last week. Everyone of them said it was the best Que they had ever had (and we are all used to eating BBQ weekly from several local pit joints). Gonna be tough for my next test to top that one. -=Jasen=-
  15. Next Test! Well, here is a metal diffuser I made up today to test straight holes. Both damn stores I went to yesterday were out of Boston Butts, so hope to get one Monday or Tuesday for the next experiment. -=Jasen=-
  16. Re: New Member Hey Duk, we really don't mind if you want your own thread to introduce yourself! hehe I will only charge $20 for it? hehe -=Jasen=-
  17. Re: Who No kidding, Majestik! I had to look twice, too! That dog DOES look like my punkin head!! Of course, the fact that my entire house would fit in that living room was a clue. Oh, and mine doesn't have kids, or a fireplace. Nice pic of your dog peeing on the plants...hehehe. -=Jasen=- Great looking floors Dennis!
  18. Freakn sweet dude! I am checking my mailbox right now to see if mine is in there!! It has been a long, less traveled road, but as long as things are right at the end...it will all be worth it! -=Jasen=-
  19. Re: Should I upgrade my BBQ Guru? No idea what the original Guru is worth, though someone did just purchase one on the forum....maybe they could PM you....or you could just check on ebay. As far as upgrading, just compare the new features to decide if it is worthwhile to you. The Naked Whiz did a wonderful job with the review and made a comparison chart to boot. Will say I like my DigiQII, but still would not trade anything for my Procom (except maybe a new Procom). -=Jasen=-
  20. Re: Time to admonish DJ.. Yes, them pictures of your meat cooked over your new fangled, multi holed heat defuser/fat smoker looked great in the KK... BUT where are the chopped/pulled pictures which ensure we are all salivating over the post? Never forget the power of saliva! Never really think about taking chopped up pics. Usually I am in a huge hurry to get it vacuum sealed as the wife and I are scarfing it up during chopping. Guess next time I will try to juggle a camera into the mix of snacking and chopping. Probably running my next test this weekend or shortly thereafter....damn all my suffering in the name of science! hehe -=Jasen=- FYI: Majestik, don't be hatin' cause your on a diet. Just give in to the dark side and slather up some ribs!
  21. I usually make one meal from it at the house, then carry the rest to work to share. They are gonna love this Q. It was quite good sampling last night after chopping. But after eating it for lunch, I am thinking the best ever. The combination of no sugar in the rub, the heat diffuser and no additional smoke wood really came as close as ever to the style of Q I have been looking for. FYI, the smoke from the charcoal and drippings hitting the stone were more than enough without over powering the flavor of the meat. Next time, I may add a vinegar mop to the mix. -=Jasen=-
  22. Boston Butt...revisted. Man, sure do love all these heat diffuser tests....good eats! Went with the salt, pepper and Fresh Market Cajun Blackening season on this butt since it was fantastic on the ribs. Pretty obvious difference using a rub with no sugar verses one that does (I am starting to prefer without). So far averaging about 1.5 hours faster with the heat diffuser verses solid deflector with no loss in flavor or texture quality (actually improvement in my opinion). -=Jasen=-
  23. So far my spring works great. Had to balance the right length and strength of spring to keep it from popping sideways inside the motor compartment. But the drill stop collar is also a good idea and serves the same purpose. Maybe change that set screw out to something with wings to make tightening a little faster and easier. -=Jasen=-
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