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Posts posted by Sanny

  1. He's afraid we'll copy. :wink:

    Those are some handsome birds, huh? I can almost hear the crackly skin from here. Oh DROOL!!! :cheer:

    No kidding you think you'll be doing that again. Them's some FABULOUS chooks? Mmmm!

  2. That's the idea I use, Cozy. If the roast is manageable enough, I don't do it quite as daintily as the photo suggests. I'm a knitter, so I form a large loop, slide it over the bottom, tighten, make the next one, slide the roast through... Kind of like casting on stitches, with the roast as "needle."

  3. This is more a technique than a recipe, so here it lives. :)

    I did a yummy method of fresh corn on the grill today (for a time while the butts were roasting).

    Snap off the "horn" on the bottom of the ear. Take off the outer layers of husk, but not the several inner ones. Open the inner ones and take the silk off, then put the inner ones back.

    Soak the corn in water for an hour or so, in its inner husk. Then put it on the grill.

    Mine was yummy smoky from the low and slow. Hotter fire would have made it more roasty, and probably would have cooked it faster.

    It slices off the 'bone' really easily (for those whose teeth or, like me, jaw, won't let us bite it off).

  4. Thanks for the link, Cozy. :)

    That's one way, but I prefer the method that doesn't involve cutting the string to separate lengths. Another method uses connected loops. Make a loop, secure it, bring the long end of the string to the next spot, make a loop (like a lariat around the roast) and secure it, then again at the next spot. Last one is around the long end of the roast like a brown paper package, wrapping through the horizontal loops on the way, and back up to the beginning, where the original end is waiting to tie off.

    Takes a little practice, but I like that last tie around the long way - especially with a mangled boneless shoulder. I forget how, then have to reinvent the wheel each time. :roll:

  5. All I can think of is sort of sweet. It's not bacony like hickory. And not a fruity taste. Just sweet. Alas, I'm no connoisseur of wood smoke - wish I were, so I could help more.

    It comes in circles, the size of the palm of my hand. I guess they saw whole branches and cut them into cylinder chunks a few inches tall. Bigger ones are halved or so. Good photos on the hawaii guava website, under the tab for guava wood. They come in a US Postal Service priority mail box, packed in tight. No so much that if you hate it you're stuck.

    Ok, I went out and sniffed some guava while it was smokish. Anyone else remember "punks" as a kid? They were available in summertime. They were bamboo or wood sticks, like a skewer, and they had insense of some sort on them. Not stinky insense, but it was a wonderful smoky smell. They were supposed to be for bug control, but we'd burn them just because they smelled good. They looked like a skinny cattail (rush), but were little.

  6. Re: named

    Sanny has named the slate princess....her name is Sybil... complete with multiple personalities :eek::lol:

    if anyone really wants to mess with Dennis while he is multi-tasking these days just tell him you want one exactly like it.

    :::hand raised::: I want one! :cheer:

  7. Your butts looking good, Sanny ;)

    No smoke this time?

    Thanks for the compliment, Firemonkey! :blush: :wink:

    There's smoke in there. Some hickory, and some guava. Guava was left over from other cook, and I just left it. It had not yet turned fully to lump, so there's some life left in it, probably. And I tossed in some new hickory.


    The smoke had probably blown off by the time I got the camera up to take the pic. You know - Camera in pocket, open lid, reach back, twiddle with the pins on each side to hold the lid up, step back, camera out of pocket, put camera up to face...

    Indirect, but only the drip pan (not a slate or pizza stone) between the meat and the coals. That seems to work fine when temps are low. Cooking at between 200 and 250.

  8. butt pics

    Pretty generic, I know. But hey, it's still food porn. :wink:

    Rubbed with a standard steak rub. Seemed like a pretty hearty mix. Quite coarse with salt, spices (both ground and whole).



    As I posted before, I didn't want to risk too much pepper heat.

  9. Sugar soap

    Ok, since Ozzie is sleeping, I had to do the dreaded research myself. :wink:

    Sugar soap is an industrial cleaning material, with a variable composition and supplied in either powdered or liquid form. The powdered form looks like granulated white sugar, which explains the first half of the name, although sugar soap contains neither sugar nor soap. It is a mixture of basic salts, such as sodium carbonate and sodium phosphate, dissolved in water to form an alkaline solution. It sometimes contains an abrasive such as sodium silicate.

    Sugar soap is commonly used for cleaning paintwork in preparation for repainting.

    The term appears to be used mainly in Commonwealth countries. In the United States, it refers to a cosmetic product

    I don't think I want that as a cosmetic. But hey, people inject themselves with botulism toxin, and think that's a good idea. So, what do I know? :smt102

  10. Cuisinart

    Anyone try Cuisinart's knives?

    Amazon had a set at a ridiculous price. Probably because the handles are red (black sold out). Riveted, 6 steak knives, a steel, a block, two santoku, a cutting board, assorted chef's, paring, etc. One day special, so I gave it a shot. We'll see.

    http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000B8 ... 91-5116632

    If you can believe it, I bought them at considerably less than the current price. If I hate them, it's not that much of an investment.

    I have some Henkel knives and a block, and like them fine. They're not the high end ones - just ordinary kitchen knives. They sharpen up well.

  11. Ok, I'll be the one to ask. SUGAR soap? Did you add sugar and soap, or is there an Aussie-ism that calls something sugar soap? :D

    Maybe powdered dishwasher detergent?

    Hmmm.... :?

    You're good for us, Paul! We're gonna be bilingual soon. :)

  12. Re: Porterhouse???

    From Wikipedia...

    "in British usage, followed in Commonwealth countries, only the strip loin side is called the porterhouse, and the tenderloin side is called the fillet."

    That explains it...

    No wonder we declared independence! :)

    First taxation without representation, and then they tried to pawn off a strip as a whole porterhouse! :shock:

    Next they'll try to serve us broiled tomatoes and canned beans on toast for breakfast! :eek:

  13. Re: Rotisserie direction

    Yeah, that was happening to me too till I made a longer motor to socket shaft. Dennis, you might wanna think about increasing that just a little.

    Vindication :) woohoo I'm not going completely mad, Deej how long is your motor-socket shaft now?

    TIME OUT! This is a FAMILY forum, after all. If you guys need to compare the relative lengths of your, um, "motor-socket shafts," don't you think you should take it upstairs? :shock:

    hehehe. :wink:

    Deej has a mod for everything, huh? Even if it's already better, he can make it MORE better. :smt038

    Speaking of which, how did the workplace bbq fest go today? Everyone love your butts? :smt054

  14. Bad karma is not food safe ;)

    oooh! Now those are words to live by! :wink:

    Butts for the Chineses are rubbed and resting until morning. The usual Costco mangled boneless shoulder. Sigh. I wish they'd sell cotton string roasting bags to stuff them in, if they're going to hack them up like that. So hard to tie together. :smt011 Oh well, easier to pull when it's cooked, right? :)

    I need PrimeMeats to give me a lesson in the proper way of trussing a pork roast. :)

    Anyway, tied it and rubbed with a savory (not flaming) rub. Don't know how spice tolerant these folks will be, so I didn't want to go overboard. Probably it'll turn out they're all from Sichuan, and mix dried chilis into their bread flour, and into their baby formula. :roll:

  15. I appreciate the support Sanny. :salute: Yeah new delivery is Monday between 12 & 5, then I will have to leave back out of town again....I would have been ok with a Monday delivery if they hadn't gotten me all slathered for a delivery today.

    I got the taupe color for my cover and I'm quite pleased about the way it coordinates into the courtyard area. Johnnyboy was very attentive and conscientious. Excellent transaction.

    You bet, Trish! Nasty to get you all wound up and then, "nevermind." :(

    Yuppers, nuthin beats a Johnnyboy Jammy for your baby! He does beautiful work. Almost wish I had more stuff to cover, so he could make more for me! Best I could do is little dog cover, and then shrub covers, and maybe a cover for the garbage cans, and perhaps one for the car! :wink:

  16. I'm betting that they'll want one of their own. I'm sure you'd be willing to sell them yours for' date=' oh, the same price as a Gen II Ultimate ;)[/quote']Funny you should mention that! Since another neighbor is interested in smokers, and was going to build himself a smoker, I was thinkin of "testing the market." See how much I could get for mine, and then maybe use that as a deposit on, um, "something else." :wink:

    Not that I don't like mine, of course. I do. But you guys have given me a bad case of the "what ifs." Rotten people, you are! :wink:


  17. Mother was raving about the Q I did for her fence raising, and how everyone loved it. Our friends (I call them the Chineses) were wondering what to fix for a party of 12 in a couple weeks. She said she was tired of stir fry! Every time they all get together, it's stir fry.

    I said I'd do a couple butts, and she said she could make the sauces, if I emailed the recipes. It's a deal! :) Murrican food for Chineses. :wink:

    They'll love it. :)

    AND I get an excuse to Q and not be tempted to eat it and get a porky(er) butt of my own. :wink: win win all around!

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