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Posts posted by Sanny

  1. Well thanks for the welcome' date=' Sanny. But I never went anywhere. I'm just no good at small talk* and I can't afford one of these friggin cookers.[/quote']Oh my. They let me play, even though I don't have one of "these friggin cookers." Prolly it's not just a one-time waiver. Bet you could visit here, too, even without one.

    They lack a sufficiently-qualified curmudgeon when you're gone. :wink: Not to mention a naked guy in a teakettle. :shock:

  2. Re: charcoal

    As I have been selling and using many types of lump charcoal' date=' hardwood and mesquite, where can I get the coconut charcoal? What with the bge explosion on the North Shore of Chicago, this seems a natural(and the kk sales all around us of course). I would be willing to buy a quantity[/quote']Dennis is the distributor to the US of the Philippine coconut extruded. He says (in his "cat's out of the bag" topic) that his supply should be steady.

    There's another company, whose supply has been sporadic over the past few years, that distributes a coconut extruded lump out of Thailand. that company also says it distributes a coconut lump (not extruded).

  3. Chopped scallion or chives are good in it.

    Or perhaps some minced raw sweet Vidalia onion? ;)

    Thinly sliced or shredded cucumber are also good choices.

    OOops. I see you did put scallions in your recipe, at the end. So much for not reading carefully. :) That's one of my favorite dishes, too. Matchstick cukes, or cold bean sprouts... mmmm. Give a little "snap" to it.

    Don't think I'd do vidalia's though. Or other onions. I don't prefer them in things.

  4. Funny you should mention this. There was an article the other day on this very topic. The context was whether meat could be frozen more than once; however, the principle applies generally to all frozen meats.

    As you know, when liquid freezes it expands. So, it pops the little cell that held it in. When the meat is thawed, the liquid runs out of the meat, and is lost.

    According to the article, the slower the meat was frozen, the more the expansion, and the more liquid is lost. Freezing meat will make it a bit spongy. RE-freezing uncooked meat will make that sponginess even more pronounced, and more liquid will leave the meat, making it dryer and less flavorful.

    The article recommended freezing as quickly as possible, and not freezing more than one time (although it is not harmful to health to do so if it has not been left out to grow cooties).

  5. Raspberry Chipotle Sauce

    1 tablespoon olive oil

    1/2 cup small diced onion (I used the whirly blade and made it very fine)

    2 teaspoons minced garlic

    2 teaspoons chipotle chiles in adobo, chopped

    2 pints fresh raspberries, rinsed

    1/2 cup raspberry vinegar ("black and raspberry" works well)

    3/4 cup granulated sugar

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    (substitute 6-8 oz of raspberry preserves for the fresh raspberries and sugar, if you prefer)

    In a medium saucepan, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add the onions and cook, stirring, until soft and slightly caramelized. Add the garlic and saute for 1 minute.

    Add the chipotles and cook, stirring continuously, for 1 minute. Add the raspberries (or preserves) and cook until soft, 2 to 3 minutes. Add the vinegar and stir to deglaze the pan. Add the sugar and salt, and bring to a boil.

    Reduce the heat to medium and simmer until thickened and reduced by half, 8 to 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and cool before using.

    For a clear glaze, strain through a fine mesh strainer, squishing to get most of the liquid out.


  6. Of course we have separate rule for you - duh - hehehehe!

    Now, sorry your fire went out, you really should check in to a Guru. I don't care which grill it is, things happen and fires occasionally go out. The Guru will give you peace of mind in those situations!

    I do have parts of a guru - just not all of one. I don't have the fan. I think I just have the controls part. S'pose I'll have to check closely, and find a fan.

    And yes, there's a recipe posted for the sauce. :wink:

  7. Re: Ignored

    Sanny my dear, until we see the plated food, it didn't happen!! Only thing I see is some butts cooking, then one butt with a chunk sliced off the corner. I want some pics of que on the plate, sauce on the side (where it should be) and you sitting there eating it; then I will ogle over the pics (I will let you guess which I am ogling over - 8) )! So, get your camera in gear sweetie! :stickman:


    Hmm. There's a plate of post-pulled there. But none of the rest, you're right. However, we made nice noises at your wings in various stages of cook (no plate, no napkin, no shots of eaten wings), and your beef (both cooking and sliced, but not on plates or even tidy with a utensil). And the ribs, which are shown on grill, and on the counter with a knife, but that's it. Rules are different for me, huh? :stickman:

    Not even a "pat pat, Sannydeer. Sorry your fire went out. Prolly it's because you did _____." Or "Good job on your first overnight that didn't have you awake every half hour!" or "aren't you a good punkin for doing that for your M?" Or "Isn't that raspberry chipotle sauce da bomb?"

    If PC were here, he'd say happy things. :smt056

    As for the camera, Mother came over last night and "borrowed" it. Sigh. Prolly won't see it again for a couple weeks.


    JD is helpin me pick out a new digital SLR. :wink: We won't tell Mother about the new one. Shhhh! :shhh:

  8. Ignored

    Sad. :(

    I worked hard all weekend, and (more or less) kept an all night cook going, and made yummy porky goodness, and no one cares.

    I'd say I'm gonna go eat worms, but Dennis might think I was serious and feed me some! :shock:

    I had some of my pulled pork and PC's raspberry chipotle sauce for lunch (and slaw) and it was YUMMY!! :wink:

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