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Posts posted by Sanny

  1. I think an R3 is "latest tweak." Supreme plus is one model different from Gen II Ultimate.

    I intentionally do not say "below," because how could any KK be below anything? Even another KK? :D

    I'm basing this on the price list that's on the KK main site (not forum). 2 gaskets, not interlocking. 1/4 inch ss on the grates. Different latch. No baking stone/tray.

    Perfection, of course. Just different. :) A goodie, for sure! :cheer:

  2. Tasted great, Saucy! But it's definitely a vinegar sauce. So, the eater will have to like vinegar (and pepper). It's thin, too. Not stick on, the way raspberry or other more traditional "bottle" sauces are.

    I liked it. :)

    I gave my people a choice of the thicker raspberry chipotle (thick, and VERY yummy), or vinegar. As I said, the men swarmed the vinegar. No comments, but swarming. And back for seconds and thirds with more swarming around the vinegar. :wink:

    The women raved about the sweet (then HOT) of the raspberry. We had one coward, who went with the bottle of Bull's Eye from the grocery store. :roll:

  3. The lexington vinegar is that something you pour on the pulled pork sandwich?

    Yup, it's wonderful!

    There are two sauces in Dennis's post. One is an "on the grill" mop. Tastes great! Not really necessary on a ceramic cooker, because the meat stays so moist anyway. YMMV.

    The other is a sauce to spoon/squirt/pour on the sandwich. I served it a couple weeks ago. The guys swarmed to the vinegar sauce. I highly recommend it!

  4. Re: Guava

    yowza! i cant believe that sanny is talkin naughty! i have a recurring dream that starts just like this... but i'm delivering a pizza' date=' not posting on the forum... hey sanny...[/quote']

    I'm not talkin naughty, PC! Just talkin about roast pork and rotisserie. :) What are YOU talkin about?


  5. Well, I took the butts off at 5:30am (and posted pics!!). I left the butts out on the stove, to pull later, and went back to bed. Aaah, sleep without worrying about butts and overcooked bbq. :sleep:

    At 8, leapt out of bed - I'd forgotten about 7:00 car repair appt. Ugh! :shock:

    Home at 11, and pulled the pork. The butts were cool, so it was a finger pull, not a fork pull, but they're moist and delicious! :) YAY!! Wonderful chewy bark, good smoke pink.

    They filled 3 gallon-sized ziplock bags, and into the freezer to await delivery to my friend for the Chinese supper. Good for me!

    Except there's this email that just arrived. Plans changed. They changed the location. She's not hostess this time, so she doesn't need the pork, and could she have a rain check?

    Anyone want some pulled pork for supper? :roll:

  6. Re: named

    Sanny has named the slate princess....her name is Sybil... complete with multiple personalities :eek::lol:

    Great name is there a Basil to? :D (don't mention the war!) :P

    No no no, not THAT Sybil!

    The one with multiple personalities! Sally Field! You like me, you really like me! :)

  7. Me again...

    Now it's 5:30. Only slightly more respectable on a day off. :colors:

    I pulled the butts off the grill. Don't care if they're raw in the middle, they're coming off, and I'm going back to sleep! :sleepy1:


    And so much for trying not to use a spicy rub. I pinched a piece of bark just now, and about lit my mouth on fire, it's so peppery. :shaking:

    I cannot take it anymore!! More sleep! :sleepy5:

  8. Way too early in the morning


    It's 2 in the morning. I just checked the butts. They're not to temp yet.

    Of course, when I put them on at 9 in the morning, I didn't think they would be finished until about 6 or so. 200 - 250 temp cooker. But by the time I went to bed, they were at internal of 165, so just in case, I thought I'd check in the night.

    Woke up, put slippers on, and they're not cooked. So why did I decide they might be, and woke myself up? :mad:

    I hate being awake in the middle of the night. :(

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