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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Maybe Brooklyn can hire a canoe and paddle out to meet the ship, so he can use the KK on the holiday! Hey, Brooklyn, how yous gonna get that up the steps of a NY brownstone? Just wonderin...
  2. YAY!! Finally, another "mid atlantic" person!! I was surrounded for a while by Texas and Florida, and deep south. Just me and JD for a bit. Nice to see you.
  3. You did well, Curly. And the whole Curly family. xo
  4. Any word from The Lovely Mrs Curly and the vet? Little Curly girlie still talkin to the kitty, keepin it company? You're right. Best to help heal it, or help it go Home. Not leave it to suffer. :*
  5. Re: I'm waiting for a Baby model... You don't ask much, Leejp! Just EVERYTHING, in a smaller package. Good for you.
  6. Yah, same with cookin sketty sauce... Splashes up. Frankly, I'd rather have it stain my shirt! Ow. Yes, I know... Whizzy and I stole Dennis' charcoal thread. Scuse me.
  7. I think that's my favorite new smiley in Deej's new collection.
  8. Sanny


    Yah, talk to Gerard about that. But stand back a little...
  9. Wow, but if you got a PICTURE, you'd be FAMOUS!! Almost as hard to photograph in the wild as the jackelope! http://www.geocities.com/muirnin/db.htm
  10. You posted at 7:19 in the morning, your local time... I don't think I need to say more than that.
  11. YAY!! Some help for our Deej! We've sure been keeping him busy lately, huh? Although, I don't know how "moderate" our new moderator is.
  12. Hiya, Perfesser! What a great write up you did! We were disappointed, though, that there were no food pics! You'll find that we like BBQ porn around here... It's a sickness, we know.
  13. I knew you'd be on top of it, Whizzy. S'very confusing, all this KK taking over and improving on what Mexi-K had. And then sorting out if what is old is new again, and all. Makes a Sanny head spin! I have some of the new-type Mexi-lump coming, too. That is, if the "new" is different from the lump a year ago. If it's the same, then it's not new at all (to me), since I have that already. Alas, once again (as with cooker), Dennis announced just after I ordered from someone else. Sigh.
  14. http://www.nakedwhiz.com/lumpdatabase/lumpbag32.htm Check out the Naked Whiz's review. Looks like it's the "old style" Mexi-K extruded. Don't know what Mexi-K people have now, but apparently it's not the same as Whizzy reviewed before.
  15. Sanny


    Wow, Texas and Florida are racking up quite a membership here, huh? Welcome, Don. Q on!
  16. Wow, "Fletch," you secret agent types have some club, huh? Special handshake, and all?
  17. Yippeeeee!!! All along we've known you created a unique and wonderful product, and now you have PROOF!! YAY!! So proud of you, Dennis. I want some. Sigh.
  18. Yo, PC, how YOU doin?
  19. I'm guessin, since he said "a similar style cooker," that he's cookin on a K. Fortunately, Handy, they let us K people play here, too. Just they do gloat about how wonderful their KKs are, now and then. But they do try not to be TOO rude about it.
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